The Import Vendor Quotes preprocessor supports up to five quantity breakpoints and three line charges per vendor quote line. The application deletes the input file after processing.

Each Quote Header (QT_HDR) input file record must have at least one Quote Line input file record and vice versa. If you auto-assign quote IDs by selecting the Auto-Assign option, the vendor ID on the Quote Line input file record must exist on a Quote Header input file record and vice versa. If you do not select the Auto-Assign option, the quote ID/vendor ID combination on the Quote Line input file record must exist on a Quote Header input file record and vice versa.

Input file fields that are defined as a date in Costpoint must be 10 characters, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (a four-character year (including century), month (01-12), and day (01-31)). You must separate year, month, and day fields by hyphens (-). The format for timestamp fields in Costpoint is 19 characters, formatted as (a four-character year (including century), month (01-12), day (01-31), hour (00-24), minute (00-59) and second (00-59)). You must separate year, month, and day by hyphens (-), with another hyphen following day. Separate hour, minute, and second by periods (.).  Timestamp settings are not required.

Error Handling

Costpoint creates an ASCII text error file for each input file record that is not processed. See Error Messages for each input file's validation rules. For some errors, the process does not update the database tables for that input file or for any related input files. If you selected the Auto-Assign option (for quote IDs) and the preprocessor encounters an error, Costpoint will move all records for that vendor ID (header and line) to the error file. Similarly, if you selected the Use Input File Values option (for example, Quote IDs are manually assigned in the input file) and the preprocessor encounters an error, Costpoint will move all records for that quote ID/vendor ID combination to the error file. The preprocessor will save unprocessed rows to the error file in the format in which they exist in the input file. The error file should be in the same path as the input file and named VQYYYYMMDD.ERR, where YYYYMMDD is the process run date. If the file already exists, the application will append new errors to the file. If VQYYYYMMDD.ERR does not exist, the process will create the file.

Costpoint produces an error file report detailing all problems that caused the process not to load a given row.

Certain types of errors do not cause the processing to stop or messages to print. If the system encounters these types of errors, processing for that record and any related records will continue, but the data rows in error will not be loaded (or placed in the error file). For a list of these fields and further information, see Error Messages section for the fields where Prevents Processing is "No."

Expiration Date

If you do not provide an Expiration Date in the Vendor Quote Header input file but enter a non-zero number in the Expiration Days field, Costpoint will add the Expiration Days number to the provided or defaulted Quote Date input file field to obtain an Expiration Date that it will load for the quote header. If you provide neither an Expiration Date nor a non-zero Expiration Days amount, no expiration date will be included for the vendor quote.  

Quote Line Break (QT_LN_BRK) Processing

Each Quote Line (QT_LN) row will have at least one Quote Line Break row. The first Quote Line Break row is populated with the Quote Line's Minimum Quantity and Default Net Unit Cost Amount. You can add up to four more rows to the Quote Line Break table if you have provided values in the Break Quantity 2-5 input file fields.  

Quote Line Charge (QT_LN_CHG) Processing

You can add up to three rows to the Quote Line Charge table for each quote line added in the preprocessor. If you include Line Charge (1-3) information in the Vendor Quote Line input file, Costpoint will add the provided values to the Quote Line Charge table.

Updates to Other Tables

RFQ Status Updates

If you entered an RFQ ID in the Quote Header input file, Costpoint will attempt to match each line of that quote to a corresponding RFQ line for the RFQ ID entered. If the item and revision match (if item is entered) or the misc line charge matches the RFQ line, Costpoint will update the status of the RFQ line to "C" (Closed). Each time this is done, all statuses for RFQ lines will be checked. If all lines for an RFQ have a status of "C" (Closed) or "V" (Void), Costpoint will set the RFQ Header Status to "C" (Closed).