You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > Financial Statement Designer > designs > Adding your logo to a financial statement design

Adding your logo to a financial statement design

Follow these instructions as part of designing a financial statement.

You can insert your company logo into any undefined cell in the Financial Statement Designer if the logo is included in your company preferences.

  • When you insert your logo into a financial statement design, you may need to resize the cell or merge cells so that the logo is completely visible. You cannot resize the logo.
  • The logo is embedded into the design; it is not actively linked to your Ajera database. You may need to delete and add the logo property back to the design if either of the following occurs:
  • You update your company logo in > Setup > Company > Preferences.
  • You import a design from another database and would like your company logo in the design.

To add your logo to a financial statement design

  1. Click an undefined cell in the worksheet. The Company button and options appear.
  2. Scroll through the options and double-click Company Logo. Your company logo appears in the selected cell.
  3. Drag the borders of the cell to resize, as needed.
  4. Click Save.



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