

Security has a significant effect in Ajera.

You set up security to define the access you want to give certain employees to the various entry, edit, and reporting functions in Ajera. Ajera contains default security roles, such as Employee and Administrator. You can assign more than one role per person. When an employee has more than one role, the role with the greatest access takes precedence when the employee performs specific entry, edit, and reporting functions.

When you set up employees, you must assign at least one employee to the Administrator role, which gives full rights to the system. The Ajera Administrator has access to all options, tasks, reports, inquiries, and all employee user IDs and passwords.

Follow a work plan

  1. Get started without making any changes to Ajera's predefined roles.
  2. unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on - If you are processing payroll in-house, set up a role for employees allowed to process payroll ( > Setup > Company > Security).
  3. After you are comfortable using Ajera, review and change the roles, or add new ones to meet the access needs of your staff.

Setting up roles

Setting up security



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