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Project Manager Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Address 1 The first line in the main address for the project manager      
Address 2

The second line in the main address for the project manager

Examples: suite number, building number

Address 3 The third line in the main address for the project manager      

The first line in the main address for the project manager

Example: street address

Allow Expense Entry Indicates the project manager can enter expense reports      
City The city name in the main address for the project manager      
Company Credit Card 1 The credit card the project manager can use in expense reports     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 2 The credit card the project manager can use in expense reports     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 3 The credit card the project manager can use in expense reports     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 4 The credit card the project manager can use in expense reports     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 5 The credit card the project manager can use in expense reports     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 6 The credit card the project manager can use in expense reports     Bank Account
Company Name The name of the company associated with the project manager     Company
Contact 1 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 1 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project manager

Contact 2 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 2 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project manager

Contact 3 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 3 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project manager

Contact 4 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 4 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project manager

Contact 5 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 5 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project manager

Country The country name for the project manager      
Department Name The name of the department associated with the project manager     Department
Email The email address for the project manager      
Employee Type The client type associated with the project manager     Employee Type
Fax Text The fax number for the project manager      
Fax A description of the fax number for the project manager      
Gender The gender of the employee      
Is Accounting Indicates if the project manager is marked as accounting manager in their employee setup      
Is Marketing Contact Indicates if the employee is the marketing contact      
Is Principal Indicates if the employee is the principal      
Is Project Manager Indicates if the employee is the project manager      
Is Supervisor Indicates if the employee is the supervisor      
Mailing Address 1

The first line in the mailing address for the project manager

Example: street address

Mailing Address 2

The second line in the mailing address for the project manager

Examples: suite number, building number

Mailing Address 3 The third line in the mailing address for the project manager      
Mailing City The city name in the mailing address for the project manager      
Mailing Country The country name in the mailing address for the project manager      
Mailing State The state name in the mailing address for the project manager      
Mailing ZIP The ZIP code in the mailing address for the project manager      
Notes Any notes about the project manager      
Phone 1 Text The primary phone number for the project manager      
Phone 1

A description of the primary phone number for the project manager

Examples: Office, Cell

Phone 2 Text The secondary phone number for the project manager      
Phone 2

A description of the secondary phone number for the project manager

Example: Home

Phone 3 Text The tertiary phone number for the project manager      
Phone 3 A description of the tertiary phone number for the project manager      
Phone Numbers The phone numbers for the project manager      
Security Group This should be role and is the first role assigned to the employee      
State The state name in the main address for the project manager      

The status of the project manager

Examples: Active, Inactive

Title The job title of the project manager      
Website The website URL associated with the project manager      
ZIP The ZIP code in the main address for the project manager      
Contact 1 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 2 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 3 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 4 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 5 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project manager     Contact
First Name The first name of the project manager     Project Manager
Last Name The last name of the project manager     Project Manager
Middle Name The middle name of the project manager     Project Manager
Name The first name and last name of the project manager     Project Manager
Supervisor The name of the employee's supervisor     Employee
Date Born The birth date of the employee      
Date Hired The employee's date of hire      
Date Rehired If the employee was rehired, the rehire date      
Date Terminated

If the employee was terminated, the termination date

If this field contains a date, the employee is automatically given a status of Inactive unless the Date Rehired field contains a date later than the date terminated.

Billed Hours The total number of hours billed to the project manager X X  
Hours Worked The total number of hours worked by this project manager X X  
Premium 1 Hours Worked The total premium 1 hours charged to this project manager X X  
Premium 2 Hours Worked The total premium 1 hours charged to this project manager X X  
Premium 3 Hours Worked The total premium 1 hours charged to this project manager X X  
Regular Hours Worked The total regular hours worked by this project manager X X  
Resource Hours The total number of resource hours entered to projects for the project manager   X  
Scheduled Hours The total number of scheduled project hours for the project manager X X  
WIP Hours Total WIP hours X X  
Written off Hours Total written off hours X X  
Billed Adjustments Consultant The amount of adjustments with an activity type of Consultant that were billed X X  
Billed Adjustments Expense The amount of adjustments with an activity type of Expense that were billed X X  
Billed Adjustments Labor The amount of adjustments with an activity type of Labor that were billed X X  
Billed Adjustments The amount adjustments billed X X  
Billed Amount By Accounting Date The total amount billed to the project manager as of the accounting date X    
Billed Consultant The amount of consultant costs billed to the project manager X X  
Billed Expense The amount of expenses billed to the project manager X X  
Billed Labor The amount of labor billed to the project manager X X  
Billed Sales Tax The amount of sales tax for labor or expenses X X  
Billed The total amount billed to the project manager X X  
Consultant Billed by Accounting Date The amount of consultant costs billed to the project manager as of the accounting date X    
Cost + Premium Burdened The cost amount of the project + the premium cost + the overhead amount X X  
Cost + Premium

The cost amount of the project + the premium cost

This does not include any markups.

