Use this screen to enter and/or edit purchase requisitions.

You can enter requisitions on this screen as well as the Manage Purchase Requisitions application. This screen, however, represents an abbreviated version of the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen, allowing you to enter core requisition information with quickness and ease. This screen is not as robust and layered as the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen and, therefore, facilitates the requisition entry process.

This screen works in conjunction with the Manage Purchase Requisition Types application. A purchase requisition type may represent a user-defined category associated with a purchasable item; it may also represent the actual project to which a purchasable item is charged. The Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen allows you to define requisition types and associate them with default data, such as charge detail and item information. The default data that you designate on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen automatically populates the corresponding fields in the Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions application after you enter data in the Requisition Type field and click the Load Req Type Default button; in addition, these fields may populate after you press the TAB key to move to the next field from the Requisition Type field, if your Costpoint validation frequency is set to "field." If you do not enter data in the Requisition Type field but you have defined a default requisition type, its record information will populate the corresponding fields after you click the Load Req Type Default button. The automatic display of default data reduces data entry and promotes application ease of use.

This screen allows you to enter specific information about the requested item in hopes of obtaining authorization to purchase the item and ultimately generate a purchase order. You can establish the buyer and vendor details, specify shipment and delivery information, and indicate the item costs and sales tax information. You can also charge the requisition against various projects, accounts, and organizations.

After you enter requisitions on this screen, the actual request for the part, good, or service may need to be submitted for approval contingent upon your company's setup on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen. If you have established an approval process, designated personnel within your company must authorize the purchase. Next, an assigned buyer may contact potential vendors and secure quotes. In some cases, a preferred or suggested vendor has been predetermined by the requisitioner. In this circumstance, the buyer has the option of contacting the preferred vendor to obtain cost information. If the requisition is approved, it is processed and a purchase order is created and sent to the vendor, thus authorizing shipment and delivery of the requested item.

Creating a requisition is the first step in attempting to acquire requested items.

This screen utilizes a number of Costpoint web functions, such as Query, Lookup, and Print Options. Although the purpose of some of these functions is addressed on this screen, you can access the Getting Started Help for a summary of these features. You can access the Getting Started when you click Help from the menu.

There are many references to "Costpoint Validation Frequency" on this screen. This reference involves the process by which Costpoint examines or evaluates data. As you enter information throughout the Costpoint applications, your entries may be evaluated or validated immediately after you press the TAB key to exit a field, immediately after you enter a record, or immediately after you save the application information. You can determine the settings of this validation frequency at the Costpoint login page. There are three validation frequencies: Field, Application, and Record. Again, your selection determines how and when the information you enter on each screen is validated.

You can use this screen to enter new requisitions and/or modify requisitions that have not been submitted for approval; in addition, you can use this screen to resubmit requisitions previously rejected during the approval process.

You must first establish records on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen before you enter information on this screen.


Requisition ID and Status

Requisition Type

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the requisition type.

Leave this field blank in order to have the default requisition type load when you click the Load Req Type Default button.

After you enter or select a purchase requisition type, its description displays in the adjacent field.

A purchase requisition type may represent a user-defined category associated with a purchasable item; it may also represent the actual project to which a purchasable item is charged. The Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen allows you to define requisition types and associate them with default data, such as charge detail, procurement information, and sales tax specifics.

The default data that you designate on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen automatically populates fields in the Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions application after you enter data in the Requisition Type field. You must tab out of this field or click the Load Req Type Default button to display the default data.

If your Costpoint validation frequency is not set to Field, you must use Load Req Type Default button to load the default data.

Requisition ID

Use this field to enter the identification code for this purchase requisition. This alphanumeric combination is used throughout Costpoint to identify this purchase requisition.

Costpoint will automatically number the requisitions, incrementing the value in the Last System Req Number field on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen by one. After you have entered all data and saved the record, Costpoint will automatically assign the next available number and display it in this field.


Select the status for this requisition from the drop-down list. The values are:

Only requisitions with a status of Pending or Rejected can be modified on this screen. You may also void a requisition with an In-Approval or Approved status.

Approval Process

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the approval process for this requisition, if applicable.

Approval process codes represent the manner in which a requisition must be approved before you can generate a purchase order. After you submit a requisition for approval, you cannot change this code unless the requisition has been rejected. In many cases, Costpoint automatically assigns the approval process, and it cannot be modified. This process is assigned based on designations you established on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen.

Load Req Type Default

Click this button to populate specific fields on this screen based on your setup of the requisition type in the Manage Purchase Requisition Types application.

When you click this button, it triggers the display of default data that you defined for this requisition type. If you click this button without entering a requisition type, the default requisition type (and all associated data) will be loaded.

If your Costpoint validation frequency is set to Field and you enter or use to select the requisition type, this button is not needed. Defaults will load automatically when you press the TAB key.

Submit for Approval

Select this check box to submit the requisition for approval.

