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Alert Base


Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Links to Page
General Information
Description User defined description of the specified alert     Notification
Email Alert Body User defined content that makes up the body of the email      
Email Alert Footer User defined content that will make up the footer of the email and will follow the body      
Email Alert Header User defined content that will make up the header of the email      
Email Alert Subject User defined content that will make up the subject line of the email alert      
Email Alert Type Type of alert, such as email or SMS      
Frequency Units Specified day or time that the alert will run based on the scheduled frequency      
Frequency User defined schedule that defines when the alert will be ran      
Has Delivery Group Identifies whether the alert has recipients setup to receive the alert      
Has Trigger Identifies if the alert will be run based upon a defined trigger set by the user      
Is Trigger On New Row Identifies alerts that will be triggered to run based on a new row being added to the widget      
Last Error The last error that occurred when running the alert      
Notes Optional field to store notes regarding each alert      
Page Identifies the page the alert is stored on      
Status Status of the alert     Notification
Tab Is Hidden Identifies if the alert belongs to a widget on a hidden tab      
Tab Name Name of the tab where the alert widget resides      
Tab Notes Notes associated with the tab where the alert widget resides      
Trigger Column Predicate Predicate used by the trigger such as =, <>, >, <, >=, <=      
Trigger Column Column on the widget that will trigger the alert to run      
Trigger Value Value of the trigger column that will trigger the alert to run      
Trigger Type of trigger being used on the alert widget      
Widget Name Name of widget that the alert is setup on      
Ajera Service Last Run The last date the Ajera service ran      
Last Date Run The last date the alert was run      
Last Error Date The last date the alert had an error      
Alert Key The database identifier of the alert     Notification
Employee Filter To filter alerts by an employee      
Tab Key The database identifier of the tab where the alert widget resides      
Widget Key The database identifier of the widget where the alert resides      

unavailable in ajeraCore Select to add the Gantt chart to your table widget.





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