Setting up employees

Learning Resource: Security and Setup Functional Guide

To set up employees

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Employees.
  2. Click the New button.
  1. Enter the following information on the General tab:
Note: When initially setting up employees, you may want to first set up employees that will review and approve timesheets so they are available when you set up other employees
Field Description


The first, middle, and last name of the employee


The job title of the employee


The name of the employee's supervisor

Employee type

Required - The type for the employee


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Required if you are using departments. The employee's department

Manager type

If the employee is a manager, select the applicable check boxes:


You can select the employee from a list when:

  • Selecting the principal in charge of a project
  • Selecting to produce reports only for projects with a specific principal in charge

If you select the Principal check box, when this employee enters time, Ajera makes entries to the Principal Time Payroll Expense accounts (which you selected in > Setup > Company > Preferences > Income Statement Accounts). Otherwise, it makes entries to the Employee Time Payroll Expense accounts. 


You can select this employee from a list when identifying a supervisor for an employee. An employee's supervisor can access an employee's timesheets, expense reports, and tasks.

Project Manager

You can select the employee from a list when:

  • Selecting a project manager for a project
  • Selecting to produce reports only for projects with a specific project manager
  • Selecting to display projects in the Project Command Center for only a specific project manager

Accounting Manager

An accounting manager can access all timesheets, expense reports, and tasks.

Marketing Contact

You can select the employee from a list when:

  • Selecting the marketing contact for a project
  • Selecting to produce reports only for projects with a specific marketing contact

Target billable

The employee's billable target as a percent. It appears on reports.


The gender of the employee

Birth date

The birth date of the employee

Date hired

The employee's date of hire

Date terminated

If the employee was terminated, the termination date. If this field contains a date, the employee is automatically given a status of Inactive unless the Date Rehired field contains a date later than the date terminated.

Date rehired

If the employee was rehired, the rehire date


Employee's email address

If your Login type is set to use an employee email to log into Ajera, the following conditions apply:

  • Employees logging into Ajera with Ajera Cloud - Enter the email the employee will use to log into Ajera.
  • Employees authenticated through Active Directory - If you use Active Directory in your firm and have turned on Active Directory integration, enter the employee email that matches the email domain set up in > Setup > Company Preferences > System Settings.
  • Employees not authenticated through Active Directory - If you have specific employees you do not want to authenticate through Active Directory, enter an email address with a domain not defined in System Settings. For example, if your domain is, you can enter an email
Login ID*

Identification the employee uses to log into Ajera

This field appears only if the ID Login Type is selected in > Setup > Company Preferences > System Settings.


Password the employee uses to log into Ajera

If you are set up to use an employee email to log into Ajera, the following conditions apply:

  • Employees logging into Ajera with Ajera Cloud - Enter a unique password.
  • Employees authenticated through Active Directory - The Ajera password field is disabled. The employee logs into Ajera using their company login credentials.
  • Employees not authenticated through Active Directory -Enter a unique password.
Successful Windows Login

This is a read only check box.

This check box indicates if the employee has successfully logged in with Single Sign-on (SSO).


If you assign multiple roles to an employee, the tasks and information that person can access is determined by the role with the greatest access. For example, if a person has the roles of Employee and Project Manager, the Project Manager security settings take precedence over the Employee security settings.


Select the Administrator role for the user who is responsible for maintaining your system with full rights to the system. The administrator has access to all options, tasks, reports, and to all employee user IDs and passwords. It is recommended that your company have two administrators, or an administrator and a backup, so that this function is not entirely dependent on one person.

* Indicates the field is required to save.

  1. Click the Address tab.
  2. In the Phone Numbers fields, enter up to 3 phone numbers and descriptions for the employee.
Note: If CRM is enabled, the phone number descriptions will be prefilled with Home Phone, Work Phone, and Mobile Phone.
  1. In the address box, enter address information in the first line and additional information in the other lines, as needed. For example, you might enter the street address in the first line and a building number or apartment number in the remaining two lines. Enter the city, state, zip code, and country.
  2. If you want to enter a mailing address that is different from the home address, clear the Same as address check box. Type the mailing address.
  3. Click the Time & Expenses tab. Enter the following information:
For Do this

Timesheet entry:

Overhead group

Enter the overhead group. The overhead group determines which overhead categories appear on an employee's timesheet.

Expense entry:

Use expense reports

If you want the employee to enter expense reports, select this check box. Otherwise, tabs for entering expense reports do not appear on the Time & Expense List window for that employee.

