Administration Menu Contents

The following Core features and options are available from the Administration menu.

System Administration

Field Description
Custom Menus This screen lets administrators add menu items to the Custom Menu tab as well as rename the menu tab itself.
Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists This screen lets administrators configure the drop-down and multi-select lists in Talent Management.
Dynamic Forms This screen lets administrators create custom forms for various Talent Management tasks, such as tasks related to Requisitions and Onboarding.
FAQs This screen lets administrators create and manage Frequently Asked Questions.
Features This screen lets administrators determine the functionality used in Talent Management and what functionality should be available for each user group.
Groups This screen lets administrators determine how an individual fits within the organization by creating groups, such as Employees, Managers, Administrators, External Job Seekers, Vendors, and more.
Languages This screen lets administrators control the language in which all the content displays throughout Talent Management, apart from the data entered by users.
License Files This screen lists all the modules, features, and languages purchased by your organization. It also lists all available user licenses, broken down by active and inactive users.
News & Announcements Administration This screen lets administrators schedule announcements and events that display on user dashboards.
Notification Events This screen lets administrators control the language in which all the content displays throughout Talent Management, apart from the data entered by users.
Page Options This screen lets administrators determine the details, fields, and columns that display on certain pages within Talent Management.
System Settings This screen lets administrators configure settings and options that control much of the behavior of Talent Management.
Survey Administration This screen lets administrators create and manage surveys.

Your Organization

Field Description
Approval Chains This screen lets you create different approval chains for use with recruiting workflows, requisitions, offers of employment, performance workflows, and performance appraisals.
Bulk Upload User Skills & Competencies This screen lets administrators bulk upload skills and competencies to the Total Talent Profiles of a group of employees.
Competencies This screen lets administrators create and manage competency categories and individual competencies to help match appropriate candidates to positions, provide a basis for appraisal ratings, and help employees succeed in career goals.
Documents This screen lets administrators upload documents and make these documents accessible to various groups within your company.
Job Families This screen lets administrators create and manage job families, which are related groups of jobs that have similar job competencies and skills.
Job Profiles This screen lets administrators create and manage job profiles to use when creating requisitions, when associating performance appraisals, and as a guide for advancement within the organization.
Location Groups This screen lets administrators create and manage groups of locations.
Locations This screen lets administrators create and manage the locations of your organization.
Organizational Structure This screen lets administrators manage your company’s organizational structure: divisions, departments, business units, or any other groups that make up its infrastructure.
Scales This screen lets administrators create and manage scales to be used for measuring the competency experience of an employee or rating an employee’s performance.
Skills This screen lets administrators create and manage the skills library, which helps you match the appropriate candidate to positions in the company and provides a basis for appraisal ratings.
Users This screen lets administrators manage a variety of employee details as well as send correspondence and off-board (terminate) an employee.
View Off-Boarded Users This screen lets administrators view offboarded users and easily reassign items tied to their user records.