Deltek Costpoint 7.1.4 Release Notes (Build

Welcome to the Deltek Costpoint 7.1.4 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.

Important Notes

These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Costpoint 7.1.4, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Costpoint.

Release notes are available from the landing page and the Costpoint Information Center. We will make a PDF available for three months, as we transition to the new format.

We want the release notes to be as easy to use as possible. To this end, we will continue to analyze and improve upon the format. If you have feedback, please email


Installation Notes


The MR installer reads through all Costpoint systems selected. If a Time & Expense segment is found, it searches for the presence of a Time & Expense license for that Costpoint system. It provides a listing of all such systems found, prompting you to review the list and remove (using DBWizard, Remove License) any TE license from the Costpoint system where the connected TE segment is for a stand-alone, external connection that should not have had a Time & Expense license applied to it.


Any external Time & Expense segments found where a Time & Expense license is not present, or where the Time & Expense segment is for a Time & Expense 901 system, the MR Time & Expense patches, SPs, or Data Dictionary files will not be applied.


If all systems listed are properly licensed for Time & Expense and you do want the MR applied to them, please proceed. If you are unsure, please contact Deltek Technical Support.



Paystub Hourly Rate Consolidation on Z-Fold Paychecks and Payment Advices

Last January 2020, the Costpoint 7.1.2 maintenance release provided the ability to consolidate hourly rates in the paystub generated from the Print Paychecks screen and Print Payment Advices screen. This option combines the hourly rates and hours from multiple pay types and then presents them as one line in the hourly rates section of the paystub. Costpoint 7.1.4 updates this functionality for Z-Fold type paychecks and payment advices.


If you select to print Z-Fold type paycheck or payment advice types, the Print Paychecks screen and Print Payment Advices screen will no longer print a combined line when the number of earnings, deduction, and/or hourly rate detail rows exceed the available space on the paystub. In this scenario, the applications will provide an option to continue the printing of paystub information on multiple pieces of Z-Fold form.


The paystub now also provides a new field that displays Rate Type/Pay Frequency/Pay Period Salary Amount.

Software Issues Resolved


Accounts Payable >> Post Cash Disbursements

Defect 1269556: If you are using Costpoint with an MS SQL database, you encountered an error when you posted cash disbursements.

Accounts Payable >> Post Vouchers

Defect 1255042: You were unable to post an Accounts Payable voucher with a Manitoba Tax/VAT Code, which has both Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST)/Retail Sales Tax (RST). As a workaround, manually enter accounting journal entries for that voucher and manually update the tax reporting tables.

Accounts Receivable >> View Receivables and Collections

Defect 1224226: When the Maintain A/R History Detail table window had multiple records and you clicked Update Totals, the Functional Currency Totals were not updated. As a workaround, scroll to the bottom of the table window before clicking Update Totals.

General Ledger >> Approve Journal Entries

Defect 1253863: When you approved newly created journal entries consecutively without closing the Approve Journal Entries application, the approval time stamp remained the same as the first approval. As a workaround, close the application before approving a newly created journal entry.


System Administration >> Manage Cobra Extraction Parameters

Defect 1246438: The following system error occurred when you ran a query on the Manage Cobra Extraction Parameters (AOMCBEXT) application: "The number of connections requested by this application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20. Please, inform application developer as this application either has a bug or needs to be re-worked."

System Administration >> Manage Cobra Resource Templates

Defect 1246933: The Manage Cobra Resource Templates application displayed a null pointer exception error when a Cobra connection was not configured or it was unable to connect.

Workflow >> Approval Workflow Models

Defect 1268147: You may have had WFMAPPRL_TEST and wfmapprl_TEST actions in your metadata database, which resulted in an error when applying scripts to some SQL Server deployments with specific collation settings. These actions are now removed.


External Tools >> SecurityProvider

Defect 1265402: You could not log in through Kerberos Single Sign-On (SSO). Kerberos SSO login failed for WebLogic 12.2.x running with the latest security patches applied (10/2019 - 01/2020). As a workaround, you can use Active Directory authentication.


Defect 1259830: When you clicked Save and Continue after receiving an object validation warning message, and then forced another object validation warning message, the new message included OK and Cancel buttons. As a workaround, you can close and reopen the application without clicking Cancel in the warning message.

Defect 1267275: The OK button on the progress meter did not enable after the process completed in Chrome/Edge, but it worked in Internet Explorer 11. As a workaround, you can:

a. Use the job server.

b. Use Internet Explorer 11.

c. Ignore the disabled OK button.

d. Try to use process/report parameters that shorten the time the process takes.


