Detailed Table Specifications

This section defines the data elements in each table that are loaded or updated by the Sales Order preprocessor.

Use the following outline as a guide for entering default and edited data in columns and tables in Costpoint. The outline is organized by table (for example, Sales Order Header, Sales Order Line, etc.), and lists the Costpoint column (and associated column name), data source, default field data, and any applicable validations and notes about the column data. Before you can execute the preprocessor, be sure that the required data tables and system controls are implemented in Costpoint. Likewise, you should set up any optional tables containing default data. The preprocessor employs default values from the required and optional tables as much as possible. You can enter most of the default data in the Customer table and in the Sales Order Entry Controls menu. Please refer to the Sales Order Entry documentation and/or contact your Deltek representative for assistance before executing this preprocessor.

Sales Order Header (SO_HDR)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
ACRN (Accounting Classification Reference Number) ACRN_ID Input file None None
Acknowledgment Printed ACKN_PRNTD_FL Set by application N (No) None
Acknowledgment Print Date ACKN_PRNT_DT Set by application Null None
Acknowledgment Required ACKN_REQD_FL Set by application Customer table Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Account (Accounts Receivable) AR_ACCT_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type (S_PROD_TRN_TYPE) is AR None
Organization (Accounts Receivable) AR_ORG_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type is AR See note 1
Project (Accounts Receivable) AR_PROJ_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type is AR See note 1
Reference 1 (Accounts Receivable) AR_REF1_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type is AR See note 1
Reference 2 (Accounts Receivable) AR_REF2_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type is AR See note 1
Alternate Release Procedure ARP_FL Input file N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Billing Cycle BILL_CYCLE_CD Input file None Must exist in Bill Cycle table
Bill Payment Address BILL_PMT_ADDR_CD Input file Customer table, or Order Entry Settings table depending on either Pricing Project or Pricing Catalog; otherwise, null See note 1

Must exist in the Bill Payment Address table

Bill To Address code BILL_TO_ADDR_DC Input file Customer Address table See note 1

Must exist in the Customer Address table, and Billing Address Code must be D (Default) or Y (Yes)

Charge Project CHG_PROJ_ID Input file Customer table or Sales Abbreviation table See note 1

Must exist in the Projects table

Contact First Name CNTACT_FIRST_NAME Input file Customer table; otherwise, null None
Contact Last Name CNTACT_LAST_NAME Input file Customer table; otherwise, null None
Certificate of Conformance COC_FL Input file N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Construction Certificate CONSTR_FL Input file N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Contractor Address code CONTR_ADDR_CD Input file Customer table or Order Entry Settings table based on either Pricing Project or Pricing Catalog; otherwise, null Contractor Address table; field is validated based on user's company ID
Prime Contractor CAGE Code CONTR_CAGE_ID Input file OE_PROJ_SETTINGS.CONTR_CAGE_ID if SO_HDR.PRICE_PROJ_ID is not null; OE_CATLG_SETTINGS.CONTR_CAGE_ID if SO_HDR.PRICE_CATLG_CD is not null; otherwise, null None
Customer CUST_ID Input file None See note 1

