Use this screen to generate a report listing component and subassembly shortages for a specified range of manufacturing orders. Depending upon the combination of the primary and secondary sort options, one of three report layouts will be used.
Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.
You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options are also included in the saved parameter ID if there are any. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.
Enter, or click to select, a parameter
ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter
ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen, such
When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.
You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults.
Enter, or click to select, a parameter
description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Use this group box to define range criteria for the report.
Use this group box to select one warehouse or a range of warehouses to include in the report.
From the drop-down list, select the range of warehouses to be used for selecting manufacturing orders to include on this report. Valid values are:
All — Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
One — Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Range — Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
From Beginning — Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
To End — Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Enter, or click to select, the starting warehouse to select manufacturing orders to include in the report.
Enter, or click to select, the ending warehouse to select manufacturing orders to include in the report.
Use this group box to select one manufacturing order or range of manufacturing orders to include in the report.
From the drop-down list, select the range of manufacturing orders to include on this report. Valid values are:
All — Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
One — Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Range — Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
From Beginning — Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
To End — Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Enter, or click to select, the starting manufacturing order to include in the report.
Enter, or click to select, the ending manufacturing order to include in the report.
Use this group box to select one planner or a range of planners to include in the report. This group box is used to determine which manufacturing orders will be included in the report, rather than which requirements. A manufacturing order's requirements are not included in the report if the manufacturing order's planner is not within the specified range.
From the drop-down list, select the range of planners to select manufacturing orders to include in the report. Valid values are:
All — Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
One — Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Range — Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
From Beginning — Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
To End — Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Enter, or click to select, the starting planner for the range you want to include in the report. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.
Enter, or click to select, the ending planner for the range you want to include in the report. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field will be inactive.
Use the fields in this group box to select one project or a range of projects to include in the report. To be included in the report, the manufacturing order's build project ID or one of the manufacturing orders' allocation projects must be within the specified range.
From the drop-down list, select the range of projects of the manufacturing orders to include in the report. Valid values are:
All — Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
One — Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Range — Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
From Beginning — Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
To End — Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Enter, or click to select, the starting project of the manufacturing orders to include in the report.
Enter, or click to select, the ending project of the manufacturing orders to include in the report.
Use this group box to select one netting group or a range of netting groups to include in the report. To include a manufacturing order in the report, the build project's netting group or one of the allocation project's netting groups must be within the specified range.
From the drop-down list, select the range of netting groups to include in the report. Valid options are:
All — Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
One — Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Range — Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
From Beginning — Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
To End — Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Select All to include manufacturing order projects without netting groups.
Enter, or click to select, the starting netting group to select manufacturers orders to include in the report.
Enter, or click to select, the ending netting group to select manufacturing orders to include in the report.
Use this group box to select one buyer or a range of buyers to include in the report. For a manufacturing order requirement to be included in the report, the part's assigned buyer ID must be within the specified range.
From the drop-down list, select the range of buyers to include in the report. Valid options are:
All — Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
One — Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Range — Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
From Beginning — Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
To End — Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Enter, or click to select, the starting buyer to select manufacturing orders to include in the report.
Enter, or click to select, the ending buyer to select manufacturing orders to include in the report..
This field displays only the One option. You can only select one due date cutoff in the End field.
Enter, or click to select, a date to prevent inclusion of manufacturing after this date.
Use the options in this group box to select the status of the manufacturing order.
Picked MOs Only — Select this option to include only manufacturing orders with a status of Released or In-Shop that have been partially issued. Status is specified on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.
Released/In-Shop MOs Only — Select this option to include only those manufacturing orders with a status of Released or In-Shop as specified in the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.
Firm/Released/In-Shop MOs — Select this option to include only those manufacturing orders with a status of Firm Planned, Released, or In-Shop as specified in the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.
From the drop-down list, select the primary sort order of the report. Valid options are:
Project — Select this option to sort the report by project. If you select this option and the Allow Multiple Inv Abbrev Build-To Allocations for MOs check box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen, the project ID of the MO allocation will be used for sorting, thus making it possible for the same component requirement to be listed multiple times in the report.
