You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > sample data > Step 6: Access and reload sample data

Step 6: Access and reload sample data

Installing Ajera creates a sample Ajera database for a fictional company called Accutera Architects that you can use to learn how to use Ajera. Use this database to experiment with Ajera in the Ajera Cloud using sample information.

To access sample data

  1. Go to the Ajera login web page and enter sample\pdh in the Username field.
  2. Enter pdh as the password. The password is case-sensitive.
  3. To log into your company's data, log out of Ajera and log back in, typing your user name and password.

To access Ajera Cloud sample data

  1. Verify that each Ajera employee in your firm is active and set up with a valid email address ( > Setup > Employees). Each employee must have an email address to log into the sample database on the Ajera Cloud.
  2. To access the sample data, log in with our actual email, preceded by the word sample/
    • Email: sample\<your email address>
    • Password: <your password>
  3. Ajera prompts you to select an employee or role already set up in the sample database.

Sample data does not include the ability to upload attachments.

To reload sample data

The Ajera Administrator can reset the sample database at any time to return to its original content.

From the > Setup menu, click Utility >Reload Sample Data.

If you are logged into the sample data, Ajera restores the sample data and returns you to the login web page. Otherwise, Ajera restores the sample data and returns you to your normal processing.



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