Required; must exist in Customer table

Customer Terms Key CUST_TERMS_KEY Input file Customer Terms table or Order Entry Settings table depending on either Pricing Project or Pricing Catalog Must exist in the Customer Terms table
Print DD250 Invoice DD250_INVC_FL Set by application Order Entry Settings table or Order Entry Project Settings/Order Entry Catalog Settings tables depending on either Pricing Project or Pricing Catalog Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Print DD250 Packing Slip DD250_PS_FL Set by application Order Entry Settings table or Order Entry Project Settings/Order Entry Catalog Settings tables depending on either Pricing Project or Pricing Catalog Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD Input file Null None
Desired Date DESIRED_DT Input file Due Date Must be a valid date equal to or later than Order Date
Default Taxable DFLT_TAXABLE_FL Input file If Tax Exemption ID is not populated for the Customer ID, Default Taxable flag is Y (Yes); otherwise, N (No) Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Discount Amount (Func Currency) DISC_AMT Set by application Sum of Discount Amounts for all sales order lines (functional currency) None
DPAS Code (Defense Priority Acquisition System) DMS_DPS_CD Set by application Projects table None
Due Date DUE_DT Input file None; optional for Header record when provided in Line record Must be a valid date later than or the same as the Order Date
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Generated EDI_GEN_FL Set by application Y (Yes) None
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Generated Date EDI_GEN_DT Set by application Current Date None
Exceed Blanket Total EXCD_BLKT_TOT_FL Set by application N (No) Must be N (No)
Customer Modification ID EXT_CUST_MOD_ID Input file Null None
Customer Purchase Order EXT_CUST_PO_ID Input file Null None
Fax Number FAX_ID Input file Customer table None
Free on Board FOB_FLD Input file Customer table None
Gross Unit Cost Flag GROSS_UNIT_CST_FL Set by application N (No) None
GSA Flag GSA_FL Input file Order Entry Project Settings table or Order Entry Catalog Settings table; otherwise, N (No) None
International Shipment INTL_SHIP_FL Input file Y (Yes) if Ship To country is not USA; otherwise, N (No) Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Invoice Required INVC_FL Set by application Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table; Order Entry Settings table Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Invoice Freight Charge INVC_FRGHT_CHG_FL Set by application Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table None
Inventory Abbreviation Code INVT_ABBRV_CD Input file Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table See note 1
Issued By Address Code ISSUE_BY_ADDR_CD Input file Customer table; Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table; otherwise, null See note 1

Must exist in the Issue By Address table

Liquidation Account LIQ_ACCT_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type (S_PROD_TRN_TYPE) is LIQ None
Liquidation Organization LIQ_ORG_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type (S_PROD_TRN_TYPE) is LIQ See note 1
Liquidation Project LIQ_PROJ_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type (S_PROD_TRN_TYPE) is LIQ See note 1
Liquidation Reference 1 LIQ_REF1_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type (S_PROD_TRN_TYPE) is LIQ See note 1
Liquidation Reference 2 LIQ_REF2_ID Set by application Sales Group Accounts table where Product Transaction Type (S_PROD_TRN_TYPE) is LIQ See note 1
Locked LOCK_FL Set by application N (No) None
Mark For Address Code MARK_FOR_ADDR_DC Input file Customer Address table where Mark For Address code is D (Default) or Y (Yes); otherwise, null See note 1

Must exist in the Customer Address table

Modified By MODIFIED_BY Set by application AOPSOPP None
Approval Procedure Code OE_APPR_PROC_CD Input file Order Entry Settings table; Order Entry Projects Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table See note 1
Order Date ORD_DT Input file None Required; must be earlier than or the same as the Due Date
Allow Overshipment OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL Input file Customer table Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Number of Partial Shipments Allowed PARTIAL_ALLOW_NO Set by application 1 None
Partial Shipments PARTIAL_SHIP_FL Input file Customer table Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Phone Number PHONE_ID Input file Customer table None
Print Pick List PICK_LIST_PRNT_FL Set by application N (No) None
Price Catalog Code PRICE_CATLG_CD Input file Pricing Catalog Code from Customer table; otherwise, null See note 1

Must exist in Price Catalog table

Project Price Catalog PRICE_PROJ_ID Input file Pricing Projects ID from Customer table; otherwise, null See note 1

Must exist in Projects table

Prime Contract PRIME_CONTR_ID Input file From Projects table None
Print Packing Slip PS_FL Set by application Order Entry Projects Settings Table; Order Entry Catalog Settings Table; Order Entry Settings Table None
Quote ID QUOTE_ID Input file None None
Recurring End Date RECUR_END_DT Input file None Must be a valid date later than the Start Date
Recurring Start Date RECUR_START_DT Input file None Must be a valid date earlier than the Ending Date
Bill Remittance Address Code REMIT_ADDR_CD Input file Order Entry Projects Settings Table; Order Entry Catalog Settings Table; Customer table; null See note 1

