You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > reports > report descriptions > Vendor Check Register report

Vendor Check Register report

Use this report to view the total amount of checks you made to vendors for a specified time period. The report includes checks entered through > Manage > Vendor Invoices or > Manage > Vendor Payments. Checks you enter directly into > Manage > Bank Register are not included in this report.

You can drill down to view the invoice detail for each payment.



Producing the report

From the > Reports menu, click Vendor > Vendor Check Register.

Report options

Option Description


Multi-company only. The report contains information for all companies in your organization, unless you select a specific company in this field.


The report contains checks for all vendors unless you select a specific vendor in this field.

Date range

The report contains checks for today's date unless you select a different time period in this field.

After changing report options, click (Refresh). 

Customize options

Option Description

Report title

You can change the title of the report.

Sort order

Sorts the report by check number, vendor, or vendor invoice date.

Use drilldown

If selected, you can drill down to further detail on the report. If cleared, all information, including the lowest level of detail, prints on the report.

Include voided checks

If selected, it includes information for voided checks in the report.

Print customize options on report

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Include all payments If selected, it includes EFT, direct deposit, debit, and credit card payments

Report contents

Column Description


The bank account, debit card, or credit card you used to issue the checks

Check Number

The check number


The date of the check

Vendor Name

The vendor you paid


Currently not used

Payment Amount

The total amount of payments you issued from the bank account

Drilldown to invoice detail:

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice associated with the check


The expense account you selected for the invoice distribution

Invoice Number

The invoice number of the invoice associated with the check


The project associated with the invoice distribution


The phase associated with the invoice distribution


The activity associated with the invoice distribution


The amount of the invoice distribution and the total amount of the invoice



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