You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > payroll > in-house payroll > Changing withholding for local taxes when processing for multiple states

Changing withholding for local taxes when processing for multiple states

Follow these instructions to change withholding for local taxes only if you turned on withholding for multiple states (you selected the > Setup > Company > Preferences > Payroll tab > Allow state taxes from multiple states on one paycheck check box). Otherwise, see Withholding for local taxes.

Make changes, as needed:

Change the local tax

Change the employee withholding for a local tax

Change the local tax associated with a project or phase

To change the local tax

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Payroll Setup > Taxes.
  2. Taxes appear on paycheck stubs in the order listed in this window. To change the order, click the tax and click  or . To return to the original order, click (Refresh).
  1. Click the tax you want to change, and click Edit.
  2. If you no longer want to use the tax, change the status to Inactive.
  3. Change the following information, as needed:




The name of the tax - This is the name that appears on lists in Ajera and on paycheck stubs and reports.

Employer tax

If cleared, tax is withheld from the employee.


You must select the Local option for a local tax.


The state where the tax applies

Tax ID

Your account number with this tax entity

Liability account

The liability account to use for this tax

Expense account

If you selected the Employer tax check box, select the expense account to use for this tax.

W-2 form boxes 10-20

To report the amounts for this tax in boxes 10 through 20 on Form W-2, select the box on Form W-2 where you want to report the tax.

Otherwise, leave the Not Reported option selected.

For box 14, 18, or 19, you must identify the tax by printing a description for it in the box. You enter this description in Ajera in the W-2 box description field.

For more information, see About Form W-2.

W-2 box description

If you selected to report this tax in Box 14, 18, or 19, you identify it by printing a description for it in the box. Type the description you want to print, entering up to five characters.

Workers comp code

This field only applies to taxes with a type of Workers Compensation.

Calculation method

Select the calculation method for the tax.

Select the Percent of Taxable calculation method if the tax is based on a percent of the taxable amount or if the tax is applied based on the location where the work is performed.

Taxable type

If you selected the Percent of Taxable calculation method, select one of the following options to determine the percent of taxable on which to base the local tax withholding.


Select this option to base the tax on the taxable wages less exempt pays and deductions.


Select this option to base the tax on the federal withholding taxable amount.

Social Security

Select this option to base the tax on the Social Security taxable amount.


Select this option to base the tax on the state withholding taxable amount for the state where the local tax applies.


Select this option if you are setting up a tax that is based on where the work is performed. Whenever an employee enters time to a project or phase where the tax applies, Ajera withholds for this tax. Ajera bases the tax on the state withholding taxable amount.


Wage limit

If applicable, depending on the calculation method you selected, type the amount or percent that you want to use. Enter a percent as a whole number; for example, enter 2% as 2.00 and not .02.

If applicable, type the maximum amount of income that is subject to this tax. For example, SDI, FICA, and FUTA taxes are subject to a limit.


When you change a rate or wage limit, Ajera uses the new rate and limit, and it removes any rate or wage limit you set up for a specific employee in > Setup > Employees > Payroll Taxes tab > Additional Taxes table.

Effective date


Wage limit

Use these fields if you want a rate or wage limit for the tax to become effective some time in the future.

For example, you want to get started on your January payroll, but you have not yet processed your last December payroll. You enter an effective date of January 1 and the new rate and wage limit. Ajera then uses the current rate and wage limit for your December payroll, and the new rate and wage limit for your January payroll.


When you enter an effective rate or wage limit for a new effective date, Ajera uses the new rate and limit, and it removes any rate or wage limit you set up for a specific employee in > Setup > Employees > Payroll Taxes tab > Additional Taxes table.


Enter any notes.

  1. Click Save.

To change employee withholding for a local tax

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Employees.
  2. Click the employee you want to change, and click Edit.
  3. Click the Payroll Taxes tab.
  4. In the Additional Taxes table:

To delete the tax for employee, click the tax and click Delete.

To change the withholding for the tax, change these fields, as needed:




The tax to withhold


To override the calculation method of this tax (as set up in > Setup > Company > Payroll > Taxes) for this employee only, select a different calculation method.


To override the amount of this tax (as set up in > Setup > Company > Payroll > Taxes) for this employee only, enter it here.

On demand

If you do not want this additional tax automatically included for every paycheck, select this check box.

When running payroll, you can choose to include all on-demand taxes for all employees.


Select this check box to also automatically deduct this tax from a supplemental pay check, such as a bonus.

If you want to deduct this tax only on supplemental paychecks, you must also select the On Demand check box.


Enter the limit that can be withheld for this tax.

You can only enter a limit if one was not entered in the setup of the tax ( > Setup > Company > Payroll Setup > Taxes).

Limit period

Note that the limit you entered is always per year.


Enter any notes.

  1. Click Save.

Change the local tax associated with a project or phase

Whenever an employee enters time to a project or phase, Ajera withholds for this tax.

  1. Ensure that you selected Location-based in the Taxable Type field (as described in Step 1 of these instructions).
  2. From the > Manage menu, click Project Command Center.
  3. For each project, select the project from the project list.

On the Project Info tab > General subtab, complete the fields in the Payroll Taxes area, as follows.


Do this


This field applies to state withholding. You do not need to change it for the local tax.

Local tax

Select the tax you want to apply to this location.

A tax is available only if you set it up as location-based ( > Setup > Company > Payroll Setup > Taxes >Type field with the Local option selected > Calculation Method field with the Percent of Taxable option selected, and the Taxable Type field with Location Based selected).  

  1. For each phase of the project, Ajera automatically enters the same information you entered for the project. However, if the location of a phase is different from the project, click the phase in the project tree, and complete the Local Tax field for the phase.
  2. Click Save.



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