Must exist in Bill Remit Address table

Retain Sales Order RETAIN_SO_FL Set by application N (No) None
Release from Blanket RLSE_FROM_BLKT_FL Set by application Null None
Release Line Total RLSE_LN_TOT_FL Set by application Null None
Rowversion ROWVERSION Set by application Zero None
Revision Number RVSN_NO Set by application Zero None
Acceptance Point S_ACCEPT_PT_CD Input file CUST.S_ACCEPT_PT_CD Must be S (Source), D (Destination), or O (Other).
Inspection Point S_INSPECT_PT_CD Input file CUST.S_INSPECT_PT_CD Must be S (Source), D (Destination), or O (Other).
FOB Point S_WAWF_FOB_CD Input file CUST.S_WAWF_FOB_CD Must be S (Source), D (Destination), or O (Other).
Sales Group Abbreviation SALES_ABBRV_CD Input file Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table; Customer table See note 1

Must exist in Sales Abbreviation table

Sales Representative SALES_REP_ID Input file None See note 1

Must exist in Sales Representative table

Sales Tax/VAT Amount (Func Currency) SALES_TAX_AMT Set by application Sum of Sales Tax/VAT Amounts for all sales order lines (functional currency) None
Shipment Number ID SHIPMENT_NO_ID Set by application Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table; null None
Ship By Date SHIP_BY_DT Input file Due Date Must be a valid date less than or equal to due date
Ship From Address Code SHIP_FROM_ADDR_CD Input file Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table; Customer table See note 1

Must exist in the Contractor Address table

Ship ID SHIP_ID Input file Customer Address table See note 1

Must exist in the Ship ID and Customer Address tables where the Ship Address code is D (Default)

Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD Input file Customer table None
Sales Order ID SO_ID Input file/Set by application Next available SO number, if SO ID is blank in the input file and you have enabled the automatic assignment of SO IDs in the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen See note 1

SO Header record must be associated with at least one valid sales order line record

SO Notes SO_NOTES_NT Input file Null None
SO Total Amount SO_TOT_AMT Set by application Sum of Total Amounts for all sales order lines (functional currency) None
Substitutions Allowed SUBST_FL Set by application Customer table Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Revenue Recognition Method S_REV_RECOG_CD Input file/Set by application Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table; Order Entry Settings table Must be D (Deferred Revenue), L (Liquidations), P (Prepay), R (Ready For Use), S (Shipment/Sales), or U (Unbilled A/R)
Sales Order Status S_SO_STATUS_CD Input file A (Approved) if Approval Process Assignment Code (S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD) is N (No) in Order Entry Settings table; otherwise, P (Pending) Must be P (Pending) or A (Approved)
SO Type S_SO_TYPE Set by application S (Sales Order) None
Timestamp TIME_STAMP Set by application Current system date and time None
Volume Discount Percentage VOL_DISC_PCT_RT Input file Zero Value must be between 0 and 1, in five-digit format: 0.0000
Euro to Functional Currency Rate EUR_TO_FUNC_RT Set by application When transaction currency is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag selected):

= MU_CRNCY_STATUS. EURO_TO_CRNCY_RT for EU country functional currencies (with Convert to Euro Currency flag selected);

= RT_BY_DT.EXCH_RT (or from RT_BY_PD depending upon setting) for EU country functional currencies (with Convert to Euro Currency flag cleared);

= RT_BY_DT.EXCH_RT (or from RT_BY_PD depending upon setting) for non EU country functional currencies;

When transaction currency is either non-EU currency or is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag cleared), value = 1;

If this is unavailable, 1

Rate Group ID RATE_GRP_ID Input file/Set by application Default Rate Group from Customer table; Default Rate Group from the Configure Multicurrency Settings screen; null Must exist in Rate Group table

Transaction to Functional Currency combination must be a member of the SO Header Rate Group in the Rate Group Currency table

