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Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.Application.Files Namespace

Contains objects that perform file related operations.
Public classAdvanceCalendarServiceArguments Obsolete.
Contains options to run Advance Calendar.
Public classCalculateEarnedValueServiceArguments
Contains options to run Calculate Earned Value.
Public classCalculateForecastServiceArguments Obsolete.
Contains options to run Calculate Forecast.
Public classIntegrateActualCostsServiceArguments
Contains options to run Integrate Actual Costs.
Public classIntegration
Provides operations related to Integration.
Public classProjectAudit
Contains operations related to Project Audit.
Public classProjectAuditLogDescription
Contains properties for the update to the project's log.
Public classProjectOperations
Contains operations related to Project.
Public classRecalculateServiceArguments Obsolete.
Contains options to run Recalculate.
Public classReclassServiceArguments
Contains options to run Reclass.
Public classResourceOperations
Contains operations related to Resource.
Public classRespreadServiceArguments Obsolete.
Contains options to run Respread.
Public classTimePhasedSpreadServiceResult
Contains results from retrieving time-phased spread.
Public classUpdateTotalsServiceArguments
Contains options to run Update Totals.
Public enumerationCopyResourceAssignmentCodesFrom
Specifies whether the source or target class should retain the resource assignment codes.
Public enumerationEarnedValueMethod
Specifies how the earned values are calculated.
Public enumerationInvalidForecastDatesAction
Specifies the action to perform when Calculate Forecast encounters invalid forecast dates.
Public enumerationPeriodFilter
Specifies the scope of the process.
Public enumerationReclassSourceAction
Specifies the action performed by reclass on the source cost class.
Public enumerationReclassTargetAction
Specifies the action performed by reclass on the target cost class.
Public enumerationRespreadPeriodFilter
Specifies the scope of the respread process.
Public enumerationScaleRetainEACMethod
Specifies which particular value will Cobra scale the Estimate At Complete (EAC) values.
Public enumerationSpreadETCMethod
Determines which existing spread will be used when calculating new statistical forecast spreads.
Public enumerationSyncProjectAndCalendarStatus
Specifies whether the status date of the project or TODATE period in the calendar will be synchronize when advancing the calendar of a selected project.
Public enumerationUpdateTotalsCost
Specifies the total item to be summarize by the Uptate Totals process.