Defect 1246291: When you sorted data on the screen in Table View, some descriptions were repeated, truncated, or overwritten.

Runtime >> Server

Defect 1250959: Framework displayed a misleading error message when a process that was submitted into a parallel queue failed. As a workaround, you could ignore the misleading error and find the original error logged on the server, listed before the misleading error.

Defect 1253901: The Costpoint Web Interface Console (WIC) did not correctly update purchase orders. The Trans Currency value was overwritten. As a workaround, you can manually update purchase orders.


MR Installer >> DatabaseArchive

Defect 1269486: There was an issue with the 7.1.3 Monthly Release installer when you ran it a second time. The installer applied Time & Expense (T&E) database archives when no T&E license existed.


Engineering Change Notices >> Apply Engineering Change Notices

Defect 1256949: When you created an engineering change notice (ECN) with a new revision for a Make Part with bills of material (BOM), and you added/deleted components from the new revision, Costpoint displayed an incorrect validation message.

Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions

Defect 1252928: When you entered data in the Vendor, Vendor Address, and PO fields, and clicked Autoload on the Assign PO/Assign PO-Combined subtask, you encountered a system error.

Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line

Defect 807739: On the Assign PO subtask, when you clicked Load Blanket PO Cost where the purchase order (PO) setting was PO Number Method = Buyer, you encountered a system error.

Procurement Planning >> Approve Purchase Requisitions

Defect 1242934: When you rejected a requisition, the INVT table was incorrectly updated. This happened when the part had a unit of measure (UM) conversion setup. As a workaround, you can run the reconciliation process.

Production Control >> Create MO Subcontractor Requisitions

Defect 1253229: When you tried to create a requisition on this screen, you encountered a system error.

Production Control >> Enter Manufacturing Order Issues

Defect 1251152: When you created a Customer Repair Order and you authored in a part removal, the part removal was not transmitted to Costpoint when an existing use requirement existed.

Production Control >> Manage Manufacturing Orders

Defect 1253809: When multi-revision was On and you changed the revision from the Manufacturing Execution System (MES), you encountered a system error.

Purchasing >> Import Purchase Orders

Defect 1251447: When you uploaded an input file with multiple purchase orders (POs), the system did not load the header text for all POs.

Defect 1253163: When you updated a release line, the following occurred:

Purchasing >> Manage Purchase Orders

Defect 1252256: The Web Services method has been changed to expose the SUB_KEY. This allows users to update records based on the actual primary key and changes to the ACCT_ID, ORG_ID, or PROJ_ID.

Receiving >> Manage Quality Control Inspections

Defect 1253753: The system disallowed multiple rejections against the same lot for Costpoint, and the XML message import failed for Manufacturing Execution System (MES). To fix this issue, the system has been updated to allow you to specify different dispositions for rejected lines.

Sales Order Entry >> Manage Invoices

Defect 1256631: When you deleted a negative invoice, Costpoint did not update the invoice quantity on the SO_ISSUE_LN table.

Sales Order Entry >> Print Sales Order Acknowledgments

Defect 1248700: When you created sales order lines, added standard text to some of the lines, and printed the report,Costpoint did not print all of the standard text.


Employee >> Import Employee Leave and Deductions

Defect 1238965: The application imported an incorrect ceiling amount when the input file contained a record with a ceiling method of No Ceiling and a ceiling amount of zero value. As a workaround, you can separately process an input file that contains records with ceilings and another input file that contains records without ceilings.

Employee >> Manage Employee Information

Defect 1199829: The following error message should be a warning message instead: "Vendor Name <Vendor Name> and Location <Default Location from the Vendor Settings screen> are assigned to Vendor <Vendor ID>."

Defect 1248613: The Manage Employee Information screen did not create user records for a newly created employee record. This issue occurred when you selected the Single Sign-on or Database option in the Authentication Method field on the Configure System Settings screen. This defect affects you if you export data to Deltek Time and Expense.

Employee >> Manage Employee Leave

Defect 1270217: The U.S. Congress passed legislation last March 18, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201), which created a federal paid sick leave requirement for coronavirus-related needs and expanded the Family and Medical Leave Act to include a paid leave component for employees caring for children whose schools or child care facilities were closed because of the virus outbreak.

The legislation mandates covered employers to provide paid leave for employees affected by the coronavirus if those employees are unable to work or telework. Those employees will receive two weeks (80 hours) of paid sick time at the employee’s full regular rate of pay, subject to dollar caps. This is reduced to two-thirds pay if the leave is due to caring for others (for example, a sick or quarantined family member or a child whose school is closed or whose childcare provider is unavailable due to the coronavirus).