Discount Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_DISC_AMT Set by application Sum of Discount Amounts for all sales order lines (transaction currency) None
Transaction Currency Code TRN_CRNCY_CD Input file/Set by application If not in input file (for a new sales order), default General Ledger Functional Currency Code See note 1

Must exist in Currencies Used in Costpoint table (CURRENCY)

Transaction to Functional Currency combination must be a member of the SO Header Rate Group in the Rate Group Currency table (RT_GRP_CRNCY)

Transaction Currency must be included in the list of currencies in the Customer Limit Currency table (CUST_LIMIT_CRNCY), if the customer is limited to certain transaction currencies (CUST.LIMIT_TRN_CRNCY_FL=Y); for example, the Sales Order's transaction currency must be in the Transaction Currencies group box (in the Multicurrency subtask of the Manage Customers screen) if the Limit Transaction Currencies check box is selected; if this check box is not selected, you can use any valid transaction currency

Transaction Currency Date TRN_CRNCY_DT Input file/Set by application Current Date None
Transaction Currency Freeze Rate TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL Set by application N (No) if SO Header Status is P (Pending); otherwise, Y (Yes) None
SO Total Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_SO_TOT_AMT Set by application Sum of total amounts for all sales order lines (transaction currency) None
Sales Tax/VAT Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Set by application Sum of Sales Tax/VAT amounts for all sales order lines (transaction currency) None
Transaction Currency To Euro Rate TRN_TO_EUR_RT Set by application When transaction currency is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag selected), value = Euro-to-Currency Exchange Rate in the Multicurrency Status table for matching transactional currency code;

When transaction currency is either non-EU currency or is an EU country currency (with Convert to Euro Currency flag cleared), value = RT_BY_DT.EXCH_RT (or from RT_BY_PD depending upon setting);

If this is unavailable, default is 1

Transaction Currency to Euro Rate Flag TRN_TO_EUR_RT_FL Set by application Y (Yes) if the transaction currency is a Euro currency, where the row exists in Multicurrency Status table with matching transactional currency code; otherwise, N (No) None
Enable SO Invoices for WAWF USE_WAWF_FL Input file CUST.USE_WAWF_FL Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Value Added Tax ID VAT_TAX_ID Input file/Set by application Customer's VAT Tax ID where the Default is Y (Yes); if this is unavailable, default is null See note 1

Must exist in Customer Value Added Tax Information table (CUST_VAT_INFO) for matching Sales Order Customer (SO_HDR.CUST_ID)

Destination Country EC_COUNTRY_DEST_CD Input file/Set by application Null Must exist in Customs Country table (EC_COUNTRY)
Permit/License ID PERMIT_ID Input file/Set by application Null None
Declaration Point DECL_POINT_CD Input file/Set by application Null Must exist in Customs Declaration Point table (CUSTOMS_DECL_ POINT)
Traffic Direction TRAFFIC_DIR_CD Input file/Set by application Null Must exist in Customs Traffic Direction table (CUSTMS_TRAFFIC_DIR)
Mode of Transportation MODE_OF_TRANSP_NO Input file/Set by application Null Must exist in Customs Mode of Transportation table (EC_MODE_OF_TRANSP)
Intrastat Reference Number INTRASTAT_REF_NO Input file/Set by application Null None
Commission COMM_PCT_RT Input file Zero Value must be between 0 and 1, in five-digit format: 0.0000
SO Release Number SO_RLSE_NO Set by application Zero None
SO Change Order Number SO_CHNG_ORD_NO Set by application Zero None
Blanket Amount (Func Currency) BLKT_AMT Set by application Zero None
Blanket Amount (Trans Currency) TRN_BLKT_AMT Set by application Zero None
Total Released Amount (Func Currency) TOT_RLSED_AMT Set by application Zero None
Total Released Amount (Trans Currency) TRN_TOT_RLSED_AMT Set by application Zero None
Performance End Date PERF_END_DT Set by application Null None
Performance Start Date PERF_START_DT Set by application Null None
Company ID COMPANY_ID Set by application User's company ID None

1 - System validates the field for the user's company ID.

