You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > reports > Producing reports

Producing reports

  1. From the > Reports menu, click the report you want to produce.

When you are working on a window, you can often print related reports directly from that window. Click Save, click (Reports), and make a selection.

The report appears in a View Layout. To see the report as it appears when printed, click (Print Layout).

  1. View the report as needed:

Using the toolbar and buttons:

To Do this

Navigate in, view, print, or export the report

Use the toolbar.

Change the type or amount of information

Select any available options at the top left of the window, or click (Customize) to select customized report options.

If you select any options at the top left of the window, click (Refresh) at the top right of the window to display the report again using the options you just selected.

Drilling down and sorting:

To Do this

See more detail

Depending on the drill-down information, drill down to detail in one of these ways:

  • Click a symbol. To close the drill-down detail, click the symbol.
  • Click blue text or numbers. To close the drill-down detail, click in the toolbar.

Sort by column

Click the symbol above the column you want to sort.

A symbol appears to indicate that the column is now sorted from first to last (either alphabetically or numerically depending on the contents of the column).

To sort from last to first, click the symbol. A symbol appears.

To return the report to the original sort order, click (Refresh) in the toolbar directly above the report.


The new sort order remains only until you close the report. For many reports, you can change the sort order so that it remains for future viewing by using (Customize) to select report options.



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