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Vendor Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Address 1 The first line in the main address for the vendor      
Address 2

The second line in the main address for the vendor

Examples: suite number, building number

Address 3 The third line in the main address for the vendor      

The first line in the main address for the vendor

Example: street address

City The city name in the main address for the vendor      
Company Name The name of the company associated with the vendor     Company
Contact 1 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 1 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 2 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 2 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 3 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 3 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 4 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 4 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 5 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 5 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 6 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 6 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 7 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 7 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 8 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 8 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 9 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 9 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 10 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 10 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 11 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 11 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 12 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 12 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 13 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 13 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 14 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 14 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 15 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 15 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 16 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 16 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 17 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 18 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 19 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 19 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 20 Information Information about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 20 Text Text about the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Country The country name for the vendor      
CRM Vendor ID The ID number associated with this vendor in CRM      
Day to Pay The number of days from the invoice date you want to use to calculate the due date on vendor invoices or the day of the month you want to pay the vendor invoices      
Days Type Indicates how you want to calculate the day to pay for this vendor: Day of the month or Number of days      
Department Name The department assigned to the vendor      
Description The description of the vendor     Vendor
Email The email address for the vendor      
Fax Number The fax number for the client      
Fax Text The description of the fax number      
Form Type - 1099 The type of 1099 form that this vendor receives      
Is Consultant Indicates if the vendor is a consultant      
Mailing Address 1

The first line in the mailing address for the vendor

Example: street address

Mailing Address 2

The second line in the mailing address for the vendor

Examples: suite number, building number

Mailing Address 3 The third line in the mailing address for the vendor      
Mailing Address The mailing address for the vendor      
Mailing City The city name in the mailing address for the vendor      
Mailing Country The country name in the mailing address for the vendor      
Mailing State The state name in the mailing address for the vendor      
Mailing ZIP The ZIP code in the mailing address for the vendor      
Notes Any notes about the vendor      
Phone 1 Number The primary phone number for the vendor      
Phone 1 Text

A description of the primary phone number for the client

Examples: Office, Cell

Phone 2 Number The secondary phone number for the client      
Phone 2 Text

A description of the secondary phone number for the vendor

Example: Home

Phone 3 Number The third phone number for the vendor      
Phone 3 Text A description of the third phone number for the vendor      
Phone Numbers The phone numbers for the vendor      
Prenote Indicates if the Prenote check box is selected in SetupVendors      
Receives 1099 Indicates the vendor receives a 1099 form      
Recipient ID - 1099 The federal ID to print on the 1099 form      
Remittance Contact Email The email address associated with the contact assigned to receive remittance advice in Setup > Vendors      
Remittance Contact Name The name of the contact assigned to receive remittance advice in SetupVendors      
State The state name in the main address for the vendor      

The status of the vendor

Examples: Active, Inactive

Vendor Account ID The account number associated with this vendor      
Vendor Type The vendor type associated with the vendor     Vendor Type
W9 Business The vendor’s type of business      
W9 Form Received Indicates you have received a W9 form from this vendor      
W9 Other Description If the W9 business is Other, this is the vendor’s business type      
Website The website URL associated with the vendor      
ZIP The ZIP code in the main address for the vendor      
Contact 1 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 2 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 3 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 4 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 5 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 6 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 7 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 8 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 9 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 10 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 11 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 12 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 13 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 14 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 15 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 16 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 17 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 18 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 19 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 20 Name The names of the contact people associated with the vendor     Contact
Recipient Name - 1099 The name of the recipient of the 1099 form for this vendor      
Date Established The date the vendor was established      
Last Payment Date The date of the last payment to the vendor      
Resource Units The total number of units entered on invoices to this vendor   X  
Billed Adjustments The total adjustments billed associated with the vendor X X  
Billed Consultant The total of consultants billed associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Billed Expense The total of expenses billed associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Billed Sales Tax The total of sales tax billed associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Billed The total billed associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Cost Consultant The total consultant cost amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Cost Expense The total expense cost amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Cost The total cost amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Days to Pay The day of the month the vendor is to be paid, if Day of the Month option is selected   X  
Federal Tax Withheld - 1099 The total federal tax withheld for 1099 reporting purposes   X  
Override Amount - 1099 The total override amount for 1099 reporting purposes   X  
Payable Balance The payable balance on all outstanding invoices for this vendor X X  
Payments Consultant The total consultant payments for this vendor X X  
Payments Expense The total expense payments for this vendor X X  
Payments The total payments for this vendor X X  
Resource Cost The total cost of resources entered on projects for this vendor   X  
Resource Fee The total fee of resources entered on projects for this vendor   X  
Spent Consultant The total consultant spent amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Spent Expense The total expense spent amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Spent The total spent amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Vendor Invoiced Consultant The total consultant amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Vendor Invoiced Expense The total expense invoice amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Vendor Invoiced The total invoice amount associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Vendor Write-off The total amount of invoices written-off for this vendor X X  
WIP Consultant The total consultant WIP associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
WIP Expense The total expense WIP associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
WIP The total WIP associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Written off Consultant The total Written off consultants associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Written off Expense The total Written off expenses associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Written off The total written off associated with invoices entered to the vendor X X  
Vendor Account The GL account associated with the vendor     GL Account

Company Key

The database identifier of the company associated with the vendor     Company
Contact 1 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 2 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 3 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 4 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 5 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 6 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 7 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 8 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 9 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 10 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 11 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 12 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 13 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 14 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact15 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact16 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 17 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 18 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 19 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Contact 20 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the vendor     Contact
Department Key The database identifier of the department associated with the vendor     Department
Remittance Contact Key The database identifier of the remittance contact associated with the vendor      
Vendor Account Key The database identifier of the GL account associated with the vendor     GL Account
Vendor Key The database identifier of the Vendor     Vendor
Vendor Type Key The database identifier of the Vendor Type associated with the Vendor     Vendor Type
Delete CRM Mapping Action taken to remove the Vendor from the Mapping Table. Vendor will no longer sync to CRM.      

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