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Information synced between Ajera and PIM

Not available in ajeraCore or ajeraCore + add-ons

What information is shared between Ajera and PIM?

The integration with PIM syncs client, contact, employee, and vendor information with Ajera information.

If you are integrating with CRM, clients, contacts, and projects created in Ajera from CRM will automatically be added to PIM.

Information syncs from Ajera to PIM only.

In order to sync information correctly, the process creates a relationship between corresponding information in both applications. Refer to the table below to understand how the process maps information between Ajera and PIM.







Ajera database table: AxProject

PIM database: Project

Note: Project information is sent to PIM at the project level only. Phases do not sync to PIM.
Ajera database field Ajera field PIM table PIM field Notes
prjKey prjKey   Project ID Project only – no phases go to PIM
prjDescription Project Description Project Name  
prjNotes Project Notes   Description  
prjID Project ID   Project Code Automatically generated if not entered in Ajera
prjStatus Project Status   Status

This is the status description. For example: Marketing, Preliminary, Active, Hold, Work Hold, Billing Hold, Closed.

If the status does not exist in PIM, it will be created.

VecDescription Client     Information from the first invoice group associated with the project in Ajera
VecAddress1 Client Address 1     Information from the first invoice group associated with the project in Ajera
VecAddress2 Client Address 2     Information from the first invoice group associated with the project in Ajera
vecCity City     Information from the first invoice group associated with the project in Ajera
Contact Contact     The employee from Ajera
Role Type      

If a project manager is setup in the PCC, the Role Type will be set to Project Manager in PIM.

If principal in charge is setup in the PCC, the Role Type will be set to Principal in Charge in PIM.

If marketing contact is setup in the PCC, the Role Type will be set to Marketing Contact in PIM.

If the Role Type is not Project Manager, Principal in Charge, or Marketing Contact, a new role type will be created for the contact.

vecState State     Information from the first invoice group associated with the project in Ajera
vecZip Zip     Information from the first invoice group associated with the project in Ajera


Ajera database table: AxVec

PIM database table: Organization

Note: Removing a contact from a client does not change the organization associated with the client in PIM.
Ajera database field Ajera field PIM field Notes
vecKey vecKey Organization ID Organization ID in PIM is prepended with “cl”. For example if the veckey in Ajera is 101 then the organization ID in PIM is “cl-101”
vecDescription Client Name Name  
vecAddress1…3, vecCity, vecState Address 1…3, City, State Address  
vecZip Zip Post Code  
vecPhone1 or vecPhone2 Phone Phone Number If the phone number is not in first phone number, will look to second phone number
vecFax Fax Fax Number  
vecWebsite Website Web Address  
vecEmail Email Email  


If the contact associated with a vendor is not associated with any clients, the contact will be associated with the vendor in PIM. Removing a contact from a vendor does not change the organization associated with the vendor in PIM.

Ajera database field Ajera field PIM field Notes
vecKey vecKey Organization ID Organization ID in PIM is prepended with “ve”. For example if the veckey in Ajera is 102 then the organization ID in PIM is “ve-102”
vecDescription Vendor Name Name  
vecAddress1…3 vecCity, vecState Address 1…3, City, State Address  
vecZip Zip Post Code  
vecPhone Phone Phone Number If the phone number is not in first phone number, will look to second phone number
vecFax Fax Fax Number  
vecWebsite Website Web Address  
vecEmail Email Email  


Ajera database table: AxVec

PIM database table: Contact

Ajera database field Ajera field PIM field Notes
vecKey vecKey Contact ID Contact ID in PIM is prepended with “em”. For example if the vecKey in Ajera is 103 then the contact ID in PIM is “em-103”
  Organization ID Internal
vecFirstName First Name Forename  
vecLastName Last Name Surname  
n/a n/a Title Prefills with “-“. Mr/Mrs used in merge templates
vecMiddleName Middle Name Middle Names  
vecTitle Title Job Title  
vecEmail Email Email Used for single sign on
vecPhone2 Phone 2 Mobile  
vecPhone1 Phone 1 Direct Dial  
n/a n/a Created Date  
    Document Initials Uses first and last initials from name

If CRM and PIM are both are turned on, the PIM employee phone map will match the CRM employee phone map.


Ajera database table: AxContact

PIM database table: Contact

The contact's organization is updated when the contact Integration Client or Integration Vendor is assigned to the Contact. You can associate a contact with either an Integration Client or an Integration Vendor.

Note: Removing a contact from a client or vendor does not change the organization associated with the client or vendor in PIM.
Ajera database field Ajera field PIM field Notes
cntKey cntKey Contact ID Contact ID in PIM is prepended with “co”. For example if the cntKey in Ajera is 104 then the contact ID in PIM is “co-104”
    Organization ID

The Integration Client or Integration Vendor assigned in Ajera ( > Setup > Contacts > General Tab.

cntFirstName First Name Forename  
cntLastName Last Name Surname  
n/a n/a Title Prefills with “-“. Mr/Mrs used in merge templates
cntMiddleName Middle Name Middle Names  
cntTitle Title Job Title  
cntEmail Email Email  
cntPhone2 Phone 2 Mobile  
cntPhone1 Phone 1 Direct Dial  
n/a n/a Created Date  
    Document Initials Uses first and last initials from name



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