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Receipt Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Client Account ID The Account ID of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Address 1 The first line of the address of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Address 2 The second line of the address of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Address 3 The third line of the address of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Address The complete address of the client associated with the receipt      
Client City The city associated with the address of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Country The county associated with the of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Fax Number The fax number of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Phone 1 Number The first phone number of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Phone 1 Text The text associated with the first phone number of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Phone 2 Number The second phone number of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Phone 2 Text The text associated with the second phone number of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Phone 3 Number The third phone number of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Phone 3 Text The text associated with the third phone number of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Phone Numbers The phone numbers of the client associated with the receipt      
Client State The phone numbers of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Status The phone numbers of the client associated with the receipt      
Client Type The client type of the client associated with the receipt     Client Type
Client ZIP The zip code of the client associated with the receipt      
Client The client associated with the receipt     Client
Is Beginning Balance Indicates if the receipt was entered as part of beginning balance either in Setup, Clients or Beginning Balance Client Receipts      
Method ABA The Method ABA associated with the receipt      
Method ID The Method ID associated with the receipt      
Notes The notes associated with the receipt      
Payer The Payer associated with the receipt      
Receipt Method The Receipt Method associated with the receipt      
Receipt Status The Status of the receipt (Active, Void or NSF)      
Receipt Text The text associated with the receipt      
Receipt Type The receipt type (Client, Misc, Credit Memo, Intercompany or Refund)      
Reduced Billed If the receipt type is Credit memo, this indicates if the credit memo reduced the project billed amount      
Deposit Bank Name The name of the bank where the receipt was deposited      
Deposit Date The deposit date of the receipt     Bank Entry
Receipt Date The receipt date entered for the receipt     Receipt
Amount Adjustment Consultant The amount of the receipt applied to consultant adjustments billed   X  
Amount Adjustment Expense The amount of the receipt applied to expense adjustments billed   X  
Amount Adjustment Labor The amount of the receipt applied to labor adjustments billed   X  
Amount Adjustment The amount of the receipt applied to adjustments billed   X  
Amount Consultant The amount of the receipt applied to consultants billed   X  
Amount Expense The amount of the receipt applied to expenses billed   X  
Amount Labor The amount of the receipt applied to labor billed   X  
Amount Prepayment The amount of the receipt applied to prepayments   X  
Amount Sales Tax The amount of the receipt applied to sales tax billed   X  
Amount The amount of the receipt X X  
Open Client Receipt Opens the client receipt      
Client Key The internal database identifier of the client associated with the receipt     Client
Client Type Key The internal database identifier associated with the client type of the client of the receipt     Client Type
Deposit Key The internal database identifier of the deposit associated with the receipt     Bank Entry
Receipt Key The internal database identifier of the receipt     Receipt

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