Sales Order Line (SO_LN)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
ACRN (Accounting Classification Reference Number) ACRN_ID Input file Null None
Allow Forecast Consumption Changes ALL_FRCST_CONS_FL Set by application N if inventory reservations are generated (or have been generated) for the Sales Order Line; otherwise, Y None
Billing Cycle BILL_CYCLE_CD Input file Null Required for recurring line types; must exist in the Bill Cycle table
Bills of Material Configuration ID BOM_CONFIG_ID Input file Null See note 1

Must exist in Bills of Material Configuration (BOM_CONFIG) table

Certificate of Conformance CERT_OF_CNFRM_FL Set by application Item Product table; otherwise, N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Client Line Item Number CLIN_ID Input file Space None
Consume Forecasts CONSUME_FORECST_FL Input file If the MPS module is not enabled, or if not an inventory line type, ignore input file and set to N;

If the Warn if SO Qty Exceeds Open Forecast Qty check box is cleared in MPS Settings, and there are no matching open forecast quantities for the SO Line, ignore input file and set to N;

Otherwise, if input file value is space or null, use the MPS Settings Default SO Line Consume Forecast Flag value.

Must be Y (Yes), N (No), space, or null
Defer Revenue DEFER_REV_FL Set by application Item Product table; otherwise, N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD Input file Space None
Desired Date DESIRED_DT Input file Due Date Must be a valid date later than, or the same as, the Order Date
Discount Amount DISC_AMT Set by application Calculated as SO_LN.GROSS_UNIT_PRC_AMT * SO_LN.DISC_PCT_RT None
Discount Percentage DISC_PCT_RT Input file Zero Value must be between 0 and 1, in five-digit format: 0.0000
Due Date DUE_DT Input file None Must be a valid date later than, or the same as, the Order Date; required if not in header record
External Customer Item ID EXT_CUST_ITEM_ID Input file None None
Forecast Consumed FRCST_CONSUMED_FL Set by application Y if forecast requirement quantities were consumed; otherwise, N None
GFE GFE_FL Input file N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Gross Unit Price (Func Currency) GROSS_UNIT_PRC_AMT Set by application Gross Unit Price (in transaction currency) * Exchange Rate NOTE: You can upload Gross Unit Price records with either positive or negative values.
Incremental Billing INCREM_BILL_FL Set by application N (No) None
Installment Billing INSTALL_BILL_FL Set by application Item Product table; otherwise, null None
Invoice Amount (Func Currency) INVC_AMT Set by application Invoice Amount (in transaction currency) * Exchange Rate None
Invoice Quantity INVC_QTY Set by application Zero None
Inventory Abbreviation INVT_ABBRV_CD Input file Order Entry Project Settings table; Order Entry Catalog Settings table; Project CLIN Product table; Product Price Catalog See note 2


Issue Quantity ISSUE_QTY Set by application Order Quantity None
Item ID ITEM_ID Input file None See note 1

Required; must exist in Item Product table

Item Key ITEM_KEY Input file None Must exist in Item Product table
Item Revision ITEM_RVSN_ID Input file None See note 1

Required; must exist in Item Product table

Last Bill Date LAST_BILL_DT Set by application Null None
Manufacturing Order MANUF_ORD_ID Set by application Space None
Milstrip ID MILSTRIP_ID Input file Part Project table None
Miscellaneous Line Charge Type MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE Input file None See note 2

Required if line type is MSC (Miscellaneous)

