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Bank Entry Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Account Type Value Bank or credit card account value      
Account Type Bank or credit card account      
Bank Description Description of the bank/credit card associated with the statement      
Bank Entry Type Type of bank entry (find list of types - deposit, transfer etc)      
Bank Name Name of bank or credit card     Bank Account
Company Name Company associated with bank or credit card     Company
Expense Report Row Row of the expense report associated with the credit card item      
Has Cash Basis Entries (Credit card bank accounts only) Indicates that Cash Basis entries were created along with accrual entries      
Is Beginning Balance Beginning balance bank entry      
Is Cleared Bank entry was cleared on a statement      
Is Credit Card Payment Bank entry paid a credit card invoice      
Is Payroll Check Bank entry is a payroll check      
Is Register Entry Bank entry was entered directly into the bank register      
Is Voided Bank entry is voided      
Name Name of bank or credit card      
Notes Notes entered on bank or credit card entry      
Number of Receipts Number of receipts on a deposit      
Number/Reference Check number or reference associated with the bank entry     Bank Entry
Status The status of the bank entry      
Transfer Bank If the bank entry is bank transfer, the transfer bank account     Bank Account
Entry Date Date of the bank entry     Bank Entry
Statement Date Statement date associated with the bank entry     Bank Statement
Amount Amount of the bank entry   X  
Bank Account Key The database identifier of the bank account     Bank Account
Bank Entry Key The database identifier of the bank entry     Bank Entry
Bank Statement Key The database identifier of the bank statement     Bank Statement
Company Key The database identifier of the company     Company
Credit Card Import Detail Key The database identifier of the credit card import detail      
Expense Report Key The database identifier of the expense report     Expense Report
Transfer Bank Key The database identifier of the bank transfer bank account     Bank Account

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