Changing a final client invoice

You can change a client invoice even after printing it as Final.

To do this, you must first change the status of the invoice to Draft or Reissue before you can change the invoice and reprint it as Final. The number of general ledger entries nearly doubles, as Ajera makes entries when you undo the billing and when you redo it.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the project for the invoice has a status of Active or Work Hold.

To change a final client invoice

  1. Open the client invoice you want to change.
  2. Change the invoice status as follows:

Do this

If you want to

Reissue the invoice

Make an adjustment to specific entries on the invoice and produce another Final invoice. This process keeps the work-in-progress (WIP) on this invoice.

Change the invoice status to Draft

Include some additional work-in-progress (WIP) entries on the invoice and rebill it. This process merges the WIP with the existing draft invoice.

  1. When you change a status of an invoice from Final to Draft or Reissue:
  • Ensure that you do the same for any other final invoices for the project that were created after the invoice. In this way, your changes are carried forward to subsequent invoices.
  • Ajera unapplies any client receipts that were applied in the invoice. If you are using multi-company, Ajera associates the unapplied prepayments with the projects they were applied to. If you are not using multi-company, Ajera associates them with the clients.
  1. Review the transactions in the client invoice:
  • To view billable detail for phases, right-click a phase with billable work-in-progress (WIP) entries and click Entries.
  • To view billable detail for time and expense phases, view the detail directly in the table of the invoice.
  • To view nonbillable, written-off, deferred, or held transactions - which are not attached to the invoice - open the current draft invoice for the project, click the Entries button, and click the Change View button.
  1. Make changes, as needed.

To reprint a final client invoice

  1. Print the invoice as Final.


unavailable in ajeraCore - If you are using billing review stages, the billing review stage automatically updates to Final after the invoice is printed.

  1. Click Close.