If you clear this check box, you can access the record to modify or update its contents after it is saved without concern that the requisition has been or will be submitted for approval. If, for example, you are entering a requisition but are interrupted, you can later re-access the requisition and finish adding the record information.

Who is Requisitioning These Items?


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the employee ID of the requisitioner. The employee name displays in the adjacent field.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the organization ID of the requisitioner.

If you established a link or association between the employee and a specific organization on the Manage Employee Information screen, the organization ID will default into this field but can be changed as needed.


Use this field to enter the telephone number of the requisitioner.

If you established a link or association between the employee and a work telephone number on the Manage Employee Information screen, the work telephone number will default into this field but can be changed as needed.


Use this field to enter the telephone number extension of the requisitioner.

If you established a link or association between the employee and a work telephone extension on the Manage Employee Information screen, the work telephone extension will default into this field but can be changed as needed.

When and Where Should the Items be Delivered?

Requested Date

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the date by which the items are needed by the requisitioner.

Ship To

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the ship ID code. This code represents the address to which the purchased items should be delivered. You can change this information at the line level.

Deliver To

Use this field to enter the name or location to which the requisitioned item is to be delivered once it is received. You can change this information at the line level.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the ID of the warehouse to which this inventory part will be delivered.

This field is hidden if the requisition type does not designate this as an inventory requisition.

What Will the Requisitioned Items Be Charged to?


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the default project ID. The project name displays in the adjacent field.

If you entered data in the Requisition Type field and a project was associated with this requisition type, the default project displays in this field, after you click the Load Req Type Default button.

If a project automatically displays in this field based on the requisition type you selected, you can modify this data, if the Allow Project Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered on this screen.

Proj Abbrev

Use this field to enter, or use to select, a default project abbreviation code.

If a project automatically displays in this field based on the information you entered in the Requisition Type field, you can modify this data if the Allow Project Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered on this screen.

Inventory Abbrev

Use this field to enter, or use to select, an inventory abbreviation code.

This field is hidden if the requisition type does not designate this as an inventory requisition.

If an inventory abbreviation automatically displays in this field based on the information you entered in the Requisition Type field, you can modify this data if the Allow Inventory Abbrev Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered on this screen.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the default account ID. The account name displays in the adjacent, non-editable field.

If you entered data in the Requisition Type field and an account was associated with this requisition type, the default account displays in this field after you click the Load Req Type Default button.

If an account automatically displays in this field based on the requisition type you selected, you can modify this data if the Allow Account Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered on this screen.

Proj Acct Abbrev

Use this field to enter, or use to select, a project account abbreviation.

If an account automatically displays in this field based on the information you entered in the Requisition Type field, you can modify this data if the Allow Account Changes check box is selected in the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered on this screen.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the default organization ID. The organization name displays in the adjacent  field.

If you entered data in the Requisition Type field and an organization was associated with this requisition type, the default organization displays in this field, after you click the Load Req Type Default button.

If an Organization automatically displays in this field based on the Requisition Type you selected, you can modify this data if the Allow Org Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen.

Org Abbrev

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the default organization abbreviation code.

If an organization automatically displays in this field based on the information you entered in the Requisition Type field, you can modify the data if the Allow Org Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered in this screen.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the default reference information. Reference information is established in the Accounting domain and can be used for reporting purposes.

If information automatically displays in this field based on the information you entered in the Requisition Type field, you can modify this data, if the Allow Reference Number Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered on this screen.

The Ref 1 may display a different label if it has been changed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen. For example, the label may have been changed to AC 1.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the default reference information. Reference information is established in the Accounting domain and can be used for reporting purposes.

If information automatically displays in this field based on the information you entered in the Requisition Type field, you can modify this data if the Allow Reference Number Changes check box is selected on the Manage Purchase Requisition Types screen for the requisition type you entered on this screen.

The field Ref 2 may display a different label if it has been changed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen. For example, the label may have been changed to AC 2.

Additional Information

Header Notes

Use this field to enter additional information relevant to this requisition. These notes will be copied to new purchase orders created from this requisition.

Header notes can be used for special instructions to the buyer or vendor or to further define the requirements of the request.

Suggested Vendor

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the vendor ID of the suggested or preferred vendor for this requisitioned item. The vendor name displays in the adjacent field. Data may default into this field based on the requisition item you select on requisition lines. This information can be overridden at the line level.

Procurement Type

This field is editable only if the Allow Procurement Type Change at Header check box is selected on the Other Rules and Defaults tab of the Manage Purchase Requisition Types. By default, Costpoint populates the fields with the procurement code entered in the Other Rules and Defaults tab of Manage Purchase Requisition Types settings.

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the procurement type code. The description of the procurement type displays in the adjacent field.

Estimated Cost of Requisitioned Items

Sales Tax/VAT Amount

This field displays the estimated sales tax/value-added tax amount.

Total Estimated Amount

This field displays the value that represents the total estimated sales tax associated with all of the lines on the requisition.




Requested Item (Add/View)

Select this link to open the Requested Items (Add/View) subtask, where you can add or view requisitioned items.