To allow employers to comply with the new legislation, this update enables the Average Hourly Compensation Rate field on the Paid Family Leave subtask of the Manage Employee Leave screen. In addition, the field is now required.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act placed a limit on the amount that can be paid to an employee. Therefore, the field needs to be enabled so that you can edit the average hourly compensation rate in cases where the calculated amount (average weekly wage divided by the average weekly hours) would cause the employee to exceed the mandated dollar cap.

Warning: In Costpoint version 7.1.5, the Average Hourly Compensation Rate field will become disabled if the value in the City/State field is not EMERGENCY FMLA EXPANSION-COVID19.

Employee >> Transfer Talent Management Data

Defect 1232034: The application required updates to handle the Employee Tax (EMPL_TAX) table and Overtime State issues which affected employees with a foreign address.

Employee Self Service >> Federal Withholding

Defect 1253074: When you calculated amounts and then saved your changes on the Federal Withholding screen, Costpoint did not update the Form W-4 Version field value on the Manage Employee Taxes to 2020.

Employee Self Service >> Life Events/New Hires

Defect 1259071: When you calculated the Federal Withholding and then saved the record, Costpoint did not update the Form W-4 Version on the Manage Employee Taxes screen to 2020.

Labor >> Export Data To Deltek Time and Expense

Defect 1182014: The application should generate deletion records for DEL_PROJ_EMPL and DEL_PROJ_E_LAB_CAT records regardless of the project’s Active flag, Allow Charging flag, and Export Project value. Project Work Force Required flag would remain a condition for export.

Labor >> Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense

Defect 1177029: Costpoint did not compute the fringe line correctly when you imported timesheets. It combined all the hours on the fringe line (HW pay type), and it only used the fringe rate for the last (line) PLC in the file based on the setup on the Manage Wage Determination Rates screen.

As a workaround, you can clear the Roll Up Timesheet Lines check box on the Import Timesheets/Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense screen. This workaround will result in multiple fringe lines on the timesheet after import. Note that when you manually enter timesheets, Costpoint generates fringe lines for each timesheet line if you were set up for it.

Defect 1229759: When you imported timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense to Costpoint, the application rejected timesheet lines instead of the whole timesheet. As a workaround, you can select the Roll Up Timesheet Dates check box to force the system to reject entire timesheets instead of individual lines.

Labor >> Manage Correcting Timesheets

Defect 543303: When you saved records on the Manage Correcting Timesheets screen, the application left the D and N timesheet line dates blank. This issue existed even when there was a value on the Manage Timesheets screen after you posted the timesheet.

Labor >> Manage Timesheets

Defect 1014219: When you entered timesheets that targeted a manufacturing order (MO) with a Released status, the application updated the status of the MO to In-Shop. This occurred even if you did not select the Allow Auto-Update MO status In-Shop check box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen.

Leave >> Reconcile Leave Balances

Defect 1253144: When errors occurred during the Print/Update Reconcile Leave Balances process, the application did not print the corresponding error report. If an error occurs during the process, for example, a POA validation error, the application should print the Leave Reconciliation Report and the error report.

This defect affects you if you selected the Account option as the Reconciliation Method on the Configure Leave Settings screen.

Payroll >> Post Payroll Journal

Defect 1083617: When you enabled direct charging, an out-of-balance issue occurred in payroll due to the rounding or truncation by the application.


Administration >> Refresh Process

Defect 1248063: You encountered a performance issue during the Refresh process for the Project Labor Category Rate Schedule table.

Defect 1252416: You encountered a performance issue during the Refresh process for the Project Labor Category table.

Defect 1268142: When you ran the Refresh process, the actuals were not updated.

Project Budgeting >> Direct Project Cost Categories (CPT1,BPT1,PPT1)

Defect 1252403: The system was not pulling historic conversion data, which caused incorrect totals to be displayed on the report.

Project Budgeting >> Project Budgets / EACs

Defect 1168807: When you tried to calculate the revenue for the period, Costpoint Planning used the average rate instead of the latest PLC rate. This defect also affected another application.

Affected Application

Defect Number

Revenue Analysis (BPA17)


Defect 1248072: The system miscalculated the revenue due to a discrepancy in Hours Ceiling calculation.


Billing >> Calculate Standard Bills

Defect 1237748: The application allowed duplicate invoice IDs for multiple projects. There should be no duplicate invoice IDs other than for supporting schedules.

