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BD Phase Base


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General Information
BD - AE Status

Indicates if you have worked with the primary architecture or engineering firm on the project in the past

Repeat means that you have, and New means that you have not.

The status is selected on the Marketing Info subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Awarded To The firm that won the contract for the project     Contact
BD - Client Description A description of the client associated with the BD phase     Client
BD - Client Status

Indicates if you have worked with the client in the past

Repeat means that you have, and New means that you have not.

The status is selected on the Marketing Info subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Contact 1 Information

Information about the contact people associated with the project

BD - Contact 1 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project

You enter the text on the Contacts subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Contact 2 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 2 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project

You enter the text on the Contacts subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Contact 3 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 3 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project

You enter the text on the Contacts subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Contact 4 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 4 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project

You enter the text on the Contacts subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Contact 5 Information Information about the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 5 Text

Text about the contact people associated with the project

You enter the text on the Contacts subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Description A description entered for the Business Development phase of the project      
BD - Final Disposition Reason The reason why your firm won, lost, or declined the project      
BD - Final Disposition Status Indicates if your firm won, lost or declined the project      
BD - Notes Any notes about the project      
BD - Owner Status

Indicates if you have worked with the company paying for the project in the past

Repeat means that you have, and New means that you have not.

The status is selected on the Marketing Info subtab of the Business Development subtab in the Project Command Center.

BD - Priority

The importance of the project: as low, medium, or high

This information is useful for reporting purposes or for quickly sorting and grouping projects by priority.

BD - Scope Of Work A description of work to be performed for the project      
Client The name of the client associated with the phase     Client
Company Name The name of the company associated with the phase     Company
Department Name The name of the department associated with the phase     Department
Is Detail Indicates that the phase allows time and expense entry      
Notes Any notes entered on the Notes tab of the phase      
Order Indicates the order of the phase in the project structure      
Phase Description The name of the phase     Phase
Phase ID & Description The ID and description of the phase     Phase
Phase ID The ID of the phase     Phase
Phase Level Text that prints on the invoice under the particular phase name      
Phase Status

The status of the phase

Examples: Active, Billing Hold, Closed, Hold, Marketing, Preliminary, Work Hold

Project Description The name of the project associated with the phase     Project
Project ID & Description The ID and description of the project associated with the phase     Project
Project ID The ID of the project associated with the phase     Project
Project Type

The type of project

Examples: Commercial, Educational Facilities, Environmental Planning, Interiors, Medical Facilities, Residential

    Project Type
Reported Percent Complete The RPC or percent of work that is complete as of the % complete date, as entered on the Manage tab of the project X    
BD - AE Name The name of the primary architecture or engineering firm on the project     Contact
BD - Contact 1 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 2 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 3 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 4 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 5 Name The names of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Current Stage

Indicates where your proposal is in the Business Development process

Examples: Completed, Deferred, In Progress, Not Started, Waiting

BD - Owner Name The name of the company paying for the project     Contact
Marketing Contact The name of the marketing contact associated with the phase     Employee
Principal In Charge The name of the principal associated with the phase     Project Manager
Project Manager The name of the project manager associated with the phase     Project Manager
Actual Completion Date The actual date when work is complete on the phase      
Actual Start Date The actual date when work begins on the phase      
Estimated Completion Date The date when work is scheduled to be complete on the phase, as entered on the Manage tab of the project      
Estimated Start Date The date when work is scheduled to begin on the phase, as entered on the Manage tab of the project      
Next Task Date The date of the next task associated with the phase      
Reported Percent Complete Date The date when you report the percent of work that is complete on the phase, as entered on the Manage tab of the project X    
BD - Hours Budget Factored

The number of budgeted hours in the contract that your firm has a chance of winning:

Hours Budget Open x Chance of Winning

This information is useful when reviewing reports to help predict future workload.

BD - Hours Budget Lost/Declined The total number of budgeted hours in the contract lost or declined by your firm X    
BD - Hours Budget Open The total number of budgeted hours to be awarded to the winner of the contract      
BD - Hours Budget Won The total number of budgeted hours awarded to your firm      
Hours Budget The total number of hours budgeted for the phase      
Hours Worked The total number of hours worked on the phase X    
Premium 1 Hours Worked The total premium 1 hours charged to this phase X X  
Premium 2 Hours Worked The total premium 2 hours charged to this phase X X  
Premium 3 Hours Worked The total premium 3 hours charged to this phase X X  
Regular Hours Worked The total regular hours worked this phase X X  
BD - Chance Of Winning

The percent probability that your firm can win the project

This information is useful when reviewing reports to help predict future workload. You can also sort projects in the project list by the percent chance of winning.

