You are here: Courses > Getting Started > Unit 3: Before your beginning balance date - Setup > Overview and in-house and outsourced payroll



When you set up your company preferences, you select to do one of the following:

  • unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on - Process payroll in-house using Ajera.
  • Use a payroll service (outsource payroll).
  • Not process payroll information.

If you select in-house payroll or payroll service, Ajera automatically sets up several predefined pay types (called pays).

If you select in-house payroll, Ajera also automatically sets up federal taxes. You must specify any local or special taxes, deductions, and fringe benefits (called fringes).

Pay types (pays)

The list of predefined pay types is the same whether you process payroll in-house or send it to a payroll service, but what you do with them is slightly different.

Taxes, deductions, and fringe benefits

When you process payroll in-house, Ajera also sets up these predefined payroll items: taxes, deductions, and fringe benefits (fringes).

The predefined payroll items are automatically linked to the appropriate account in the chart of accounts.

If you create your own chart of accounts or change the chart of accounts that Ajera created for you, be sure to verify that your payroll items are linking to the correct accounts.

In-house payroll

Follow a work plan for in-house payroll

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on


  1. Make a list of pay types you want to use in Ajera.
  2. Review Ajera’s predefined pay types, assign financial accounts to them, and change them, as needed.
  3. Set up any additional pay types that you need, including pays you want to use to accrue hours ( > Setup > Company > Payroll Setup > Pays).
  4. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Payroll Pays.


  1. Make a list of local or special taxes you want to use to process your payroll.
  2. Review Ajera’s federal taxes and change the descriptions and associated financial accounts, as needed.
  3. Set up any state, local, special, or other taxes that you need ( > Setup > Company > Payroll Setup > Taxes).
  4. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Taxes.


  1. Make a list of the types of deductions you use to process your payroll.
  2. Review Ajera’s predefined deductions and change them, as needed.
  3. Set up any additional deductions that you need ( > Setup > Company > Payroll Setup > Deductions).
  4. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Deductions.


  1. Make a list of the types of fringe benefits you use to process your payroll.
  2. Review Ajera’s predefined fringes and change them, as needed.
  3. Set up any additional fringes that you need ( > Setup > Company > Payroll Setup > Fringes).
  4. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Fringes.

Payroll service (outsourced)

Follow a work plan for outsourced payroll

  1. Make a list of pay types you want to use to process your payroll. Include the ID that your payroll service uses for each pay.
  2. Review Ajera’s predefined pay types and change them, as needed.
  3. Set up any additional pays needed to process payroll ( > Setup > Company > Payroll Setup > Pays).
  4. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Payroll Pays.



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