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Cash Forecast Base

Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Activity Type Value The value indication the type of activity associated with the forecast item.      
Activity Type

The type of activity associated with the forecast item.

Example: labor, activity, consultant

Client Invoice Number Client invoice number of forecast item.     Client Invoice
Client Type Client type associated with client on the forecast item.     Client Type
Client Client of the forecast item.     Client
Forecast Days to Bill WIP

Days to Bill + Days to Receive.

If the client has never been billed/receive before it will use Company days value else it will use Client days value.

Forecast Days to Pay - Company

Days to Pay for the company associated with the forecast item.

This is the average of the difference of the Transaction date and the bank entry date for the last year.

This is used to forecast out the outstanding amount into the future when the vendor has not been paid before.

Forecast Days to Pay - Vendor

Days to Pay for the vendor associated with the forecast item.

This is the average of the difference of the Transaction date and the invoice date for the last year.

This is used to forecast the amount into the future for the vendor.

Forecast Days to Receive- Client

Days to Receive for the client associated with the forecast item.

This is the average of the difference of the Invoice date and the Receipt date for the last year.

This is used to forecast the Outstanding Amount out into the future.

Forecast Days to Receive- Company

Days to Receive for the company associated with the forecast item.

This is the average of the difference of the Invoice date and the receipt date for all company invoices for the last year.

This is used to forecast the Amount out into the future when the client has not been used before.

Forecast Days to Receive WIP - Client

Days to receive cash for the billing of WIP for the client associated with the forecast item.

This is made up of average days to bill for the client + average days to receive.

Average days to bill is the average of the difference of the transaction date of the WIP and the client invoice date for WIP.

Average days to receive is the difference of the invoice date and receipt date for the past year.

Forecast Days to Receive WIP - Company

Days to receive cash for the billing of WIP for the company associated with the forecast item.

This is made up of average days to bill for the client + average days to receive.

Average days to bill is the average of the difference of the transaction date of the WIP and the client invoice date for WIP for the company.

Average days to receive is the difference of the invoice date and receipt date for the past year.

Forecast Days

Based on the forecast type is either the Days to Pay (AP), Days to Receive (AR) or Days to Bill + Days to Receive (WIP).

If the vendor or client has not been used before the company days calculation is used instead.

Forecast Description Based on the forecast type is either Vendor or Client.     Phase
Forecast Invoice Number Client or Vendor Invoice number.      
Forecast Type Value Numeric identifier of the forecast Type.      
Forecast Type Identifies the type of item being forecasted (AP, AR, WIP).      
Phase - Project Type The project type associated with the forecast item at the project level.     Project Type
Phase Description The name of the phase.     Phase
Phase ID & Description The ID and description of the phase.     Phase
Phase ID The ID of the phase.     Phase
Project - Project Type The project type associated with the forecast item at the project level.     Project Type
Project Company Name The name of the company associated with the forecast item.     Company
Project Description The name of the project associated with the forecast item.     Project
Project ID & Description The ID and description of the project associated with the forecast item.     Project
Project ID The ID of the project associated with the forecast item.     Project
Vendor Invoice Company Name The name of the company linked to the vendor invoice associated with the forecast item.     Company
Vendor Invoice Description The description of the vendor invoice associated with the forecast item.      
Vendor Invoice Notes Any notes for the vendor invoice associated with the forecast item.      
Vendor Invoice Number The user-provided alphanumeric identifier of the vendor invoice associated with the forecast item.     Vendor Invoice
Vendor Type The vendor type associated with the forecast item.     Vendor Type
Vendor The vendor associated with the forecast item.     Vendor
Principal In Charge The name of the principal in charge on the project associated with the forecast item.     Project Manager
Project Manager The name of the project manager on the project associated with the forecast item.     Project Manager
Client Invoice Date The date of the client invoice associated with the forecast item. X   Client Invoice
Forecast Date Based on the forecast type is either vendor invoice date + vendor/company days to pay, client invoice date + client/company days to receive, or WIP transaction date + client/company days to bill + client/company days to receive. X    
Forecast Invoice Date Based on the forecast type is either Client Invoice Date or Vendor Invoice Date. X    
Forecast Item Date Based on the forecast type is either Transaction Date, Client Invoice Date or Vendor Invoice Date. X    
Transaction Date The date of the transaction associated with the forecast item. X    
Vendor Invoice Date The date of the vendor invoice associated with the forecast item. X   Vendor Invoice
Amount Based on forecast type either AR Aging, AP Aging, WIP Aging run by accounting date. X X  
Cash Forecast Key The database identifier of the forecast item.      
Client Invoice Key The database identifier of the client invoice associated with the forecast item.     Client Invoice
Client Key The database identifier of the client associated with the forecast item.     Client
Client Type Key The database identifier of the client type associated with the forecast item.     Client Type
Phase - Project Type Key The database identifier of the project type associated with the forecast item.     Project Type
Phase Key The database identifier of the phase associated with the forecast item.     Phase
Principal In Charge Key The database identifier of the principal in charge on the project associated with the forecast item.     Project Manager
Project - Project Type Key The database identifier of the project type associated with the forecast item at the project level.     Project Type
Project Company Key The database identifier of the project company associated with the forecast item.     Company
Project Key The database identifier of the project associated with the forecast item.     Project
Project Manager Key The database identifier of the project manager on the project associated with the forecast item.     Project Manager
Vendor Invoice Company Key The database identifier of the company linked to the vendor invoice associated with the forecast item.     Company
Vendor Invoice Key The database identifier of the vendor invoice associated with the forecast item.     Vendor Invoice
Vendor Key The database identifier of the vendor associated with the forecast item.     Vendor
Vendor Type Key The database identifier of the vendor type associated with the forecast item.     Vendor Type

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