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Billing Review History Base

Use this base to keep track of your client invoices while they proceed through your firm's billing review process.

Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Billing Review Stage

The current billing review stage of the client invoice

Examples: Pre-review, Final

    Billing Review History
Client Invoice The name associated with the client invoice; usually the project name     Client Invoice
Client The name of the client associated with the invoice     Client
Invoice Group The name of the invoice group      
Invoice Number The ID of the client invoice      
Invoice Status

Determines if the invoice is billed to the client

Examples: Approved, Draft, Final, Hold, Reissue, Writeoff

Notes Any notes from the current billing review stage      
Project Description The name of the project associated with the client invoice     Project
Project ID & Description The ID and description of the project associated with the client invoice     Project
Project ID The ID of the project associated with the client invoice     Project
Added By The name of the reviewer      
Billing Manager The billing manager associated with the client invoice     Employee
Contact The name of the contact associated with the review     Contact
Modified By The name of the person who made the last change to the review      
Principal The principal associated with the client invoice     Project Manager
Project Manager The project manager associated with the client invoice     Project Manager
Added Date The date when it was added     Billing Review History
Due Date The date when the review should be completed     Billing Review History
Invoice Date The date the invoice was created      
Modified Date The date when the last change to the review was made      
Billing Manager Key The database identifier of the billing manager associated with the client invoice     Employee
Billing Review History Key The database identifier of the billing review history associated with the client invoice     Billing Review History
Billing Review Stage Key The database identifier of the billing review stage associated with the client invoice      
Client Invoice Key The database identifier of the client invoice     Client Invoice
Client Key The database identifier of the client associated with the invoice     Client
Contact Key The database identifier of the contact associated with the review     Contact
Invoice Group Key The database identifier of the invoice group associated with the client invoice as defined in > Manage > Project Command Center. If no specific invoice group exists, this column displays Invoice Group.      
Principal Key The database identifier of the principal associated with the client invoice     Project Manager
Project Key The database identifier of the project associated with the client invoice     Project
Project Manager Key The database identifier of the project manager associated with the client invoice     Project Manager

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