Overhead groups


You use overhead groups to set up specific overhead project, phase, activity, or account information so it defaults onto employee timesheets, simplifying timesheet entry.

In addition, if you want to track indirect time on employee utilization time reports, you must use overhead groups.

You can set up multiple overhead groups. For example, if you are using departments, you may want an overhead group for each department so you can use different expense accounts.

Overhead group items

When you set up an overhead group, you create overhead group items. These items appear in the Overhead area of an employee's timesheet. When you create an overhead group item, you link a pay to it. The pay determines the way Ajera reports the time on an employee's paycheck stub (or, if using a payroll service, in the payroll file). You choose which items appear on an employee's timesheet by assigning the employee to an overhead group.

Follow a work plan

  1. Make a list of overhead items you want to appear on timesheets. Include the overhead project, phase, and activity if you want to use an overhead project to track indirect cost and to report employee utilization.
  2. Review Ajera’s predefined overhead groups and change them, as needed.
  3. Set up any additional overhead groups that you need ( > Setup > General > Overhead Groups).
  4. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Overhead Group.




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