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Employee Type Base

Use this base to see general information, and payroll and billing information by employee type.

Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
CRM Employee Type ID Indicates the ID from CRM      
Description The description of the employee type     Employee Type
Notes Any notes about the employee type      
Order The order of the employee type in the employee type list      

The status of the employee type

Examples: Active, Inactive

Billed Hours The total number of hours billed to the employee type X X  
Hours Worked The total number of hours budgeted for the employee type X X  
Premium 1 Hours Worked The total premium 1 hours charged to this employee type X X  
Premium 2 Hours Worked The total premium 2 hours charged to this employee type X X  
Premium 3 Hours Worked The total premium 3 hours charged to this employee type X X  
Regular Hours Worked The total regular hours worked by this employee type X X  
Resource Hours The total resource hours assigned to this employee type   X  
Scheduled Hours The scheduled hours assigned to this employee type X X  
WIP Hours The total number of work-in-progress (WIP) hours associated with the employee type X X  
Written off Hours The total number of write-off hours associated with the employee type X X  
Billable Percent The percent of time entered that is billable for the employee type      
Billed Labor The amount of labor billed to the employee type X X  
Budget Bill Rate The average labor budget billing rate entered on the employee type      
Budget Cost Rate The average labor budget cost rate entered on the employee type      
Cost Labor + Premium Burdened The cost amount of the phase + the premium cost+ the overhead amount X X  
Cost Labor + Premium

The cost amount of the phase + the premium cost

This does not include any markups.

X X  
Cost Labor Burdened The cost amount of the labor for the phase + the premium cost X X  
Cost Labor The cost amount of the labor for the project manager X X  
DPE % General Direct Personnel Expense non project related      
DPE % Project Direct Personnel Expense project related      
Payroll Cost Labor Burdened

The payroll cost of labor for the employee with overhead and DPE costs included

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.

X X  
Payroll Cost Labor

The payroll cost of labor for the employee type without overhead and DPE costs

Payroll cost is the total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time.

X X  
Premium Cost The premium cost of labor for the employee type X X  
Resource Cost The total cost associated with resources for the employee type   X  
Scheduled Dollars The total scheduled dollars for the employee type   X  
Spent Labor The amount of spent labor for the employee type X X  
WIP Labor The amount of WIP labor for the employee type X X  
Written off Labor The total amount of write-off associated with the employee type X X  
Employee Type Key The database identifier of the employee type     Employee Type
Delete CRM Mapping Deletes the record from the mapping table      

unavailable in ajeraCore Select to add the Gantt chart to your table widget.





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