Use this screen to add, modify, or delete planning routing records for end item part. You can link the end item part to a key resource required for production, and specify how many units of that key resource are required, and when the resources will be consumed in relation to the due date of the end item part.
Click to load planning routing data for the entered part or key resource.
Enter, or click to select, the part ID you wish to maintain part planning routing information for. The part description automatically displays in the unlabeled field to the right when you specify the part. Any existing planning routing information for this part displays in the table window when you click
This field is optional. Leave it blank to see part planning routings for all parts.
Enter, or click to select, the part revision number. Any existing planning routing information for this part revision displays in the table window. This field is disabled if the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box is not selected on the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.
Enter, or click to select, the key resource for which you wish to maintain part planing routing information. The description of the key resource automatically displays in the unlabeled field to the right when you specify the key resource. If planning routing information exists for this key resource, MPS displays it in the table window when you click
This field is optional. Leave it blank to see part planning routings for all key resources.
This table displays any existing planning routing information for the part or key resource specified in the header fields. You can add, delete, and modify planning routing rows.
Enter, or click to select, a part ID for a new planning routing row. This part represents an end item referenced on an independent demand record such as a sales order, forecast, or reservation.
Enter, or click to select, a part revision number for a new planning routing row. This field is disabled if the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item option is not selected on the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.
This field displays the description for the part or part revision.
Enter, or click to select, a key resource for a new planning routing row. The key resource represents the object being consumed by the end item part.
This field displays the description of the key resource.
Enter the number of calendar or shop floor days (depending on the Lead Time Calculation selection on the Configure Production Control Settings screen) before the end item independent demand's need date on which the key resource is consumed. It is possible for a given key resource to be consumed by the same part on two or more rows, as long as the lead time offset on each row is unique.
Enter the key resource quantity, in the key resource's unit of measure, to be consumed for each end item unit produced.
Enter the quantity of the key resource to be consumed, in the key resource's unit of measure, every time the linked part is ordered. This number is the same regardless of the quantity produced on the order.
This field displays the unit of measure, such as HRS, for the key resource.
This field displays the resource type for the selected key resource.
This check box is selected if Costpoint generated the record using the Create/Update Planning Routings screen. If a planning routing is created or modified on this screen, this check box is clear.