Input File Validation

When importing TE Expense Commitments, Costpoint checks the contents of the input files according to set validation criteria.

Field Name Validation Error Message
Line Must be unique. Line number must be unique.
Valid values must be from 1 onwards; incremented by 1. Line number must be in sequence.
Commitment Date Every line must have a commitment date. Must be in input file.
Date must be valid. Not a valid date.
Project Every line must have a project. Must be in input file.
Must be in PROJ table. Not found in PROJ table.

Alternate message displayed depending on suspense replacement option:

Not in PROJ table, replaced.

Not in PROJ table, replaced P/A/O.

Must be active. Not active.

Not active, replaced.

Not active, replaced P/A/O.

Must allow charging. Does not allow charges.

Does not allow charges, replaced.

Does not allow charges, replaced P/A/O.

Account Every line must have an account. Must be in input file.
Must be in ACCT table. Not found in ACCT table.

Alternate message displayed depending on suspense replacement option:

Not in ACCT table, replaced.

Not in ACCT table, replaced A/O.

Not in ACCT table, replaced P/A/O.

Must be active. Not active.

Not active, replaced.

Not active, replaced A/O.

Not active, replaced P/A/O.

Must be a detail account. Not a detail ACCT.

Not a detail ACCT, replaced.

Not a detail ACCT, replaced A/O.

Not a detail ACCT, replaced P/A/O.

Account requires a project. PROJ is required for this ACCT.

PROJ is required, replaced.

PROJ is required, replaced A/O.

PROJ is required, replaced P/A/O.

Account cannot have project. A PROJ cannot be used with this ACCT.

PROJ cannot be used, replaced.

PROJ cannot be used, replaced A/O.

PROJ cannot be used, replaced P/A/O.

Not valid for AP. Not found in ACCT Entry Groups table.

Cannot be used for APV, replaced.

Cannot be used for APV, replaced A/O.

Cannot be used for APV, replaced P/A/O.

Organization Every line must have an organization. Must be in input file.
Must be in ORG table. Not found in ORG table.

Alternate message displayed depending on suspense replacement option:

Not found in ORG table, replaced.

Not found in ORG table, replaced A/O.

Not found in ORG table, replaced P/A/O.

Must be active. Not active.

Not active, replaced.

Not active, replaced A/O.

Not active, replaced P/A/O.

Account/Organization Acct/Org exists on ORG_ACCT table. See AOPUTLAM. Use standard class AO validation. Either value could be replaced with suspense and revalidated.
Must be active.
Within the Period of Performance.
Project/Organization/Account Standard Class POA validation including Project Period of Performance. See AOPUTLAM. Use standard class POA validation. Any of the three values could be replaced with suspense and revalidated.
Project/Account Standard Class PAG validation. See AOPUTLAM. Use standard POA validation. Either value could be replaced with suspense and revalidated.
Project/Organization Standard Class Proj/Org validation. See AOPUTLAM. Use standard POA validation. Either value could be replaced with suspense and revalidated.
Reference Number 1 Must be in REF_STRUC table. Not found in Reference Structure table.

Alternate message displayed depending on suspense replacement option:

Not in Reference Structure, replaced.

Available for data entry. May not be used in data entry.

Cannot be used in data entry, replaced.

Valid reference 1. This entry is not valid as a reference 1.

Invalid as a reference 1, replaced.

Reference Number 2 Must be in REF_STRUC table. Not found in Reference Structure table.

Alternate message displayed depending on suspense replacement option:

Not in Reference Structure, replaced.

Available for data entry. May not be used in data entry.

Cannot be used in data entry, replaced.

Valid reference 2. This entry is not valid as a reference 2.

Invalid as a reference 2, replaced.

Commitment Amount Every line must have a Commitment Amount. Must be in input file.
Must be numeric. Not numeric.
Functional Currency Code Every line must have a Functional Currency Code. Must be in input file.
Employee Every line must have an Employee Must be in input file.
Must be a valid vendor in EMPL table. Not found in EMPL table.
Vendor Every line must have a Vendor. Must be in input file.
Must be a valid vendor in VEND table. Not found in VEND table.
Payroll vendor flag cannot be set. Flagged as a PR VEND.
Cannot be an inactive vendor. Inactive in the Manage Vendors screen.
Last Calculated Date/Time Every line must have a last calculated date/time. Must be in input file.
Date/time must be valid. Not a valid date/time.
Company Every line must have a company. Must be in input file.
Company must be company of currently logged in user. Not the company of the currently logged in user.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.