Confirming your beginning balance date


Discuss with your Axium consultant whether your beginning balance date is acceptable or whether you should change it.

Follow a work plan

To determine whether your beginning balance date is acceptable:

  1. Verify that you have entered all your static information.
  2. Verify that you have entered your payroll and billing-related beginning balances, at least.
  3. Verify that you can perform these tasks comfortably:
  • Enter time.
  • Enter expenses.
  • Manage vendor invoices and payments.
  • Manage in-house expenses.
  • Manage client receipts and related items.
  • Manage client invoices.
  • Manage the bank register.
  • Run payroll.
  • Reconcile month-end.
  1. Verify that your reports produce the information you want.
  2. Verify that Ajera is customized correctly for your firm.
  3. Verify that you know how to use Inquiry, Financial Statement Designer, and other reporting tools.
  4. Verify that you know how to use project templates.

If you need additional training in any of these items, you may want to change your beginning balance date to a later date.



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