X X  
Cost Burdened The cost amount of the phase + the overhead amount X X  
Cost Consultant The cost amount of the consultants for the phase X X  
Cost Expense The cost amount of the expenses for the phase X X  
Cost Labor + Premium Burdened The cost amount of the phase + the premium cost+ the overhead amount X X  
Cost Labor + Premium

The cost amount of the phase + the premium cost

This does not include any markups.

X X  
Cost Labor Burdened The cost amount of the labor for the phase + the premium cost X X  
Cost Labor The cost amount of the labor for the project manager X X  

The cost amount of the project manager

This does not include any markups.

X X  
Expense Billed by Accounting Date The amount of expenses billed to the project manager as of the accounting date X    
Labor Billed by Accounting Date The amount of labor billed to the project manager as of the accounting date X    
Payable Balance The total amount remaining to be paid to the vendors associated with the phase X X  
Payments The total amount paid to vendors associated with the phase X X  
Payroll Cost Burdened w/ Exp & Cons

The payroll cost of labor for the phase with overhead and DPE costs included, plus expenses and consultants

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.

X X  
Payroll Cost Labor Burdened

The payroll cost of labor for the phase with overhead and DPE costs included

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.

X X  
Payroll Cost Labor

The payroll cost of labor for the phase without overhead and DPE costs

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.

X X  
Payroll Cost w/Exp & Cons

The payroll cost of labor for the phase without overhead and DPE costs, plus expenses and consultants

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.

X X  
Premium Cost The cost amount of representing the increase to the employee's pay to reflect pay for hours entered as premium time (such as overtime and double time) for the phase X X  
Receipts Adjustments Consultant The amount of client receipts entered for adjustments with an activity type of Expense X X  
Receipts Adjustments Expense The amount of client receipts entered for adjustments with an activity type of Labor X X  
Receipts Adjustments Labor The amount of client receipts entered for adjustments, such as a discount, for the project manager X X  
Receipts Adjustments The amount of client receipts entered for adjustments, such as a discount X X  
Receipts Consultant The amount of client receipts entered for consultants X X  
Receipts Expense The amount of client receipts entered for expenses X X  
Receipts Labor The amount of client receipts entered for labor X X  
Receipts Sales Tax The amount of client receipts entered for sales tax X X  
Receipts The total amount of client receipts entered for the project X X  
Receivable Balance The receivable balance for the project X X  
Resource Cost The cost amount of the resource time assigned to this project manager   X  
Resource Fee The fee amount of the resource time assigned to this project manager   X  
Scheduled Dollars The amount of dollars scheduled to the project X X  
Spent Consultant The amount of consultant work performed on the project at the billing rates X X  
Spent Expense The amount of expenses incurred on the project at the billing rates X X  
Spent Labor The amount of labor performed by the project manager at the billing rates X X  
Spent The total amount of time and expense spent on the project at the billing rates X X  
Vendor Invoiced Consultant The amount of vendor invoices for consultants X X  
Vendor Invoiced Expense The amount of vendor invoices for expenses X X  
Vendor Invoiced The total amount of vendor invoices associated with the project X X  
WIP Consultant The amount of work-in-progress (WIP) for consultant costs X X  
WIP Expense The amount of work-in-progress (WIP) for expenses X X  
WIP Labor The amount of work-in-progress (WIP) for labor for the project manager X X  
WIP The total amount of work-in-progress associated with the project X X  
Written off Consultant The amount of write-off for consultant costs X X  
Written off Expense The amount of write-off for expenses X X  
Written off Labor The amount of write-off for labor for the project manager X X  
Written off The total amount of write-off associated with the project manager X X  
Company Credit Card 1 Key The database identifier of the first credit card associated with the project manager     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 2 Key The database identifier of the first credit card associated with the project manager     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 3 Key The database identifier of the first credit card associated with the project manager     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 4 Key The database identifier of the first credit card associated with the project manager     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 5 Key The database identifier of the first credit card associated with the project manager     Bank Account
Company Credit Card 6 Key The database identifier of the first credit card associated with the project manager     Bank Account
Company Key The database identifier of the company associated with the project manager     Company
Contact 1 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 2 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 3 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 4 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the project manager     Contact
Contact 5 Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the project manager     Contact
Department Key The database identifier of the department associated with the project manager     Department
Employee Type Key The database identifier of the employee type     Employee Type
Project Manager Key The database identifier of the project manager     Project Manager
Supervisor Key The database identifier of the supervisor associated with the employee     Employee

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