You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > clients > Changing a client

Changing a client

To change a client

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Clients.
  2. View clients in the list window differently, if needed.
  1. Click the client you want to change, and click Edit.
  2. In the name field, change the client name, if needed.
  3. Change the client type, if needed.
  4. In the Date Established field, change the date you started doing business with the client, if needed.
  5. Multi-company only. To link this client to a specific company in your organization, select the company. Ajera automatically selects the company in tasks involving the client to save you time. Otherwise, leave the Company field blank.
  6. If you selected to automatically number your invoices by client ( > Setup > Company > Preferences > Billing tab), the Last Invoice Number field appears.

If needed, change the number you want to use as the starting point for numbering invoices. For example, enter 999 to start printing invoices with a number of 1000. If blank, the first invoice has a number of 1. 

Note: If you enter characters in your invoice number, Ajera increments only the numbers following the last character. When it reaches a limit, it resets the numbers to zero. For example, 2004-00 is incremented up to 2004-99, and then restarted at 2004-00. If you expect to need more than 99 invoices, you would increase the number of digits in last section of the number.
  1. Leave the Send statement check box selected if you want to automatically include this client when printing statements. Otherwise, clear it.
  2. If you set up finance charges ( > Setup >Company > Preferences > Billing tab), the Create finance charges check box appears.

If you do not want to create finance changes on any of this client's outstanding balances, clear this check box. Otherwise, you are able to create finance charges for this client in Manage > Finance Charges.

  1. If you selected the Create finance charges check box, enter the percentage rate you want to charge this client if different from the general rate you set up on the > Setup >Company > Preferences > Billing tab.
  2. The Prepayment Beginning Balance field appears until you finish working with your beginning balances. Enter or change the amount of prepayments for this client, as needed.

Multi-company only. You can enter a prepayment in this field. Before you can apply the prepayment, you must first associate it with a project. To do this, see Associate a prepayment with a project in Entering beginning balance for client prepayments.

  1. As needed, enter an Account ID associated with this client.
  2. As needed, change the phone numbers and fax number for the contact. To the right of each number is the description for it, which you can also change.
  3. As needed, change the email and website address for the client.
  4. Click the Address tab to change address information for the client. To enter a mailing address that is different from the address you just entered, clear the Same as address check box. Type the mailing address.
  1. Click the Contacts tab. Change or enter up to twenty contacts for this client. In the Notes field to the right of each contact name, enter or change the description or any notes about the contact. See Setting up contacts to add a new contact.
  1. Click the Attachments tab, and change the attachment information, as needed.

  2. Click the Notes tab to enter or change any notes about the client.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Close.



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