

When you set up clients, you make all the related information available whenever you need to reference it or use it. This includes client names, addresses, contact and phone information, and client types.

You can use client types to group similar clients together for reporting. They can also help you find client information more easily for marketing purposes.

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Set up client types

  1. Make a list of your client types and descriptions.
  2. Review Ajera’s predefined client types and change them, as needed.
  3. Enter any additional client types needed by your firm ( > Setup > General > Client Types).
  4. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Client Type.

Set up clients

  1. Make a list of your clients, and include general information (such as address, phone number, email address, and contacts), client types, and any notes about the clients.
  2. Set up your clients, selecting a client type for each client ( > Setup > Clients).
  3. Verify your information by clicking (Reports) and selecting Client List.



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