Use this screen to selectively release multiple engineering bills of material (EBOMs). When you first access this screen, only unreleased EBOM assemblies with standard parts from the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens display in the table window. No provisional parts display, because provisional parts cannot be included in released EBOMs. Similarly, if the EBOM assembly is a standard part, but provisional component parts exist, these provisional component parts do not automatically load.

This screen is available only if you selected the Use Engineering Bills of Material check box on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen.

You cannot release an assembly if there are unreleased subassemblies in the Components subtask. Unreleased lower-level assemblies must have a Released BOM status in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material or Release Engineering Bills of Material screen before the higher-level assemblies can be released on a given multi-level EBOM.

If you selected the Release Eng BOM check box in the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen in Costpoint Engineering Change Notices, you can release EBOMs only in the Manage Engineering Change Notices screen. If you selected the Modify Released Eng BOM check box, you will be able to make the majority of modifications to released EBOMs only in the Manage Engineering Change Notices screen.

Upon entering this screen, you are prompted to select EBOMs you want to view and edit. Use the Engineering BOMs dialog box to search Costpoint for specific EBOMs by assembly part, revision, description, or BOM exist flag. If you search for a specific EBOM, this field displays in form view. If you use a wildcard to search for multiply EBOMs, this screen displays in table view. You can switch between the form and table view by clicking or .


Assembly Part

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the assembly part for which this EBOM is being maintained.


This field displays this assembly part's revision.


This field displays this assembly part's description.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the assembly part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the part you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:

If you are unauthorized to access assembly parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit BOMs that contain restricted assembly parts or revisions.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

EBOM Status

Use this drop-down list to select the release status of the EBOM for the assembly part. The available options are:

You must first set the Part Status field to Released, Obsolete, or Phase-out before you can set this field to Released.

If you set this field to Released and non-subassembly, unreleased component parts exist (the Component BOM Status and Comp Released field are both N in the Components subtask) whose Part Status is Released, Obsolete, or Phase-out, Costpoint displays a message asking whether you would like to release these components. Select OK to do so, and the components will be released only when the record is saved (the Comp Released column will be set to Y).

If you change this field to Released and try to save the record while the Component BOM Status is Unreleased, Costpoint displays a warning indicating that the EBOM cannot be released (along with a list of the components' part/revision numbers) because the component part is an unreleased subassembly. You must change the Component EBOM Status to Released in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material or Release Engineering Bills of Material screen.

You must release lower-level assemblies before the higher-level assemblies on a given multi-level EBOM.

Part Status

Use this drop-down list to select the release status of this assembly part. The available options are:

The value in this field is linked to the Part Status Type field in the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition and to the Part Status fields in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens.

The assembly part's status must be Obsolete, Released, or Phase-Out before you can set the MBOM Status field to Released.

Part Type

This field displays this assembly part's type. The various types are:

BOM Exist Flag

This field displays Y (Yes) if this assembly part is a subassembly. Otherwise, this field displays N (No). If this field is Y, the table window below lists component parts as they display in a separate EBOM assembly.


This field displays the Make if this assembly part is manufactured or Buy if it is purchased.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for this assembly part.

EBOM Entry User ID

This field displays the user ID of the individual who first entered the assembly part into Costpoint.

EBOM Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date an time on which this assembly part was entered into Costpoint.

EBOM Last Change User ID

This field displays the user ID of the individual who made the most recent modification to this assembly part.

EBOM Last Change Date/Time

This field displays the date and time of the most recent modification made to this assembly part.

EBOM Change Code

This system-maintained field displays the code representing the method used for the most recent modification to the EBOM. This field displays one of the following codes:

MBOM Release Status

If the selected part exists as an MBOM assembly part, this field displays if that MBOM is R (Released), P (Partially Released), or U (Unreleased). If this assembly part is not an EBOM part, this field displays N (Not applicable).

MBOM Release Date/Time

If the MBOM Release Status field displays R, this field displays the date and time on which the MBOM was released. If the MBOM Release Status field displays N, P, or U, this field is left blank.

MBOM Last Changed Date/Time

If the MBOM Release Status field is populated, this field displays the latest date and time on which a modification occurred to the MBOM. If the MBOM Release Status field is N, this field is left blank.

Assembly Notes

This field displays miscellaneous information about this assembly part.





Click this link to open the Components subtask and view a list of component parts assigned to the selected assembly part.

Part Documents

Click this link to open the Part Documents subtask and view a list of documents assigned to the selected assembly part.