BD - Construction Cost The total construction cost of the project      
BD - Consultant Contract Factored

The contract amount for consultant costs that your firm has a chance of winning:

Consultant Contract Open x Chance of Winning

This information is useful when reviewing reports to help predict future income.

BD - Consultant Contract Lost/Declined Amount of consultant contract lost or declined based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Consultant Contract Open Amount of constant contract open based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Consultant Contract Won Amount of constant contract won based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Consultant Fee The amount of fees charged by subconsultants you are using on the project      
BD - Expense Contract Factored

The contract amount for expenses that your firm has a chance of winning:

Expense Contract Open x Chance of Winning

This information is useful when reviewing reports to help predict future income.

BD - Expense Contract Lost/Declined Amount of expense contract lost or declined based on the marketing stage final disposition status X    
BD - Expense Contract Open Amount of expense contract open based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Expense Contract Won Amount of expense contract won based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Firm Fee The contract amount for the project      
BD - Labor Contract Factored

The contract amount for labor that your firm has a chance of winning:

Labor Contract Open x Chance of Winning

This information is useful when reviewing reports to help predict future income.

BD - Labor Contract Lost/Declined Amount of labor contract lost or declined based on the marketing stage final disposition status X    
BD - Labor Contract Open Amount of labor contract open based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Labor Contract Won Amount of labor contract won based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Total Contract Factored

The total contract amount that your firm has a chance of winning:

Total Contract Open x Chance of Winning

This information is useful when reviewing reports to help predict future income.

BD - Total Contract Lost/Declined Amount of total contract lost or declined based on the marketing stage final disposition status X    
BD - Total Contract Open Amount of total contract open based on the marketing stage final disposition status      

BD - Total Contract Won

Amount of total contract won based on the marketing stage final disposition status      
BD - Total Cost

The total cost of the project for the owner

It includes permits, fees, construction, design, furnishings, and so on.

BD - Total Fee The total amount of fees charged for the project, including your firm's fees and fees charged by subconsultants      
Consultant Cost Budget The amount budgeted for consultants for the phase      
Cost Burdened Total cost amount entered including overhead multipliers X    
Cost Consultant Total consultant cost amount X    
Cost Expense Total expense cost amount X    
Cost Labor Burdened Total labor cost amount including overhead multipliers X    
Cost Labor Total labor cost amount X    
Cost Total cost amount X    
Expense Cost Budget The amount budgeted for expenses for the phase      
Labor Cost Budget The amount budgeted for labor for the phase      
Payroll Cost Burdened w/Exp & Cons Total payroll cost amount with overhead multipliers plus expense and consultant cost X    
Payroll Cost Labor Burdened Total payroll cost amount with overhead multipliers X    
Payroll Cost Labor Total payroll cost amount X    
Payroll Cost w/Exp & Cons Total payroll cost amount with expense and consultant cost X    
Spent Consultant Consultant spent amount X    
Spent Expense Expense spent amount X    
Spent Labor Labor spent amount X    
Spent Total spent amount X    
BD - AE Key The database identifier of the primary architecture or engineering firm on the project     Contact
BD - Awarded To Key The database identifier of the firm that won the contract for the project     Contact
BD - Client Key The database identifier of the client associated with the BD phase     Client
BD - Contact 1 Key The database identifiers of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 2 Key The database identifiers of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 3 Key The database identifiers of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 4 Key The database identifiers of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Contact 5 Key The database identifiers of the contact people associated with the project     Contact
BD - Owner Key The database identifier of the company paying for the project     Contact
Client Key The database identifier of the client associated with the phase     Client
Company Key The database identifier of the company associated with the phase     Company
Department Key The database identifier of the department associated with the phase     Department
Marketing Contact Key The database identifier of the marketing contact associated with the phase     Employee
Phase Key The database identifier of the phase     Phase
Principal In Charge Key The database identifier of the principal associated with the phase     Project Manager
Project Key The database identifier of the project associated with the phase     Project
Project Manager Key The database identifier of the project manager associated with the phase     Project Manager
Project Type Key The database identifier of the project type associated with the phase     Project Type

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