Model MODEL_ID Input file Item Product; otherwise, space None
Modified By MODIFIED_BY Set by application AOPSOPP None
Manufacturing Order Generated MO_GEN_FL Set by application N (No) None
Net Unit Price (Func Currency) NET_UNIT_PRC_AMT Set by application Calculated as Gross Unit Price - Extended Discount Amount (functional currency) None
National Stock Number NSN_ID Input file Part table; otherwise, space None
Order Quantity ORD_QTY Input file None Required; cannot be less than existing issued quantity
Original Due Date ORIG_DUE_DT Set by application Due Date Must be a valid date later than, or the same as, the Order Date
Allow Overshipment OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL Input file Customer table; otherwise, N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Invoice Amount Posted to General Ledger (Func Currency) PSTD_AMT Set by application Invoice Amount Posted to General Ledger (in functional currency) * Exchange Rate None
Quote ID QUOTE_ID Input file Null None
Recurring End Date RECUR_END_DT Input file None Must be a valid date later than the Start Date
Recurring Start Date RECUR_START_DT Input file None Must be a valid date earlier than the End Date
Reservation RES_ID Set by application Null None
Rowversion ROWVERSION Set by application Zero None
Requisition Generated RQ_GEN_FL Set by application N (No) None
Requisition RQ_ID Set by application Space None
Product Service Type S_PROD_SVC_TYPE_CD Input file Null Product Service Type value must be B8, CL, F8, FS, FT, MG, MN, SN, SV, or VP
Sales Group Abbreviation SALES_ABBRV_CD Input file Sales Order Header; Order Entry Projects Settings table; Customer table See note 2

Must exist in Sales Abbreviation table

Sales Tax/VAT Amount (Func Currency) SALES_TAX_AMT Set by application If Taxable (TAXABLE_FL = Y), Sales Tax/VAT Amount is calculated as SO Line Extended Price Amount (in functional currency) * Sales Tax/VAT Rate; otherwise, Sales Tax/VAT Amount is zero None
Sales Tax/VAT Code SALES_TAX_CD Input file Customer Address table Must exist in Sales Tax/VAT table; if the value is not provided, no Sales Tax/VAT amount is calculated for the line
Sales Tax/VAT Rate SALES_TAX_RT Set by application Rate from Sales Tax/VAT table associated with Sales Tax/VAT Code; otherwise, zero None
SDN SDN_ID Input file Null None
Ship by Date SHIP_BY_DT Input file Due Date Must be a valid date earlier than the Due Date
Ship ID SHIP_ID Input file Sales Order Header; Customer Address table See note 2

Must exist in the Ship ID and Customer Address tables with the Ship To (S_SHIP_ADDR_CD) set as D (Default) or Y (Yes) for the row

Ship Quantity SHIP_QTY Set by application Zero None
Shipping Tolerance Percentage SHIP_TOL_PCT_RT Set by application Item Product table; otherwise, zero None
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD Input file Customer table Must exist in Customer Address table
Sales Order ID SO_ID Input file/Set by application Sales Order Header; Order Entry Settings See note 2

Sales Order ID must exist and be valid in the Sales Order Header table; SO ID defaults based on SO Header Record Format

SO Line Charge Tax Amount (Func Currency) SO_LN_CHG_TAX_AMT Set by application Zero None
SO Line Description SO_LN_DESC Input file None
SO Line Extended Price Amount (Func Currency) SO_LN_EXT_AMT Input file Order Quantity * Net Unit Price (functional currency) None
SO Line Key SO_LN_KEY Input file/Set by application None None
SO Line Number SO_LN_NO Input file None Required
SO Line Total Amount (Func Currency) SO_LN_TOT_AMT Set by application SO Line Extended Price Amount + SO Line Sales Tax/VAT Amount (functional currency) None
Source Inspection SRCE_INSP_FL Set by application Item Product None
Substitutions Allowed SUBST_FL Set by application Customer table None
SO Line Status S_LN_STATUS_TYPE Set by application O (Open) None
Make/Buy S_MAKE_BUY_CD Set by application Part table None
SO Line Type S_SO_LN_TYPE Input file Project CLIN Product table; Product Price Catalog table; Item Product table; otherwise, MSC (Miscellaneous) Must exist in SO Line Type table
Taxable TAXABLE_FL Input file None Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Timestamp TIME_STAMP Set by application Current system date and time None
UID Required UID_REQD_FL Input file N Must be Y (Yes) or N (No)
Unit of Measure (U/M) UM_CD Input file Item UM table; otherwise, null Must exist in Item UM table
User Revision USER_RVSN_FLD Input file Null Must exist in Item Product table
Warehouse WHSE_ID Input file Inventory Projects table See note 2

