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Home Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Company Name Description of the company      
Cash Cash available for the company X X  
GL Balance

Total GL Balance of all accounts

To exclude close year entries from the calculation, check the Exclude Close Year Entries check box when editing or adding the column.

X X  
GL Budget Total Budget of all accounts X X  
GL Cash Basis Balance

Total cash basis balance of all accounts

To exclude close year entries from the calculation, check the Exclude Close Year Entries check box when editing or adding the column.

X X  
GL Cash Basis Budget Total cash basis budget of all accounts X X  
Payable Balance Total payable balance X X  
Receivable Balance Total receivable balance X X  
WIP Balance Total WIP balance X X  
Company The database identifier of the company     Company

unavailable in ajeraCore Select to add the Gantt chart to your table widget.





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