Changing an activity

To change an activity

  1. From the > Setup menu, click General > Activities.
  2. View activities in the list window differently, if needed.
  1. Click the activity you want to change, and click Edit.
  2. On the General tab, change information as needed.
  • You can only change the nonbillable utilization type if you chose an activity type of labor.
  • When the Unit based check box is selected, the cost or billing of this activity is based on a unit rate. You can then change the unit description, unit cost rate, or unit billing rate. You can also later change the unit billing rate for a project by entering a different billing rate for this activity on the applicable rate table. You can also change the rate on the client invoice.
Field Description


The name of the activity.

Activity type

The applicable category for the activity: Labor, Expense, or Consultant

Note: After you use an activity, you can no longer change the activity type.

Non-billable utilization type

For an activity type of Labor only. This field contains the .

When an employee enters time for a labor activity to a billable project or phase, Ajera reports it as Billable on the Employee Utilization report.

When an employee enters time for a labor activity to a nonbillable project or phase, use this field to select the way you want to report that time on the Employee Utilization report. If you do not make a selection, hours entered to nonbillable phases for this activity do not appear in the utilization columns on the Employee Utilization report but are reflected in the report totals.

Apply sales tax

Select the check box to apply sales tax to billing amounts for the activity.

Note: The Apply Sales Tax option must be selected in > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab, and sales tax must be set up for the project or phase associated with the activity. Ajera applies sales tax to any labor or expense activities for which you select this option.

Allow entry on expense reports

When the activity type is Expense, select this check box if you want employees to be able to enter expenses for this activity on expense reports.

Allow entry on purchase orders

Not available in ajeraCore or ajeraCore + add-ons

When the activity type is Expense or Consultant, select this check box if you want employees to be able to enter purchase orders for this activity.

  1. To base the cost or billing of this activity on a unit rate, select the Unit based check box and complete the following fields.
Field Description

Unit description

The description for the units - It appears on reports and invoices.

Enter the unit description in singular form. For example, mile or copy. On reports and invoices, Ajera automatically capitalizes the first letter of the first word and makes the last word plural. It does not change the case elsewhere. For example, if you enter ongoing CAD service, it appears as Ongoing CAD services.

Unit cost rate

The unit cost rate that you want to appear when using the activity

Unit billing rate

The unit billing rate that you want to appear when using this activity. To later change this rate for a project, you can enter a different billing rate on the applicable rate table or on the client invoice.

  1. On the Cost/Expense Accounts tab, change information as needed.

The fields on the Cost/Expense Accounts tab are only available for nonlabor activities. Labor costs are distributed to your expense accounts based on your company preferences as defined during your initial setup of Ajera.

Field Description


The account you want to use when entering this activity to a billable project or phase


The account you want to use when entering this activity to a project or phase with a billing type of Nonbillable


The account you want to use when entering this activity to a project or phase with a billing type of Marketing

Overhead expense

The account you want to use when entering this activity to a project or phase with a billing type of Overhead

In-house credit: account

When you enter in-house expenses to move cost from general expenses to direct cost, you can specify the general account you want to credit.

Select the expense account you want to use for the credit entry when the amount associated with this activity is moved from an overhead expense to a project cost.


If you do not want Ajera to create financial accounting entries when entering in-house expenses, leave this field blank. For example, you may want to enter some expenses to bill a client, but you do not want to redistribute cost for financial reporting.

In-house credit: department

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Only applies if you are using departments - This field contains the department you want to use for the credit entry when the amount associated with this activity is moved from an overhead expense to a project cost.


Ajera automatically enters the first department listed on the Department List window ( > Setup > Company > Financials > Departments). Change it, as needed.

  1. Click the Attachments tab, and change the attachment information, as needed.

  2. Click the Notes tab to change notes about the activity.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Close.