Must exist in WHSE table

Project To Charge CHG_PROJ_ID Input file Sales Group Accounts table; Customer table See note 2

Must exist in the Projects table

Sales Representative ID SALES_REP_ID Input file Null See note 2

Must exist in the Sales Representative table

Discount Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_DISC_AMT Set by application Gross Unit Price (in transaction currency) * Discount Percent Rate for the sales order line None
Gross Unit Price (Transaction Currency) TRN_GR_UNIT_PR_AMT Input file Product Price Search table; Contract Line Item Number Search table; Customer table Must be numeric and equal to or greater than zero; Gross Unit Price (TRN_GR_UNIT_PR_AMT) cannot be less than Net Unit Price (TRN_NT_UNIT_PR_AMT)
Invoice Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_INVC_AMT Set by application Zero None
Net Unit Price (Transaction Currency) TRN_NT_UNIT_PR_AMT Set by application Gross Unit Price - Discount Amount for the sales order line (in transaction currency) None
SO Line Extended Price Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_SO_LN_EXT_AMT Input file/ Set by application Order Quantity * Net Unit Price for the sales order line (in transaction currency) Validation was removed to allow users to upload records with negative Extended PriceAmount; Extended  Price (TRN_SO_LN_EXT_AMT) cannot be less than Net Unit Price (TRN_NT_UNIT_ PR_AMT).                                                                                                                          

NOTE: This validation only applies if SO Line Type = MISC/Service and Order Qty = '0'.

SO Line Total Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_SO_LN_TOT_AMT Set by application Extended Price Amount + Sales Tax/ VAT amount for the sales order line (in transaction currency) None
Sales Tax/VAT Amount (Transaction Currency) TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Set by application If sales order line is taxable, calculate as SO line Extended Price Amount (in transaction currency) * SO line Sales Tax/VAT Rate; otherwise, zero None
Invoice Amount Posted to General Ledger (Transaction Currency) TRN_PSTD_AMT Set by application Zero None
Mass Quantity MASS_QTY Input file/ Set by application Null None
Mass Unit of Measure MASS_UM_CD Input file/ Set by application Null None
Nature of Transaction Code NOTC_NO Input file/ Set by application Null Must exist in the Nature of Transaction Code table (EC_NOTC)
Correction Code CORRECTION_CD Input file/ Set by application Null See note 2

Must exist in the Customs Correction table (EC_CORRECTION)

Commodity Code COMM_CD Input file/ Set by application Null See note 2

Must exist in the Customs Commodity table (EC_COMM)

Supplementary Units SUPPL_UNITS_NO Input file/ Set by application Null None
Country of Origin EC_COUNTRY_ORIG_CD Input file/ Set by application Null Must exist in the Customs Country table (EC_COUNTRY)
Process Components COMP_PROC_FL Set by application N (No) None
Issue Components ISSUE_COMP_FL Set by application N (No) None
Invoice Components COMP_INVC_FL Set by application N (No) None
Commission COMM_PCT_RT Input file SO_HDR.COMM_PCT_RT Value must be between 0 and 1, in five-digit format: 0.0000
License Type LICENSE_TYPE_ID Input file Null None
Platform Type PLATFORM_TYPE_ID Input file Null None
Number of Users USERS_NO Input file Null Value cannot be negative, or greater than 32,767
Version VERSION_ID Input file Null None
Amortization Code AMORT_CD Input file Null Revenue Recognition Method (SO_HDR.S_REV_RECOG_CD) must be D (Deferred revenue)