Mfg Order — Select this option to sort the report by manufacturing order.
Component Part — Select this option to sort the report by component part.
Commodity — Select this option to sort the report by commodity.
From the drop-down list, select the secondary sort option.
Mfg Order — Select this option to sort items within the report by manufacturing order. This option will be available if you selected Project, Component Part, or Commodity as your primary sort.
Component Part — Select this option to sort items within the report by component part. This option will be available if you selected Project, Mfg Order, or Commodity as your primary sort.
Commodity — Select this option to sort items within the report by commodity. This option will be available if you selected Project or Mfg Order as your primary sort.
Use this group box to specify component options for the Component Shortage Report.
Select this check box to include buy parts in the report. The make/buy code, as specified on the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen for the maintenance order's build part, is used to determine whether the component is a Make part that you manufacture, or a Buy part that you purchase. If the component is not included in the BOM of the build part, its make/buy code, as defined on the Manage Parts screen, is used.
Select this check box to include make parts in the report. The make/buy code, as specified in Costpoint Bills of Material for the maintenance order's build part, is used to determine whether the component is a Make part or a Buy part. If the component is not included in the BOM of the build part, then its make/buy code, as defined on the Manage Parts screen, is used.
Select this check box to include backflush components on the report.
From the drop-down list, select what components to include in the report. Valid values are:
All Unissued Requirements — Select this option to include all components that have not been issued to selected MOs. This includes components with an inventory reserved quantity greater than zero for one of the selected manufacturing orders.
Reqmts with Insufficient On-Hand Qty — Select this option to include unissued components that have insufficient on-hand quantity to meet the selected manufacturing orders' inventory requirements.
Reqmts with Negative Current Available — Select this option to include unissued components that have a negative current available quantity to meet the selected manufacturing orders' inventory requirements. Current Available Quantity = On-Hand Qty + In-Inspection Qty – Reserved Qty.
Reqmts with Negative Net Available — Select this option to include unissued components that have a negative net available quantity to meet the selected manufacturing orders' inventory requirements. Net Available Quantity = On-Hand Qty + In-Inspection Qty + In MRB Qty (if selected on the Configure Production Control Settings screen) + In-Shipping Qty + On Order Qty + On Requisition Qty + Owed Qty + Planned Owed Qty – Reserved Quantity – Planned Reserved Quantity.
Select this check box to print detail requisition, purchase order, and manufacturing order data for the selected component. This is printed as a subset displaying order/requisition ID, supply type (requisition, purchase order, or manufacturing order), line number, vendor name, status, inventory abbreviation, due date, u/m, and open quantity. Only lines with open quantities greater than zero are displayed. Lines for different warehouses and different inventory abbreviations are listed separately.
Only requisitions lines with a status of P (Pending), I (In-Approval), or A (Approved) are included. Open Quantity = Requested Quantity – Generated Quantity. Quantities are displayed in requisition unit of measure.
Only purchase orders with a status of P (Pending) or O (Open) are included. Open Quantity = Order Quantity – Received Quantity + Reject/Replace Quantity. Quantities are displayed in PO unit of measure.
Only manufacturing orders with a status of P (Planned), F (Firm Planned), R (Released), or S (In-Shop) are included. Open Quantity = Build Quantity – Completed Quantity. Quantities are displayed in inventory unit of measure.
Select this check box to print any inventory expedite notes for the selected component/inventory abbreviation. Such expedite notes are entered in the requirement line of the manufacturing order on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen or the Expedite Manufacturing Orders screen.
Select this check box to print the inventory availability of any substitute parts for the selected component. This is printed as a subset displaying substitute part information such as sequence number, part, revision, part description, U/M, inventory abbreviation, total on-hand quantity, on-order quantity, current available quantity, and net available quantity. The substitute part displayed is based on data entered on the Substitute Project Parts subtask of the Manage Part Project Data screen, provided there is a matching part/project with the component's part/manufacturing order build project. If such a match is not found in the Substitute Project Parts subtask, the data on the Manage Parts screen is used. If a part match is still not available, no substitute parts are listed.