Allow changes after processed

Select this check box if you want the employee to be able to edit and change their own expense report after their expense report has been processed.

When a change is made to an expense report, the expense report will be marked as needing to be reapproved.

  • Enable the Allow changes after processed check box located in > Setup > Company > Preferences > Time & Expense Entry tab
  • Only select if the Use expense reports check box is selected.

Credit card 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Enter the credit cards that the employee is authorized to use for charging expenses.

Note: If you want this employee to view or edit the Credit Card column on an expense report, select at least one credit card here.
Cardholder name 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Cardholder name that appears on the credit card. This may be the employee name or company name.

Note: This field is required. It pre-fills with the selected employees name.

Vendor type

Optional. If you want to produce reports on expenses reports for employees, you can select the vendor type, such as Employee, for all employees submitting expense reports.

Calculate payment date by

Use this field to indicate if or how you want Ajera to calculate a payment date for this employee's expense reports.

If you select to have Ajera calculate a payment date, it then enters that date in the Date to Pay field of the Vendor Invoice which contains the expense report items for the employee.

Select one of the following options:


Ajera does not automatically calculate a payment date.

Number of days

Ajera calculates a payment date by adding a certain number of days to the invoice date. You then indicate the number of days to add by entering it in the Number of Days from Invoice Date field on this window.

Day of month

Ajera makes the payment date a specific day of the month. You enter that day in the Day of the Month to Pay field on this window. For example, you always want to pay this employee's expenses on the 15th of the month.

Number of days from invoice date

Use this field if you selected the Number of days option in the Calculate Payment Date By field.

Type the number of days you want Ajera to add to an invoice date so as to calculate a payment date.

Day of the month to pay

Use this field if you selected the Day of month option in the Calculate Payment Date By field.

Enter the date of the month that you want to pay expense reports for this employee. For example, you would enter 15 if you wanted the payment date to be the 15th of every month.


If you enter 29, 30, or 31 and a month does not have those days, Ajera makes the payment date the last day of that month.

  1. Click the Pay Information tab. Enter the following information:
Field Description

Social Security Number

The employee's Social Security Number

Payroll service employee ID

If using a payroll service (outsourced payroll), the employee ID that you send to the payroll service.

If using in house payroll, this can be used to populate the Individual identification on the direct deposit NACHA file if the bank used for paying employees is set up to use it.


If you are using this field to populate the Individual identification on direct deposit NACHA files, this field should only be 15 characters and should not contain any special characters.


Multi-company only.

Required - The company the employee works for

You cannot change this field after the employee enters time. If the employee works for another company in your organization, create a second employee setup so that the taxes are calculated correctly.

Pay rates:

Start Date

The date when you want to start using this pay rate for the employee


You cannot change the date on the first row because Ajera uses that row to establish a starting (default) pay rate.

Pay Period

The pay period for the employee


If selected, the employee is paid hourly


If you did not select the Hourly check box, enter the salary that this employee is paid for the pay period.


If more than one pay rate applies to a pay period, when you run payroll, Ajera calculates the salary amount based on the pay rate with the start date closest to the period ending date.

Pay Rate

If you selected the Hourly check box, enter the hourly rate of pay for this employee.


If you entered a salary amount before selecting the Hourly check box, Ajera automatically enters the employee's standard hourly rate and you cannot change it.

Employee rates:

Premium pay 1, 2, 3

These fields correspond to the three premium pays that Ajera automatically sets up (Overtime, Double time, and Other time) through the > Setup > Company > Payroll > Pays menu, where the names can be changed. 

The fields contain the percentage for marking up the employee's pay rate for the type of hours. For example, if you pay an employee $10 an hour and time and a half for overtime (an extra $5 an hour), enter 50%, which results in a pay of $15 an hour.

Include in Salary

These fields apply only to salary employees (you did not select the Hourly check box).

In the Include in Salary check box to the right of the first premium pay field (Overtime), do the following, as needed:

  • If you do not want to pay salary employees for overtime, leave this check box selected.  
  • To pay employees overtime in addition to regular salary, clear this check box. To pay overtime at the regular pay rate, leave the markup percent as zero. To pay overtime by marking it up, enter the percent you want to mark up the regular rate.

Use the other Include in Salary check boxes, which appear to the right of the other two premium pays fields (Double Time Markup and Other Time Markup), in the same way.

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on - The following fields for Additional Pays appear only if processing payroll in-house:


The type of pay. If the pay you want is not already set up, click the New button from the Pay List window.


