Employee Skills

Employee Skills information consist of the list of skills linked to an employee.

Talent Management Destination Description Required (Y/N) Costpoint Source
user_skill_id User skill ID used by Talent Management Y
user_skill_last_modified This is part of the Talent Management key and will be inserted upon import Y N/A
user_skill_date_created Date when the skill was transferred to Talent Management N
user_id The HUA ID for the employee N Send the corresponding HUA ID (EMPL.hua_id) for the where H_EMPL_SKILLS.empl_id = EMPL.empl_id
skill_id The skill ID from Costpoint N H_EMPL_SKILLS.skill_id
skill_level_id This is a Talent Management field that is currently not in the Costpoint database. N NULL
skill_usage_id This is a Talent Management field that is currently not in the Costpoint database. N NULL
skill_last_used_id This is a Talent Management field that is currently not in the Costpoint database. N NULL
user_skill_endorsed This is a Talent Management field that is currently not in the Costpoint database. N NULL
user_skill_valid_from Date when the skill was acquired by the employee N If H_EMPL_SKILLS.acquisition_dt is not null then send the date.

Else, insert NULL.