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Vendor Invoice Base

Use this base to see information for each of your vendor invoices, such as invoice date, amount, and aging.

Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Company Name The name of the company associated with the vendor invoice     Company
Credit Card Statement

The credit card statement associated with the vendor invoice

Applies only to invoices with the type of Credit Card.

    Bank Statement
Invoice Description A description entered on the vendor invoice      
Invoice Number The ID of the vendor invoice      
Invoice Status

The status of the invoice

Examples: Normal

Invoice Type

The type of vendor invoice

Examples: Credit Card, Expense Report, Payroll Service, Refund, Regular

The invoice type identifies the source of the invoicing information.

For example, when you enter information in Manage > Vendor Invoices, it creates a Regular invoice type, or when you close a credit card statement in Manage > Bank Register, it creates a Credit Card invoice type.

Is Billed Indicates if the amount on the vendor invoice has been billed to the client      
Notes Any notes entered on the vendor invoice      
Receives 1099? Indicates whether the vendor associated with the invoice receives a 1099 form      
Vendor Account ID The Vendor Account ID of the vendor associated with the vendor invoice      
Vendor Company Name The name of the company associated with the vendor     Company
Vendor Department Name The department associated with the vendor invoice     Department
Vendor Status The status of the vendor associated with the vendor invoice      
Vendor Type

The vendor type associated with the vendor invoice

Examples: Communications, Electrical Consultant, Government

    Vendor Type
Vendor The name of the vendor associated with the invoice     Vendor
W9 Form Received Indicates whether the vendor associated with the invoice completed a W9 form      
Accounting Date The date Ajera uses to determine the period for which the vendor invoice appears on financial statements      
Invoice Date to Pay The date Ajera uses to determine if your payment of the vendor invoice is past due      
Invoice Date

The date of the vendor invoice

Aging is based on this date.

    Vendor Invoice
Last Payment Date The date a last payment was made for the invoice      
Amount Paid The amount of the invoice already paid to the vendor   X  
Amount to Pay The amount of the invoice to be paid to the vendor as entered in Manage Vendor Payments   X  
Amount to Write-off The amount of the invoice to be written off as entered in Manage Vendor Payments   X  
Amount Written off The amount of the invoice already written off   X  
Balance as of Accounting Date The amount remaining to be paid to the vendor as of the accounting date. X X  
Balance as of Invoice Date

The amount remaining to be paid to the vendor as of the invoice date.

This amount is used to determine aging.

X X  
Invoice Amount The total amount of the vendor invoice X X  
Account The GL account associated with the vendor invoice     GL Account
Credit Card Bank Account The bank account associated with the Credit Card account      
Expense Report Account

The expense report GL account associated with the vendor invoice

Applies only to invoices with the type of Expense Report.

    GL Account
Open Vendor Invoice Opens the vendor invoice      
Company Key The database identifier of the company associated with the vendor invoice     Company
Credit Card Statement Key

The database identifier of the credit card statement associated with the vendor invoice

Applies only to invoices with the type of Credit Card.

    Bank Statement
Expense Report Key

The database identifier of the expense report associated with the vendor invoice

Applies only to invoices with the type of Expense Report.

    Expense Report
GL Account Key The database identifier of the GL account associated with the vendor invoice     GL Account
Vendor Company Key The database identifier of the company associated with the vendor     Company
Vendor Department Key The database identifier of the department associated with the vendor invoice     Department
Vendor Invoice Key The database identifier of the vendor invoice     Vendor Invoice
Vendor Key The database identifier of the vendor     Vendor
Vendor Type Key The database identifier of the vendor type associated with the vendor invoice     Vendor Type
Open Vendor Invoice Opens the vendor invoice to allow you to edit it.      

unavailable in ajeraCore Select to add the Gantt chart to your table widget.




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