The calculation method for the way you want to calculate the pay


The amount, percent, or rate of this additional pay, depending on the calculation method you selected


If the amount is zero, the additional pay is not included on the paycheck.

On Demand

If you do not want this additional pay automatically included in every paycheck, select this check box.

When running payroll, you can choose to include all on-demand pays for all employees.


To include an individual pay on a payroll, set it up as a pay through the > Setup > Company > Payroll menu and then add it on the Edit Paycheck window.


Select this check box to also automatically include this pay in a supplemental paycheck, such as a bonus.

If you want to include this pay only on supplemental paychecks, you must also select the On Demand check box.


Any maximum annual amount or number of hours for this pay

Limit Period

There are two options for this field:

  • Per Year: Use this option to set the limit period as per year.
  • Cap at Limit: Use this option to stop accruing hours on an employee's paycheck once the limit has been reached. This means that no more time will be accrued until vacation/sick time has been entered on the timesheet.
Note: Cap at Limit is not available for outsourced payroll.

Auto Reduce

Reduce to

Reduce Month/Day

For a pay which has a type of Accrual

Ajera accrues hours according to the options you selected when setting up the pay ( > Setup > Company > Payroll > Pays). To accrue hours differently for this employee, change these fields as needed.

To set the accrued hours to zero or reduce them at a specific time (such as at year-end), select the Auto Reduce check box and do the following:

  • In the Reduce To field, type the maximum number of hours to carry over. You can enter a zero to carry over no hours.
  • In the Reduce Month/Day field, select the month and day when the hours are reduced.
Note: Auto Reduce is only available when Limit Period = Per year.


Enter any notes.

  1. Also on the Pay Information tab, you use the Pay Rates table to enter and track the employee's pay rates.

Each row represents a pay rate with an effective (start) date. In this way, you have a pay history for the employee, and you can enter a future pay change while still using the current rate.

For Do this

Start Date

On the first row of the table, skip this field when entering the employee's first pay rate.

To establish a starting (default) pay rate, Ajera automatically enters a Start Date of 01/01/01, which you cannot change. When you later enter pay rate changes on subsequent rows of the table, you then enter the start (effective) date for each pay change.

Pay Period

Select the pay period for the employee.


Select this check box if the employee is paid hourly.


If you did not select the Hourly check box, enter the salary that this employee is paid for the pay period.


If more than one pay rate applies to a pay period, when you run payroll, Ajera calculates the salary amount based on the pay rate with the start date closest to the period ending date.

Pay Rate

If you selected the Hourly check box, enter the hourly rate of pay for this employee.


If you entered a salary amount before selecting the Hourly check box, Ajera automatically enters the employee's standard hourly rate and you cannot change it.

Premium pay 1, 2, 3

These fields correspond to the three premium pays that Ajera automatically sets up (Overtime, Double time, and Other time) through the > Setup > Company > Payroll > Pays menu, where the names can be changed. 

The fields contain the percentage for marking up the employee's pay rate for the type of hours. For example, if you pay an employee $10 an hour and time and a half for overtime (an extra $5 an hour), enter 50%, which results in a pay of $15 an hour.

Include in Salary

These fields apply only to salary employees (you did not select the Hourly check box).

In the Include in Salary check box to the right of the first premium pay field (Overtime), do the following, as needed:

  • If you do not want to pay salary employees for overtime, leave this check box selected.  
  • To pay employees overtime in addition to regular salary, clear this check box. To pay overtime at the regular pay rate, leave the markup percent as zero. To pay overtime by marking it up, enter the percent you want to mark up the regular rate.

Use the other Include in Salary check boxes, which appear to the right of the other two premium pays fields (Double Time Markup and Other Time Markup), in the same way.

  1. If you are processing payroll in-house, set up the employee for in-house payroll. Otherwise, proceed to the next step of these instructions.
  2. Click the Contacts tab. Enter up to five contacts for this employee and in the field below the contact type a description for the contact.


See Setting up contacts to add a new contact. 

  1. Click the Attachments tab and add attachments, by linking to related files. A linked file must be in a shared location for other people to open it (for example, on a shared network or a website).

  2. Click the Notes tab, and type any notes about the employee.
  3. Click Save.
  4. To enter additional employees, repeat these instructions starting with Step 2.
  5. Click Close.


If you want to apply pay rates you just entered to time an employee already entered but was not yet paid for, or to time not yet billed to the client, then recalculate time.