Managing vendor invoices and payments


When you receive invoices from your vendor, enter them into Ajera to reflect these costs in your financial reports and to bill your projects. You can choose to pay the invoices as you enter them or at a later date. In addition, Ajera automatically creates vendor invoices for expense reports, which you can pay as you would any other vendor invoice.

When you enter a vendor invoice, you can assign all or part of the cost on the invoice to a particular project, phase, and activity. Your company can then bill that cost to the client.

When you manage vendor payments, you can do the following:

  • Select invoices for payment.
  • Partially pay an invoice.
  • Put payment on hold.
  • Print checks.

You can pay invoices by:

  • Vendor
  • Invoice
  • Invoice distribution

After you print a check, it appears in > Manage > Bank Register. To void a check, use > Manage > Bank Register.


When you select to pay multiple invoices with one check, Ajera individually lists the first 14 invoices on the check stub and then summarizes any remaining invoices into one line item.

You can also pay a vendor invoice from the > Manage > Vendor Invoices menu, which is convenient when you want to quickly pay one invoice.

Follow a work plan

Vendor invoices

  1. Click > Manage > Vendor Invoices.
  2. Enter vendor invoices.
  3. If needed, create recurring vendor invoices in > Manage > Recurring Vendor Invoices. The invoices appear in > Manage > Vendor Invoices or > Manage > Vendor Payments.
  4. unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on - If your Ajera setup allows, you can better manage your consultant and expense commitments and prevent overpayment by specifying the commitment budget item being invoiced. For more information, see this topic in help ( > Help > Online Help): About consultant management.

If you use consultant management, you must enter open invoices that are dated before your beginning balance date in the Beginning Balances task.

Vendor payments

  1. Click > Manage > Vendor Payments.
  2. Select vendor invoices to pay.



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