You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > inquiries > inquiry descriptions > In-house Expense Log inquiry

In-house Expense Log inquiry

Use this inquiry to see information for in-house expenses.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > In-house Expense Log.


Accounting staff

Inquiry conditions

The inquiry automatically contains a condition to show only data from active in-house expenses. You can always add, change, or delete conditions on an inquiry.

Standard columns


Links to this inquiry


Date range available



The status of the log: active or inactive




The name of the log


Log Date


The date of the log



Transaction - All

The total amount of expenses in the log




Notes about the log


Defined link

Transaction - Expense

Transaction - All

Links to expense and consultant transactions that are associated with an in-house expense log


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. These columns are available:


Links to this inquiry


Date range available

Expense Log Key


The database identifier of the expense log


Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company associated with the expense log


Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company associated with the expense log




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