Client Invoice window

Main window

Labor tab

Expense & Consultant tab

Fixed Fee tab

Percent Complete tab

Unit Price tab

Percent of Construction Cost tab

Invoice Adjustments tab

Text & Amounts tab

Attachments tab

Notes tab

Main window




This button opens different windows depending on the billing type of the phase.

For phases, it opens the Worksheet Time and Expense Entries window, which by default displays the transaction detail for billable work-in-progress (WIP). You can view deferred, held, nonbillable, or written-off entries by clicking (Change View).

Note: You can also view the transaction detail by right-clicking a fee-based phase with billable WIP and clicking Entries.

For time and expense phases, this button opens the Noninvoiced Time and Expense Entries window, which by default displays held and deferred entries. You can view nonbillable and written-off entries by clicking the Change View button.





Cutoff date

All transactions later than the cutoff date are given a status of Defer and automatically included on the next invoice if within the new cutoff date. Any Defer transactions earlier than the new cutoff date are changed to billable and attached to the invoice.

Invoice date

The date of the invoice. You cannot change it if the status is Final or Write-off.

Invoice number

The invoice number. You cannot change it if the status is Final or Write-off.

Prepayments available

View only - The prepayments available for the invoice group

Invoice amount

The total amount of the invoice

Labor tab





Transaction date. If you change it to be later than the invoice cutoff date, Ajera removes the transaction from the invoice and assigns it a status of Defer.


The phase of the project associated with the transaction


The activity of the transaction


View only - Employee who worked the time entered


The hours for the transaction that are billed. If you change it, the change does not affect the hours worked.

Billing rate

The rate at which hours are billed. If you change a rate based on markups, it becomes a flat rate.

Billing amount

The amount billed on the invoice for the transaction. If you change an amount based on markups, it becomes a flat rate. See Changing the billed amount when printing markups as part of totals.

Optional columns:


The project associated with the invoice

Can bill

View only - If a check mark appears in this column, you can print this client invoice as Final and bill the client. If this column is not visible, click (Customize) and select the Can final bill check box.

If your billing rate tables are based on effective cost, you can invoice salaried time only after running payroll because this is when Ajera calculates the effective cost rates.

Employee type

The employee type used for billing

Hours worked

The hours for the transaction that were worked

Hours type

View only - Indicates if hours worked were regular or premium time, such as overtime

Cost rate

View only - The

Cost amount

View only - The

Markup rate 1,2,3,4,5

View only - The rates

Write-off date

The date a transaction is written off

Sale tax amount

The amount of sales tax


Any notes for the transaction

Expense & Consultant tab





View only - The transaction date


The phase of the project associated with the transaction


The activity for the transaction


View only - The vendor associated with the transaction


The units billed on the invoice

Billing rate

The rate at which unit are billed. If you change a rate based on markups, it becomes a flat rate.

Billing amount

The amount billed on this invoice for this transaction. If you change an amount based on markups, it becomes a flat rate. See Changing the billed amount when printing markups as part of totals.

Optional columns:

Activity type

View only - The activity of the transaction


The project of the transaction

Cost units

The cost of the units. If you change the cost units, Ajera updates the billed units.

Unit description

View only - A description of the units

Cost rate

View only - The

Cost amount

View only - The

Markup rate 1,2,3

View only - The rates

Write-off date

View only - The date a transaction was written off

Sales tax amount

The amount of sales tax on the transaction


Any notes for the transaction

Fixed Fee tab




View only - The phase of the project associated with the transaction

Contract amount

View only - The contract amount for the transaction

Billing amount

The amount billed on the invoice for the transaction

Optional columns:

Activity type

View only - The activity of the transaction

Prior billed amount

View only - The previously billed total for the phase and activity

Total billed amount

The billing amount plus the prior billed amount

Sales tax amount

The amount of sales tax on the transaction

Contract remaining amount

The amount of the contract available to bill

Billable WIP

The amount of billable work-in-progress associated with the invoice. Any WIP with a status of Hold or Defer is not included.


Any notes for the transaction

Percent Complete tab




View only - The phase of the project associated with the transaction

Contract amount

View only - The contract amount for this transaction

Percent to bill

The percent of the contract amount billed on this invoice for the transaction

Billing amount

The amount billed on the invoice for the transaction

Optional columns:

Activity type

View only - The activity of the transaction

Prior percent billed

View only - The percent of the contract amount that has already been billed

Prior billed amount

View only - The previously billed total for the phase and activity

Total percent billed

The percent of the contract amount that has been billed for this phase and activity

Total billed amount

The billing amount plus the prior billed amount

Sales tax amount

The amount of sales tax on the transaction

Contract remaining amount

The amount of the contract available to bill

Billable WIP

The amount of billable work-in-progress associated with the invoice. Any WIP with a status of Hold or Defer is not included.


