You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > reports > custom reports > Setting up custom reports

Setting up and adding custom reports

You can add custom Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services reports to the Ajera database so that they appear on the Reports menu.

These instructions do not apply to custom reports created in Crystal Reports (.rpt).

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the custom report is in a Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 file, which has an extension of .rdl.

To set up a custom report

You can set up either your own report or a standard Ajera report that you modify as a custom report:

  • To use your own report, ensure that the .rdl file is in a location you can access, such as a shared network folder or your desktop.
  • To use a standard Ajera report:
  1. Copy the report from the \Ajera\Program\Standard Reports folder on the network drive where Ajera Server is installed to a location you can access, such as a shared network folder or your desktop.
  1. Using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2005, modify the report and save it as an .rdl file, with a new file name.

To add a custom report

  1. From the > Reports menu, click Manage Custom Reports.
  2. Click the Add button, navigate to the <custom report>.rdl file, and click Open to add the report to the Ajera database. The custom report appears in the Manage Custom Reports window.

To select multiple custom reports, shift-click the .rdl files.

If the custom report you add has the same name as an existing report, the new report will override the current report.

  1. Do the following:

    Field Description


    Select this check box so that the report appears on the > Reports menu and is available for use.


    Change the name of the report, if needed.


    Type the name of the > Reports submenu where you want the report to appear. If this field is blank, the report appears on the main > Reports menu.

    Crystal Report

    View only. If this check box is selected, it indicates that the report is a Crystal Report, which you cannot add, delete, or export in this window. Crystal Reports have an extension of .rpt.

  1. Click Save. The report appears on the > Reports menu where you can select and run it like any other report.

To enable other employees to see this report, select it on the > Reports tab for the employees' role. See Changing a role.



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