Project Command Center window (Manage tab)

Use the Manage tab of this window to do the following:

This tab also appears on the Project Templates window.


Icon Description

unavailable in ajeraCore

Adds a labor, consultant, or expense resource

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

Adds a labor budget, consultant resource, or expense resource

unavailable in ajeraCore

Adds a task

unavailable in ajeraCore

Appears for a budget item when the hours, cost, or contract amount does not equal the sum of the phases and resources under it. When you click the icon, Ajera changes the amount so that it equals the sum of the phases and resources under it.

unavailable in ajeraCore

Recalculate all cost and contract amounts for the entire project based on standard rates as set up in Ajera

Note: This icon is not available if you add the Construction Cost column and enter an amount.

Shows the activity type breakdown for the budget item

Hides the activity type breakdown for the budget item

Indicates a contract amount for the budget item which cannot be changed. Click it to unlock the item.

Indicates a contract amount for the budget that can be changed. Click it to lock the item.

unavailable in ajeraCore

Click it to distribute the contract amount to lower levels based on their percentages in the % Dist column.

Percentages you enter for all a project's phases must equal 100%. Similarly, percentages for all a phase's subphases must equal 100%.


To show or hide fields, click (Customize) on the Manage tab, and make selections in the table at the right.

Field Description


The name of the component of the project. Be sure not to use any slashes / \ when entering phase descriptions. 


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

The type, or category, of

For a labor resource, it is an employee type. For an expense resource, it is an activity. For a consultant resource, it is a vendor type which is identified as a consultant (the Consultant check box is selected for the Vendor Type).


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

The specific employee or vendor who is the resource. For a labor resource, it is an employee. For an expense resource, it is a vendor. For a consultant resource, it is a vendor who is identified as a consultant (the Consultant check box is selected for the Vendor Type).

Labor resources automatically appear in Schedule Manager ( > Manage > Schedule) if they have an employee or employee type assigned to them. You can use Schedule Manager to manage employee schedules by week as the project proceeds.

Reference/Commitment #

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

For activity type or task rows, it contains the reference, which is the short description that further identifies the resource. You use it to distinguish consultant or expense budget items when managing vendor invoices. You can also use it for labor resources, as needed.


The status for the project, phase, or task

Status for the project or phases:

Marketing - unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

You want to track BD efforts and win rates, and project your pipeline. Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase. The client cannot be invoiced.


The project or phase is not ready for billing. Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase but the client cannot be invoiced.


The project or phase is active. Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase. The client can be invoiced. Ajera enter a status of Active until you change it. 

Work hold

Time and expenses cannot be entered to the project or phase. The client can be invoiced.


Time and expenses cannot be entered to the project or phase. The client cannot be invoiced.

Billing hold

Time and expenses can be entered to the project or phase. The client cannot be invoiced.


The project or phase is complete, but you still want to include it in reports.

Status for tasks:

Not Started

In Progress





unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

The importance of the task ranked as high, medium, or low

% Dist

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

To distribute total hours/units, cost amount, and contract amount, enter a percent of the total for the phase or resource you are budgeting.

Note: When a phase amount is locked, you cannot change any amounts in this column.

Construction cost

If budgeting or billing by the percent of construction cost, enter the construction cost here.

% of CC

Percent of construction cost. If budgeting or billing by the percent of construction cost, enter the percent of construction cost that represents your fee.

Unit description

Only appears if the project or any of its phases have a billing type of Unit Price

If budgeting or billing the project or phase by unit price, enter a description of the units.

Unit price

If budgeting or billing for the project or phase by unit price, enter the price of each unit.


If you are distributing the project budget total by using the % Dist column, Ajera enters the hours by calculating the Contract amount divided by Billing Rate. You can change the hours, if needed.

Otherwise, enter the hours or units as follows:

  • For labor, enter or review the hours required to complete the selected phase or resource. If the resource has an employee or employee type assigned to it, the budgeted hours and dollars appear in Schedule Manager. You can use Schedule Manager to manage employee schedules by week as the project proceeds.
  • If budgeting or billing by unit price, enter or review the units required to complete the phase (such as the square feet).
  • For an expense resource, when you select a unit-based activity in the Type field, enter the units required to complete this expense activity.