Must exist in Amortization Schedule table and must be active (AMORT_SCH.ACTIVE_FL=Y)

Must have the same company ID as the user

Sales Abbreviation Code must include accounts for Deferred Revenue and Sales, if the SO line has an Amortization Code

PO Ship ID PO_SHIP_ID Input file Default from Warehouse Ship ID (WHSE.SHIP_ID) if line type is INV (Inventory) or INT (Intransit)

Default from SO Line's Ship ID (SO_LN.SHIP_ID) if SO Line's warehouse ID or warehouse ship ID (WHSE.SHIP_ID) is null

Default from SO Line's Ship ID if line type is DRP (Dropshipment)

Must exist in SHIP_ID table

Company ID must be same as user's

Posted Quantity PSTD_QTY Set by application Zero None
SO Release SO_RLSE_NO Set by application Zero None
SO Line Charge Amt (Func Currency) SO_LN_CHG_AMT Set by application Zero None
SO Line Charge Amt (Trans Currency) TRN_SO_LN_CHG_AMT Set by application Zero None
SO Line Charge Tax Amt (Trans Currency) TRN_SO_LN_CHG_TAX Set by application Zero None
Planner PLANNER_ID Set by application Null None
Effective Date EFF_DT Set by application Null None
European Community Country Ship to Code EC_COUNTRY_SHIP_CD Set by application Null None
Customs Type Code CUSTOMS_TYPE_CD Set by application Null None
Value Amount VALUE_AMT Set by application Null None
Base Unit Price Amount BASE_UNIT_PRC_AMT Set by application Null None

1 – If you select the Separate Items by Company check box in the Corporate Settings group box of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the system validates this field for the user's company ID

2 – System validates the field for the user's company ID

Sales Order Line Notes (SO_LN_NOTES)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Sales Order ID SO_ID Input file None See Note 1

Not required if in the SO Header or SO Line input file; must exist in the Sales Order Header table

Sales Order Line Number SO_LN_NO Input file None Must exist in Sales Order Line
Sales Order Line Text SO_LN_TX Input file None See note 1


Modified By MODIFIED_BY Set by application AOPSOPP None
Rowversion ROWVERSION Set by application Zero None
Timestamp TIME_STAMP Set by application Current system date and time None
SO Release SO_RLSE_NO Set by application Zero None

1 - System validates the field for the user's company ID

Sales Order Line Text (SO_LN_TEXT)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Sales Order ID SO_ID Input file None Not required if in SO Header or SO Line input file; must exist in the Sales Order Line table
Sales Order Line Number SO_LN_NO Input file None Required; must exist in Sales Order Line
Text Code TEXT_CD Input file None See note 1


Sequence Number SEQ_NO Input file None Required
Text Source Code S_TEXT_SRCE_CD Input file None Required; must be either I (Item) or P (Project)
Modified By MODIFIED_BY Set by application AOPSOPP None
Rowversion ROWVERSION Set by application Zero None
Timestamp TIME_STAMP Set by application Current system date and time None
SO Release SO_RLSE_NO Set by application Zero None

1 - System validates the field for the user's company ID

Sales Order Text (SO_TEXT)

Column Name Costpoint Column Name Source Defaults Validations/Notes
Sales Order ID SO_ID Input file None See note 1

Not required if in SO Header input file; must exist in the Sales Order Header table

Text Code TEXT_CD Input file For new sales orders, default standard text codes that have been set up for use in sales orders, and have auto-default of Y; this does not override matching text code in the input file.

Otherwise, none.

See note 1


Sequence Number SEQ_NO Input file For new sales orders, default the auto-loaded sequence number associated with the standard text codes; this does not override matching sequence number in the input file.

Otherwise, none.

Modified By MODIFIED_BY Set by application AOPSOPP None
Rowversion ROWVERSION Set by application Zero None
Timestamp TIME_STAMP Set by application Current system date and time None
SO Release SO_RLSE_NO Set by application Zero None

1 - System validates the field for the user's company ID