Use this subtask to view the Manufacturing Bills of Material (MBOM) components of the selected part to be modified by the ECN. If no components exist for the Assembly Part, you can copy components from an existing MBOM or EBOM assembly, or add new component lines manually.

MBOM Assembly


This field displays the part ID from the main screen. If the Action Code is Obsolete or Change in the main screen, this field displays the original part ID. If the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision in the main screen, this field displays the change-to part ID.

The unlabeled field under the Part field displays the part description.


This field displays the part revision from the main screen.

MBOM Status

From the drop-down list, select the MBOM status of the selected assembly part. Valid options are:

The default is the value of the part's assembly release flag. If the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision on the main screen, this field defaults with the value from the Change-To MBOM Status field on the main screen. If the Action Code is Change or Obsolete on the main screen and the Original Part is an MBOM assembly, this field defaults with the original part's BOM Status on the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen. All component parts must be released (that is, the Component Released field must be Y for all lines) in order for the MBOM Status to be Released.


This field displays the part description.

Part Status

If the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision for the selected line on the main screen, this field will default with the value from the Change-To Status field. If the Action Code is Change or Obsolete for the selected line in the main screen, this field will default with the value from the Original Part Status field.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the replacement part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the part is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Autoload All Components

Click this button to load MBOM components of the selected part.

Autoload in Effectivity Components

Click this button to load the MBOM components of the selected part that are in effectivity.

Table Window

If the Action Code on the main screen is Obsolete or Change, the original part's MBOM components will default into this table window if the original part is an MBOM assembly. If the Action Code on the main screen is Add, Replace, or New Revision, the change-to part's MBOM components will default into this table window if the change-to part is an MBOM assembly. If no components exist for the assembly part, you can copy components from an existing MBOM or EBOM assembly, or add new component lines manually.

If the Action Code for a newly added line on the main screen is Replace, and both the Change-To Part and Original Part are MBOM assemblies, and the Copy Original Part Info check box is not selected, the change-to part will populate the Assembly Part field and its MBOM Components will load in the table window without an Action Code. However, if the Copy Original Part Info check box is selected and you open the MBOM Components subtask, the system displays the following message: "Warning: If any rows are entered on this screen, no MBOM Component information will automatically be copied from the Original to the Change-To Part."

If you select OK, the system displays another message giving you the option of setting the starting effective date to the current date and removing BOM lines that are no longer in effect in the MBOM Components screen. If you select No, the Action Code will be set to A - Add for all component part rows, and the Effective Starting Date and Effective Ending Date will remain as they exist in the MBOM. If you select Yes, all rows with an effective ending date earlier than, or the same as, the Suggested Effective Date (in the ECN Detail subtask) or system date (if the Suggested Effective Date is null) will be deleted when you save the record, and all other BOM rows' starting effective date will be changed to the Suggested Effective Date or system date (if the Suggested Effective Date is null).

Action Code

From the drop-down list, select the action this ECN will perform. Valid options are:

When you add a new line, the default is Add. If the table window defaults with the MBOM components for the original part or change-to part, this field is blank depending on the Action Code on the main screen.


Enter, or click to select, the line number to identify the specific MBOM component line in this field. If the part in the header has MBOM components, this field takes the value from BOM structure.

Find No

Enter, or click to select, the drawing find number used for this MBOM component line. Upon populating the Line field for a new line, this field will default with zeroes, but can be modified. For example, if you enter 3 in the Line field, the Find field will default to 0003. This field is optional.

Component Part

Enter, or click to select, the component part ID used on this MBOM line. This field must contain a valid part ID from the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. If the part in the header already has MBOM components, this field populates from the BOM structure. You can add new components. You cannot enter a provisional part ID in this field.


Enter, or click to select, the component part revision used on this MBOM line. This field must have part of a valid part/revision combination from the Manage Parts screen.

Component Description

This field displays a description of the component part entered in the Component Part field.

Component Type

From the drop-down list, select the component type code. Valid options are:

The default takes the code associated with the component part from the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Quantity Type

From the drop-down list, select the quantity type code. Valid options are:

If you selected the As Required check box on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition for the component part, or the Comp Type is Reference, the default for this field is As Required. If the Comp Type is T (Tool), the default for this field is Per Order. Otherwise, the default is Per Assembly.


Enter the component part quantity required in the MBOM. This field The default is 1. If the Quantity Type is As Required, the default is zero.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the component from the Manage Parts screen.


From the drop-down list, select the option that indicates whether the part is manufacture or purchased. Valid options are:

This field defaults the value from the component part.


Enter, or click to select, the ID of the configuration in which this component will be used when planning this MBOM. This field must contain a valid ID from the Manage Configuration Identifiers screen in Costpoint Bills of Material. If you did not select the Use Configuration IDs check box on the Configure Bills of Materials Settings screen in Costpoint Bills of Material, this field is hidden.

Configuration Description

This field displays the configuration description. If you did not select the Use Configuration IDs check box Configure Bills of Materials Settings, this field is hidden.

Effective Starting Date

Enter, or click to select, the effective date for this component in the MBOM in this field. For new rows whose Action Code is Add, the default will be the Effective Date from the main screen. If the Effective Date is null, the Suggested Effective Date in the ECN Detail subtask displays. If the Action Code is blank and a component part exists, the MBOM component's Effective Starting Date displays.

Effective Ending Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which this component will cease being effective in this MBOM. This is an optional field that defaults with the MBOM component's Effective Ending Date (if the date exists). If the Action Code is Obsolete, this field defaults with the Suggested Effective Date from the ECN Detail subtask (if populated).

Component Released

Select this check box to release this component in this MBOM. The default value is determined by the option selected in the MBOM Release Control - Default Component Release Status in Bill group box of the Configure Bills of Materials Settings screen. This check box must be selected in order for the MBOM Status to be Released.

Component Comments

Enter comments that apply to this MBOM component. This field displays any comments already entered for the MBOM component.

Reference Designators

If you did not select the Use Extended Length Reference Designators check box on the Configure Bills of Materials Settings screen, enter up to 254 alphanumeric characters of reference designator text for this component on this assembly. However, if you selected the Use Extended Length Reference Designators check box, you can enter up to 32,000 alphanumeric characters in this field. This field displays any reference designator text that was assigned for the component part line in the Component Reference Designators subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material and Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screens.

Omit Requirements

Select this check box to prevent material planning processes from planning this component. If the component is a Buy part, and the Component Type is not Buy With Component, this check box defaults as selected. If the Component Type is Reference or Tool, this check box is also selected by default.

Stop Explosion

Select this check box to prevent material planning processes from planning any components of this subassembly part. If the Component Type is Reference or Tool, this check box defaults as selected.


Enter the anticipated scrap percentage used when planning material requirements. The default is from the Manage Parts screen.

Copy Data

Select this check box to copy all other original MBOM data to a new line. The check box is not selected by default unless the component was copied from another MBOM.





Click this link to open the Copy MBOM subtask where you can copy an MBOM from another part/revision. This link is disabled if component lines already exist for the assembly part.


Click this link to open the Copy EBOM subtask where you can copy an EBOM from another part/revision. This link is disabled if component lines already exist for the assembly part.