Cost rate

unavailable in ajeraCore

Either enter the , or review or change the rate Ajera enters for you. If you entered hours or expenses, Ajera automatically enters this amount, which you can change.

Note: You cannot change the cost rate for labor resources unless your security settings has the View employee cost check box selected.

How Ajera calculates the rate:

If you entered hours in the Hours column, Ajera calculates the cost rate by using information in the following order:

  1. If you entered an employee as a resource, Ajera uses the employee's cost rate.
  2. If you entered an employee type, it enters the average cost rate for the employee type.
  3. If you entered neither, it enters the average cost rate from preferences.
  4. For an expense resource, Ajera enters the rate from the activity if it is a unit-based activity.


The for the budget item on this row.

Note: You cannot change the cost for labor resources unless your security settings has the View employee cost check box selected.

Billing rate

unavailable in ajeraCore

For billable billing types. Either enter the billing rate, or review or change the rate Ajera enters for you.

How Ajera calculates the rate:

If you entered hours in the Hours column, Ajera calculates the billing rate by using information in the following order:

  1. If you entered an employee as a resource, Ajera calculates the rate from the billing rate table. Otherwise, it uses the average rate from company preferences.
  2. If you entered an employee type, Ajera calculates the rate from the billing rate table if it is set up with employee types. Otherwise, it uses the average rate from the employee type setup or company preferences.
  3. If you entered neither, Ajera enters the average billing rate from company preferences.
  4. If you entered both an employee and an employee type, and the billing rate table is set up with rates for the employee or employee type, or labor markups, it enters that rate.
  5. For an expense resource, if you select an activity in the Type field, Ajera enters the rate from the activity. For unit-based activities, if you set up a rate exception by activity on the billing rate table, Ajera uses it to enter the rate instead of the rate from the activity setup.


Does not apply to Nonbillable, Marketing, or Overhead billing types

Either enter the contract amount, or review or change the amount that Ajera enters for you.

Ajera calculates the amount in one of these ways: Hours or units multiplied by the billing rate, or % Dist from the current row multiplied by the contract amount from the next level up.

Committed cost invoiced

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

If you have not yet selected the Project beginning balances complete check box on the Project tab of company preferences, enter the cost amount already invoiced from the vendor against this budget item.

If this column is not visible on the Manage tab, see Adding the Committed columns to the Manage tab.

Committed contract invoiced

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

If you have not yet selected the Project beginning balances complete check box on the Project tab of company preferences, enter the contract amount you have already invoiced to the client for this budget item.

If this column is not visible on the Manage tab, see Adding the Committed columns to the Manage tab.

% Complete

The or percent of work that is complete as of the % complete date

Ajera displays the most recent percent and date that were last entered. If you entered a percent or date in error, be sure to highlight the information and click the Delete button in both the % Complete and % Complete Date fields, click Save, and then enter the percent and date you want.

When you click the % icon, the % Summation Options window opens. Here you can choose to:

  • Sum phases
  • Sum phases & resources

% Complete date

The date when you report the percent of work that is complete

Ajera displays the most recent percent and date that were last entered. If you entered a percent or date in error, be sure to highlight the information and click the Delete button in both the % Complete and % Complete Date fields, click Save, and then enter the percent and date you want.

Est start date

The date when work is scheduled to begin

Est completion date

The date when work is scheduled to be complete

Start date

The actual date when work begins

Completion date

The actual date when work is complete

Final budget

unavailable in ajeraCore

Does not apply to the Project Templates window

Select this check box to indicate that the budget is final. When a budget is final, you can no longer change amounts in the budget (unless your project security settings are set to allow changes to the Manage tab); however, you can change schedule and resource assignments. If you locked any contract amounts, they remain locked and cannot be unlocked until you undo the finalizing of the budget.

You cannot undo the finalizing of a budget unless you have access to clear the Budget is final check box on the Project Info > Permissions subtab.


Any notes about the item