About client invoice adjustments

An invoice adjustment is a charge or deduction that modifies the total client invoice amount. Adjustments appear as a separate line on the invoice. Examples of typical adjustments are administrative fees or discounts.

You can set up an invoice adjustment to be:

  • A percentage of the billed amount for an activity type, or a flat fee
  • One time only on the current draft invoice, or on the draft invoice and all future invoices
  • Identified as Labor, Expense, or Consultant
  • Associated with a general ledger account, where Ajera makes accounting entries for the adjustment

Where to add an adjustment

You can add an adjustment to an invoice in the following ways:

  • When working with client invoices ( > Manage > Client Invoices)
  • When working with the project ( > Manage > Project Command Center)

How Ajera calculates the adjustment

You can instruct Ajera to add the invoice adjustment as:

  • A fixed amount, which appears on the current draft invoice. If you add it in > Manage > Project Command Center, it recurs on future draft invoices until you close it. If you add it in Manage > Client Invoices, it appears only on the current draft invoice.
  • A percentage of the billed amount (for an activity type), which appears on the draft invoice and recurs on future draft invoices. You can also enter a maximum amount for the adjustment if you add it in > Manage > Project Command Center.

When you enter an invoice adjustment, you identify it as one of the following activity types:

  • Labor
  • Expense
  • Consultant

Where the adjustment appears in Ajera

Either way you add the adjustment, Ajera displays it as:

  • A phase in the Project Command Center ( > Manage > Project Command Center). Although the adjustment appears as a phase, it is a special type of phase. It contains only the information needed for an adjustment. After you create it, you cannot change it to a typical production phase.
  • A row on the invoice in > Manage > Client Invoices

Where the adjustment appears on the invoice

Either way you enter the adjustment, it appears on the invoice in these areas:

  • Invoice Summary section
  • Invoice Total section at the end of the invoice