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Revenue Detail Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Activity Type Value Numeric value assigned to each activity type in the database      
Activity Type The activity type associated with each row in the revenue recognition task      
Billing Type The billing type associated with each phase level of the project      
Cap WIP Method The cap WIP method assigned to each phase/activity type      
Description Description of the project and phase      
ID & Description Combined project and phase ID and description      
ID Project and phase ID      
Is Detail Phase Identifies which phases are detail level phases      
Notes User defined row specific notes      
Phase Order Order in which the phases are ordered and setup in the Project Command Center     Phase
Project Status Value Numeric value assigned to each project status in the database      
Project Status Status of project/phase      
Revenue Description User defined description entered on the revenue widget      
Revenue Method Value Numeric value assigned to each revenue method in the database      
Revenue Method Revenue method setup on the project/phase in the Project Command Center      
Revenue Status Value Numeric value assigned to each revenue status in the database      
Revenue Status Status of revenue session      
Billing Manager Employee assigned as billing manager on the project invoice group     Employee
Principal In Charge Employee assigned as principal in charge on the project/phase records      
Project Manager Employee assigned as project manager on the project/phase records     Project Manager
Revenue Accounting Date User defined revenue accounting date entered on the revenue widget      
Billed Hours by Accounting Date Billed hours associated with the project/phase through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Current Billed Hours by Accounting Date Billed hours associated with the project/phase conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current Hours by Accounting Date Hours associated with the project/phase conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current WIP Hours by Accounting Date WIP hours associated with the project/phase conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Hours Worked by Accounting Date Hours worked associated with the project/phase through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
WIP Hours by Accounting Date WIP hours associated with the project/phase through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Actual Revenue Revenue value associated with the project/phase/activity type based on the revenue method associated with the project/phase/activity type record      
Billed by Accounting Date Billed value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Committed Revenue

Committed revenue is the value estimated for that revenue session based off of the revenue method set on the phase/activity type.

If your method is Formula, Formula plus WIP, or Percent of Contract, this value can be manually overwritten.

Contract Amount Contract amount budgeted to the project/phase/activity type in the Project Command Center      
Cost Budget Cost amount budgeted to the project/phase/activity type in the Project Command Center      
Cost by Accounting Date Cost value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Current Billed by Accounting Date Billed value associated with the project/phase/activity type conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current Cost by Accounting Date Cost value associated with the project/phase/activity type conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current Receipts Total receipt value associated with the project/phase/activity type conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current Receivable Balance Receivable balance associated with the project/phase/activity type conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current Spent by Accounting Date Spent value associated with the project/phase/activity type conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current WIP by Accounting Date Work-in-progress value associated with the project/phase/activity type conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Current Written off by Accounting Date Written off value associated with the project/phase/activity type conditioned by the start and end date on the revenue widget      
Estimated Revenue Estimated revenue is the value estimated for that revenue session based off of the revenue method set on the phase/activity type      
Over The over billed value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Prior Revenue Percent Complete Sum of revenue percent complete from all active and committed revenue sessions, broken out by project/phase/activity type      
Prior Revenue Sum of all revenue recognized in prior revenue sessions      
Project Percent Complete Percent complete value entered on the project/phase in the project command center      
Receipts Total receipt value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date on the revenue widget      
Receivable Balance Receivable balance associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Revenue Percent Complete Percent complete entered by user in revenue session      
Spent by Accounting Date Spent value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Total Contract Amount Total sum of the contract amount budgeted to the project/phase/activity type in the Project Command Center      
Total Cost Budget Total sum of the cost amount budgeted to the project/phase/activity type in the Project Command Center      
Total Revenue Percent Complete Sum of all revenue percent complete associated with active and committed revenue sessions      
Total Revenue Sum of all revenue associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Under The under billed value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
WIP by Accounting Date Work-in-progress value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Written off by Accounting Date Written-off value associated with the project/phase/activity type through the end date entered on the revenue widget      
Billing Manager Key The database identifier associated with the project/phase records indicating which employee record is the billing manager     Employee
Phase Key The database identifier assigned to each phase record in the database     Phase
Phase Parent Key The database identifier assigned to each phase parent record in the database      
Principal In Charge Key The database identifier associated with the project/phase records indicating which employee record is principal in charge     Project Manager
Project Key The database identifier assigned to each project record in the database     Project
Project Manager Key The database identifier associated with the project/phase records indicating which employee record is the project manager     Project Manager
Revenue Detail Key The database identifier assigned to each revenue detail record in the database      
Revenue Key The database identifier assigned to each revenue record in the database     Revenue

unavailable in ajeraCore Select to add the Gantt chart to your table widget.





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