Reporting options

Determining what you need

A good first step is to evaluate your current reporting needs, and then match up your needs with what is available in Ajera.

Here are some common situations that arise during this process:

  • You review the standard reporting in Ajera that is specifically designed for architectural and engineering firms. It is fine as is for your needs.
  • You don't see the exact same report you had in your previous software, but on further examination, you find that Ajera provides something as good or better.
  • You see a reporting solution in Ajera that is close to what you need, but it needs some modification to work at your firm.
  • You need a completely new custom report to accommodate your firm's exact needs.

In this unit of the course, you'll learn about the various reporting options available in Ajera.

What Ajera offers you

Ajera offers many options for you to obtain the information you need. There are three main types of reporting:

  • Reports
  • Financial Statement Designer
  • Inquiries

What to use when

Get started by obtaining a general understanding of which type of reporting is best for which need.

  Report Financial Statement Designer Inquiry

What is it best for?

Easily review standard information in a common format and organization. Produce financial reports.

Customize information that exists in standard reports.

Research or analyze information, perhaps for problem solving, that is not available in any reports.

Which financial reports are available?

Balance Sheet

Company Budget

Journal Entries


Profit and Loss Statement

Sales Tax Preparation

Trial Balance

Balance Sheet (template)

Company Budget (you can create it)

Key ratios (you can create it)

Profit and Loss Statement (template)

Statement of Cash Flow (template)



Options available through (Customize) on the report.

You can also import custom reports designed in Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2005.

Many options for determining content and organization Many options for determining content and organization

Where do you find it?

From the main menu, click > Reports.

Additional project reports are available through > Manage > Project Command Center.

From the main menu, click > Reports > Financial > Financial statements.

If your security settings allow it, you can also click > Reports > Manage Financial Statements > Designs.

From the main menu, click > Reports > Standard Inquiries.

Standard reporting or customization

Ajera contains a comprehensive set of standard reports designed to meet the needs of architectural and engineering firms. Many of these reports may be exactly what you need.

However, based on specific business needs, your firm may need something slightly different or very different from the standard reports. In these situations, Ajera offers the following:

  • The ability to import custom reports that you or a consultant create using Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2005
  • Inquiries
  • Financial statements that you create through the Financial Statement Designer

You will find that many standard reports are also available as standard inquiries. Many firms like to use inquiries when they want specific content that is not available in a standard report.