Import File Layout

This topic discusses the layout of an ASCII input file that is used to import fixed asset disposal edit records. An import file is usually generated using the Export Asset Disposals screen.


The file layout includes one header row per file, then one row for each disposal record.

Seq. No. Column Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type Length Required or Optional Format/Notes
1 Input Row N/A Integer 10 Required Entered by Export Asset Disposals
2 Record Type N/A Varchar 10 Required Must be H for Header. Entered by Export Asset Disposals
3 Current Fiscal Year FA_SETTINGS.CUR_FY_CD Varchar 6 Required Entered by Export Asset Disposals
4 Current Period FA_SETTINGS.CUR_PD_NO Integer 2 Required Entered by Export Asset Disposals
5 Company ID FA_SETTINGS.COMPANY_ID Varchar 10 Optional Defaults to the current company.


All rows after the first row are related to the disposal edit records, and there will be one “Row” for each disposal edit record.

Seq. No. Column Name Costpoint Table/Column Data Type Length Required or Optional Format/Notes
1 Input Row N/A Integer 10 Required Export Preprocessor
2 Record Type N/A Varchar 1 Required Must be D for Detail. Entered by Export Asset Disposals
3 Asset ID ASSET_ID.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 10 Required Entered by Export Asset Disposals
4 Item No ITEM_NO.SA_IMP_DISP Integer 5 Required or Optional Entered by Export Asset Disposals
5 Disposal Price Amount DISP_PRICE_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional Entered by Export Asset Disposals. Defaults to 0 if NULL.
6 Disposal Description DISP_DESC.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 30 Optional Entered by Export Asset Disposals
7 Disposal Date DISP_DATE.SA_IMP_DISP SmallDate Optional Entered by Export Asset Disposals
8 Gain/Loss Account ID GNLS_ACCT_ID.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 15 Optional If this column is blank and the Use F/A Settings Default G/L Account checkbox is selected, this defaults to the Account in the Gain/Loss Account Info group box.
9 Gain/Loss Org ID GNLS_ORG_ID.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 20 Optional If this column is blank and the Use F/A Settings Default G/L Account checkbox is selected, this defaults to the Organization in the Gain/Loss Account Info group box.
10 Gain/Loss Proj ID GNLS_PROJ_ID.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 30 Optional If this column is blank and the Use F/A Settings Default G/L Account checkbox is selected, this defaults to the Project in the Gain/Loss Account Info group box.
11 Gain/Loss Ref 1 ID GNLS_REF1_ID.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 20 Optional If this column is blank and the Use F/A Settings Default G/L Account checkbox is selected, this defaults to the REF 1 field value in the Gain/Loss Account Info group box.
12 Gain/Loss Ref 2 ID GNLS_REF2_ID.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 20 Optional If this column is blank and the Use F/A Settings Default G/L Account checkbox is selected, this defaults to the REF 2 field value in the Gain/Loss Account Info group box.
13 Disposal Status Code S_DISP_STATUS_CD.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 1 Optional If NULL, enter H. This field does not allow NULL values.
14 Book 1 Depreciation Adjustment B1_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
15 Book 2 Depreciation Adjustment B2_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
16 Book 3 Depreciation Adjustment B3_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
17 Book 4 Depreciation Adjustment B4_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
18 Book 5 Depreciation Adjustment B5_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
19 Book 6 Depreciation Adjustment B6_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
20 Book 7 Depreciation Adjustment B7_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
21 Book 8 Depreciation Adjustment B8_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
22 Book 9 Depreciation Adjustment B9_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
23 Book 10 Depreciation Adjustment B10_DEPR_ADJ_AMT.SA_IMP_DISP Decimal 12, 2 Optional If NULL, enter 0. This field does not allow NULL values.
24 Disposal Document ID DISP_DOC_ID.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 20 Optional If NULL, enter a blank space. This field does not allow NULL values.
25 Disposal Type FA_DISP_TYPE.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 6 Optional Entered by Export Asset Disposals
26 Modified By MODIFIED_BY.SA_IMP_DISP Varchar 20 Optional Defaults to the user running the import process.
27 Time Stamp TIME_STAMP.SA_IMP_DISP DateTime Optional Defaults to the time of the import process.
28 Row Version ROWVERSION.SA_IMP_DISP Integer 10 Optional Defaults to 500