Contents of the Configure CTS Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure CTS Settings screen.


Field Description
CTS Collector ID

Enter the unique collector identification number assigned by CTS.

Use Pay Cycle for Client ID

Select this check box if your CTS client IDs are the same as your Costpoint pay cycle codes. If you select this check box, Costpoint uses the pay cycle codes for client IDs when creating the periodic and quarterly CTS tax files.

A client ID is a unique value that CTS uses to distinguish a group of employees. It can represent a pay cycle or a pay cycle/federal tax ID combination. If you set up your CTS client IDs so that they are the same as your Costpoint pay cycle codes, select the Use Pay Cycle for Client ID check box. Otherwise, clear the Use Pay Cycle for Client ID check box and populate the table. Costpoint uses the CTS client ID in the creation of both the CTS quarterly and periodic tax files.

Include FUTA Credit Reduction Data in Q1, Q2, and Q3

Select this check box to specify whether or not to include FUTA Credit Reduction information when you generate the Periodic and Quarterly tax files on the Create CTS Tax File Data screen.

Periodic File

Use the options in this group box to define rules for creating the CTS Periodic File.

Field Description
Exclude State Unemployment Insurance Data

Select this check box to exclude all state unemployment insurance amounts from the CTS periodic tax file. 

Exclude Supplemental Data

Select this check box to exclude all supplemental state unemployment insurance amounts from the CTS periodic File.

CTS Client ID Mapping

Use this table to assign CTS client IDs to a pay cycle/federal tax ID combination.

Field Description
Federal Tax ID

Enter the federal tax ID. The value must exist on the Configure Company Information screen. When creating the CTS tax file, Costpoint uses this value to link Employee Earnings and/or Payroll Edit records to a CTS client ID. This is a required field.

Pay Cycle

Enter, or click to select, the pay cycle to link to the Federal Tax ID and CTS Client ID. This is a required field.

CTS Client ID

Enter the client ID that CTS assigned to the designated Federal Tax ID and Pay Cycle. Costpoint uses this value to determine which records are reported under each Client Header record of the periodic and quarterly CTS files.

Note: CTS identifies companies with an assigned CTS Collector ID. CTS Client IDs represent a pay cycle. In Costpoint, you have two options for specifying a CTS Client ID. First, you can use Costpoint Pay Cycle codes as Client IDs (on the Manage Pay Periods screen). For example, if your Pay Cycle code is WKP1, the CTS Client ID is also WKP1. The second option is to specify your own CTS Client ID and link that to a Costpoint Pay Cycle and Federal Tax ID. You can specify both the CTS Collector ID and the CTS Client IDs in the Configure CTS Settings screen.