You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > inquiries > inquiry descriptions > Employee Type inquiry

Employee Type inquiry

Use this inquiry to see general information, and payroll and billing information by employee type.

Tracking personnel benefits

One way you may want to use this inquiry is to track personnel benefits for employee types against payroll and project time.

Add these columns to the inquiry:

  • DPE % General
  • DPE % Project


To get an accurate picture of your employer-paid benefits, set up fringes.

After you process payroll, Ajera calculates amounts for the columns as follows:

Column Calculation

DPE % General

[(Employer Tax + Fringe Amount) / Gross Payroll] * 100 

DPE % Project

[(Employer Tax + Fringe Amount) / Direct Project Cost] * 100 

Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. These columns are available:

Employee Type Key




Billable Percent

Budget Cost Rate (unavailable in ajeraCore)

Budget Bill Rate (unavailable in ajeraCore)

DPE % General (date range available)

DPE % Project (date range available)


Hours Worked (date range available)                   

Cost Labor (date range available)

Cost Labor + Premium (date range available)                     

Cost Labor Burdened (date range available)

Cost Labor + Premium Burdened (date range available)            

Payroll Cost Labor (date range available)             

Payroll Cost Labor Burdened (date range available)

Premium Cost (date range available)    

Spent Labor (date range available)                    

Billed Hours (date range available)                   

Billed Labor (date range available)                                 

WIP Hours (date range available)                      

WIP Labor (date range available)  

Written off Hours (date range available)

Written off Labor (date range available)              

Resource Hours (unavailable in ajeraCore)

Resource Cost (unavailable in ajeraCore)

Resource Fee (unavailable in ajeraCore)

Scheduled Hours (unavailable in ajeraCore) (date range available)

Scheduled Dollars (unavailable in ajeraCore) (date range available)

Defined links

Link - Employee

Link - Resource (unavailable in ajeraCore)



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