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Changing the Profit and Loss Statement (account groups) template design

The Profit and Loss Statement - Account Groups template creates a profit and loss statement based on the default account groups in Ajera.

If you have already customized the account groups list for your firm, you will need to change the template design to fit your firm's needs.

To do this:

Step 1: Verify the rows

Each account group you have set up to print on your current profit and loss statement will need to appear in the statement design in the Financial Statement Designer.

  1. From the > Reports menu, click Manage Financial Statements > Designs. A blank worksheet appears.
  2. Click Open , and double-click Template - Profit and Loss Statement - Account groups. The Profit and Loss Statement - Account Groups template design appears.
  • The design contains the following sections: Income, Costs, and Expenses.
  • The Amounts row in each section is based on an account group.
  1. In the template design, start with the first Amounts row in the design. Verify that each Amounts row is correct:
  1. Click the Amounts row in the worksheet. The account group for that row is highlighted in the properties area, below the worksheet.
  2. If this account group does not exist or is incorrect, click in the Account Group list and select the correct account group. (For more information, see Setting up Amounts rows.)
  1. To delete an Amounts row, right-click the row and click Delete.
  2. To add an Amounts row:
  1. Right-click the totals row and click Insert. A blank row appears above the current row.
  2. Click the blank row, and click the Amounts button.
  3. Click the Account Groups button.
  4. Click in the Account Group list and select the correct account group.
  5. Click the Summarized button.
  6. Based on the account group, select or clear the Reverse sign check box.

For example, this check box is cleared for the account groups in the Costs and Expenses sections in the design, and selected for the account groups in the Income section.

  1. If you have accounts without account groups, you will need to set up new Amounts rows for these accounts so that they appear on the statement. You can set up an Amounts row by account range, ID range, or account type. (For more information, see Setting up Amounts rows.)
  2. Click the totals rows and verify that the formula in each cell is correct. If a formula is incorrect, double-click the cell and change the formula. (For more information, see Setting up totals and Entering formulas in the worksheet.)

Step 2: Verify the columns

Each column you have set up to print on your current profit and loss statement will need to appear in the statement design.

The design contains the following defined columns: This Month, Last Year, Variance (between months), Year to Date, Last Year, Variance (between years).

  1. In the Column Setup row, verify that the defined columns match the columns in your current profit and loss statement.

If a column is not the same, do one of the following:

  • For a column defined by a property, click the cell, click a Content List button, and double-click the correct option in the properties area. (For more information, see Setting up columns.)
  • For a column defined by a formula, double-click the cell and change the formula. (For more information, see Entering formulas in the worksheet.)
  1. To delete a column, do one of the following:
  • Right-click the column letter at the top of the worksheet and click Delete.
  • Right-click a defined cell in the Column Setup row and click Clear Contents.
  1. To add a column:
  • If needed, right-click a column letter at the top of the worksheet and click Insert.
  • Click a blank cell in the Column Setup row, and select the correct option in the properties area or enter a formula.



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