Defect 1246898: The application took longer than expected to calculate bills.

Billing >> Create Unbilled Analysis Report Tables

Defect 1239661: A system error occurred when you tried to create the Unbilled Analysis Report under the following conditions:

Billing >> Manage Standard Bills

Defect 1244321: An error message displayed when you tried to change the payment terms value (in the Terms field on the Header tab) on the Manage Standard Bills screen. As a workaround, you can change the Customer Terms value on the Manage Project Billing Information screen and then recalculate the invoice.

Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute Revenue

Defect 1244780: The award fee was incorrect when you recomputed revenue at the top level of the project or at the third revenue level of the project. This occurred when there was a multiple award fee setup for a single fiscal year.

Inter-Company Work Orders >> Post IWO Journal

Defect 1247102: A critical error occurred when you tried to post IWO journals with IWO_ALLOC_TRN.PROJ_ID having more than 15 characters.

Project Setup >> Import Project Master Data

Defect 1250386: An error occurred when you tried to process a PROJ_GOVT_CONTR input file with an Agency ID having 9 or more characters.

Project Setup >> Manage Modifications

Defect 1230776: When you entered a Fee% value first before entering a Cost or Fee value, Costpoint did not automatically calculate the values in the other fields. As a workaround, enter a Cost or Fee value and then enter a Fee% value.

Project Setup >> Manage Project User Flow

Defect 1247375: When you entered basic information and billing information at the same time and then saved the record, an error occurred. As a workaround, if you are using the Web Integration Console, you can submit the data for the main result set and then send the billing data.

Project Setup >> Mass Add Project Master Data

Defect 1238197: Errors displayed in the log file when you clicked the Auload button for any record.

Project Setup >> Print Project Setup Report

Defect 1247802: A system error occurred when you tried to print a project with an Agency ID having more than 8 characters.

Subcontractor Management >> Create Subcontractor Invoices

Defect 1246759: When you used Create Subcontractor Invoices, there was a 0.1 discrepancy between the Total amount on the Account distribution subtask of the Manage Subcontractor Invoices screen and the Total Amt or Vend Lab Tot Amt value on the Line Details tab of the same screen.

Defect 1251150: An error occurred when you tried to create subcontractor invoices and the transactional or pay currency on the purchase order was the same as the functional currency. As a workaround, if you are currently getting the error with the Purchase Order range Option set to One, set Option to Range instead. In the Start and End fields, enter the same purchase order ID.

Subcontractor Management >> Print Subcontractor Invoices

Defect 1251716: The report excluded voucher lines where the account distribution percentage is not 1. It should have printed voucher lines regardless of that percentage.

Time and Expense

Expense >> Configure Expense Settings

Defect 1257081: When an Expense Report Type contained a high number of User Defined Values, it caused Lookup performance issues. To address this issue, a check box, Query Field for UDF Fields, was added to the Miscellaneous tab of the Configure Expense Settings screen.


Select this check box to replace the standard Lookup for User Defined Values with a query field on the Manage/Approve Expense Reports screen. Replacing Lookup with the Query field enables users to more quickly locate specific values and improves search performance.

Expense >> Manage Expense Authorization

Defect 1232626: If an expense authorization approval task had a defined threshold of 0 to 999,999,999, the task was not created if the expense amount was over 0.

Expense >> Manage Expense Report

Defect 1209169: Expense Report Types with fields that contained more than 400 User Defined Values were unavailable for selection on the Expense Report.

Expense >> Manage Expense Report Types

Defect 1247257: The default top and instruction text on the Custom Text subtask contained inaccurate wording and typographical errors,which then displayed in the Expense Wizard. This defect also affected another application.


Affected Application

Defect Number

Manage Expense Types


Expense >> Manage/Approve Expense Reports

Defect 1231647: When you changed the default charge allocation for expenses already entered on a new or existing expense report, expenses that already existed retained the old charge. This issue also affected other applications,

 Affected Applications

 Defect Number

 Manage Expense Report


 Manage Expense Authorization


 Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations


Defect 1258824: Expense Report Types with large numbers of User Defined Values were unavailable for selection on the Expense Report.

Time >> Approve Timesheet Charges

Defect 1263269: You encountered processing speed issues when you selected mulitple rows for approval.

Time >> Mass Correct Timesheets

Defect 1259740: When you tried to use the Mass Correct Timesheets utility to change the GLC field from 'ALL' to a specific numerical code, the following error message displayed: "Invalid GLC Based on Costpoint Company".

Security Enhancements

Database Changes

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