Any notes for the transaction

Unit Price tab




View only - The phase of the project

Contract units

View only - The number of units for the transaction

Unit rate

View only - The rate at which units are billed

Contract amount

View only - The contract amount for the transaction

Billing units

The number of units billed on the invoice for the transaction

Billing amount

The amount billed on the invoice for the transaction

Optional columns:

Activity type

View only - The activity for the transaction

Unit description

View only - A description of the units

Prior billed units

View only - The number of units already billed for the phase and activity

Prior billed amount

View only - The previously billed total for the phase and activity

Total billed units

The billing units plus the prior billed units

Total billed amount

The billing amount plus the prior billed amount

Sales tax amount

The sales tax on the transaction

Units remaining

The number of units available to bill

Contract remaining amount

The amount of the contract available to bill

Billable WIP

The amount of billable work-in-progress associated with the invoice. Any WIP with a status of Hold or Defer is not included.


Any notes for the transaction

Percent of Construction Cost tab




View only - The phase of the project

Contract amount

Viewonly - The contract amount for the transaction

Percent to bill

The percent of the contract amount billed for the transaction

Billing amount

The amount billed on the invoice for the transaction

Optional columns:

Activity type

View only - The activity type for the transaction

Prior percent billed

View only - The percent of the contract amount that has already been billed

Prior billed amount

View only - The previously billed total for the phase and activity

Total percent billed

The percent of the contract amount for this phase and activity that has already been billed

Total billed amount

The billing amount plus the prior billed amount

Sales tax amount

The sales tax on the transaction

Contract remaining amount

The amount of the contract available to bill

Billable WIP

The amount of billable work-in-progress associated with the invoice. Any WIP with a status of Hold or Defer is not included.


Any notes for the transaction

Invoice Adjustments tab




The name of the adjustment. It cannot be changed.

Activity type

The activity type of the adjustment. It cannot be changed.

Adjustment amount

If you entered an amount, the field contains the amount of the adjustment you entered.

If you entered a percent, Ajera calculates it and enters the amount for you. If you then change the amount, Ajera displays a message to let you know that it can no longer automatically calculate the amount as the billed amount changes for the project. Ajera displays (m) in the heading of the Adjustment Amount column to indicate that you must now manually change the amounts for all percent-based adjustments listed on this tab.

Optional columns:

Adjustment type

View only - Indicates if the adjustment is a flat amount or based on a percent

Contract amount

View only - The contract amount of the adjustment

Prior billed amount


View only - The previously billed total for the phase and activity

Total billed amount


The billing amount plus the prior billed amount

Sales tax amount

The sales tax on the adjustment

Contract remaining amount


View only - The amount of the contract available to bill



The text in this field prints on the invoice as a description for adjustments.

If this field is empty for all the adjustments, Ajera prints Invoice adjustment on the invoice. Otherwise, it prints the text you enter in this field for each adjustment.

Text & Amounts tab



Invoice text:


Enter text that you want to print on the invoice below the client mailing address.

If you entered header text in the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab > Invoice Header Text field, that text appears in this field and prints on client invoices for all projects, unless you change it here for this invoice. (If you use multi-company, the header text is on the Billing/Payroll tab of the > Setup > Company > Companies window.)

If you entered header text in the > Manage > Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Invoice subtab > Header Text field, that text appears in this field and prints on all client invoices for the project, unless you change it here for this invoice.

You can reenter header text from the Project window by right-clicking and selecting Refresh header text.

Either type the text or click . If you do not want the text to wrap to the second line on the invoice, press the Enter key where you want the first line to end.

  • If the header text is longer than two full lines on the invoice, the fold line on the invoice becomes misaligned with the address window on the envelope.
  • Header text prints on invoices only if the Print project text check box is selected on the Invoice Format window.


Enter text that prints on only the last page of the invoice. You may choose to use it to print a holiday greeting or contract information. There is no length limit.

If you entered footer text in the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab > Invoice Footer Text field, that text appears in this field and prints on client invoices for all projects, unless you change it here for this invoice. (If you use multi-company, the footer text is on the Billing/Payroll tab of the > Setup > Company > Companies window.)

If you entered footer text in the > Manage > Project Command Center > Project Info tab > Invoice subtab > Footer Text field, that text appears in this field and prints on all client invoices for the project, unless you change it here for this invoice.

You can reenter footer text from the Project window by right-clicking and selecting Refresh footer text.

Invoice amounts:


Enter the prepayment amount you want to apply to the invoice.

The prepayment amount available appears in the Prepayments Available field in the main window of the client invoice. You cannot apply more than the available amount.

  • If you use multi-company, you can apply only project prepayments. Go to > Manage > Client Receipts > Existing tab to change any client prepayments to project prepayments.
  • If you do not use multi-company, you can apply both project and client prepayments.

Adjustment amount

Any change you want to make to the final amount on the invoice, such as a discount. Type a minus sign (-) to indicate a negative adjustment.

Adjustment description

A description for the adjustment

Sales tax

The amount of sales tax on the invoice

Attachments tab




The category of the attachment

An attachment category is a group of files with similar characteristics (for example, RFPs). You can set up categories if your security settings give you access to them.


The name of the attachment


The date and time when the attachment was made

Notes tab

This tab contains any notes about the client invoice.